To Those Who Wield
CN Winters and Susan Carr
Buffy fanfiction, Willow fanfiction, Buffy slash
fanfiction, Willow Tara fanfiction
Joss owns ‘em. I’m just borrowing ‘em.
NC-17 for grown up stuff like sex, language and
Will and Tara; Vamp Will and Vamp Tara
CN Winters (cnwinters71@yahoo.com) or Susan Carr
Takes place during season six after Tara and Willow’s
break up and Willow’s recovery. We took the liberty of
letting Vamp Willow live when she returned to her world
just because we can. Anyway, seems Vamp Willow has
returned to ‘Buffy’s Sunnydale’ again, this time
with her new lover, Tara Maclay, to wreck a little
thanks: To Chris Cook for the ultra-cool banner

Part 9
Authors note: Be
warned. Major characters deaths ahead.
Tara savagely bit into
the throat of the young boy in her arms. She drank
deeply, continuing even after his struggles ceased and
he lost consciousness. Finally, when she could not pull
another drop from his still veins, she dropped his
lifeless corpse and wiped her lips.
Tara ignored the
frightened humans huddled inside the cage as she made
her tired way back up the stairs and into the living
room. The space looked like it had been through a
hurricane. Tapestries hung in tatters, paintings dangled
askew on the walls, and debris from broken furniture was
strewn the floor. The wall over the fireplace was
blackened with soot and the rug that had rested in front
of it was reduced to a pile of ash.
Hurricane Willow,
Tara thought to herself with a weary chuckle. Her sire
was sprawled over the remains of the couch, her head
thrown back against the cushions and her eyes closed,
but Tara knew Willow was not asleep. For over two days
they had been learning spells and casting spells. Tara
was amazed at the depths of Willow’s power. It seemed
almost a limitless source, but the redheaded vampire was
nearly prostrate with exhaustion after pushing herself
ceaselessly. However, she had managed to master nearly
every spell she had attempted.
Tara was also amazed
at her own increased abilities – it was as if the loss
of her soul had freed her from any moralistic
restrictions her mother’s teaching had placed on her
and now her power was free to express itself. And
express itself it did, in the most delicious of ways.
Sunnydale’s population was at least a dozen citizens
less this evening since Willow kept sending her minions
out for more subjects to "experiment" on. Tara
was more than happy to let Willow play, and each time
Willow scored another success, Tara’s admiration –
and pride – increased.
"Hey," she
said softly, sitting down next to Willow on the couch.
The redhead immediately wrapped an arm around her and
Tara snuggled comfortably against Willow.
Willow hummed.
"Ready for
Willow sighed,
"Got company coming, Kitten." Willow looked
around the battered room. "Have to get this placed
cleaned up. Can’t have our guests arrive with it
looking like this."
Tara chuckled.
"Think we have time to paint? It’s gonna take
several coats just to cover up the fireplace."
Willow squinted at the
wall of soot. "I should make you do it,
"Me!" Tara
protested, but a chuckle escaped her. "That was
your doing, Willow. You’re the one who couldn’t
control the tinkerbell spell." Tara laughed again
at Willow’s nickname for the astral projection spell.
"That’s a
stupid spell, Tara!" Willow said.
"It’s not
stupid, Willow," she laughed. "You’re just
having trouble mastering it."
Willow hissed. "Look at the fireplace, Tara! It’s
Tara glanced to the
side and smiled as she remembered Willow trying to
astral project and creating a fireball instead. In
desperation, Willow had sent the ball into the fireplace
where it exploded, filling the room with heat and smoke.
Poor Miss Kitty, who’d been sleeping on the mantle,
had gone screeching into the bedroom and hadn’t made
an appearance since. "Nothing that can’t be
fixed." Tara paused. "Willow? You really
should rest."
Willow looked at her
lover. "I’m alright, Kitten."
"No, you’re
not, Willow," Tara insisted. "You need to
rest. If you don’t then you’ll be burned out and you
won’t be able to do anything."
"What do you mean
by burned out?"
"Everyone has a
power source inside them," Tara explained.
"You’ve been using yours and we’ve been tapping
into each other’s. But that source is not limitless.
Go too far and you can exhaust yourself, leaving you
helpless and weak. And I know you hate that."
"Is there a way
to get more power?" Willow asked.
"There are
ways…magic users sometimes exchange power. One will
boost the energy level of the other while taking back
power in return. I’ve heard of black magic dealers who
do something similar. They’ll feed dark magic to users
who get high off of it. Those who can’t handle it
usually end up addicts."
"Magic as a
drug," Willow mused. "Imagine that. What do
the dealers get in return?"
"They take,"
Tara said simply. "Whatever they want. I’m told
their clients are willing to pay anything. Those who
last any length of time usually end up pathetic
Willow said thoughtfully. "I’ve heard there’s
at least one in Sunnydale. Maybe more, knowing this
town. I’ll send Worm out to make inquiries and we’ll
pay a visit tonight as soon as the sun sets. Don’t
worry, Kitten…we’ll be fully charged by the time our
guests arrive. In fact, I think if this dealer turns out
to have some promise, perhaps we won’t have to wait
for them."
Tara smiled. "In
that case, Willow. There’s something else I wanna do
right now besides magic."
that?" Willow asked.
"Play," Tara
said and led Willow into the bedroom.
That evening, Vamp
Willow and Vamp Tara made their way through the streets
of Sunnydale. Willy told them the magic dealer Willow
had heard about liked to change his location on a
nightly basis, but at last report he was situated down
by the docks. Tara assured Willow she could sense the
magical emanations so as soon as the sun was down they
headed off into the night.
"Any luck,
Kitten?" Willow asked.
Tara pointed,
"This way."
"Open your
senses, Will," Tara smiled. "Can’t you feel
Willow cleared her
mind as Tara had taught her and almost immediately felt
a powerful radiation of heat near them both. She tilted
her head as she looked down the street, her eyes not
seeing anything, but her magical senses recognizing the
opening. She pushed forward, holding one hand out, the
other hand clasping Tara’s and led them through the
The vampires found
themselves in a run-down living room. Magical junkies
sat or paced nervously. Willow looked at them with
contempt. "Not even worth eating, are they?"
she remarked to Tara.
"I imagine
they’d taste terrible," Tara replied. "Like
any other drug user."
"Unless they used
magical drugs," Willow said. "There are humans
who will enhance themselves for us in return for the
thrill of the bite. It’s quite a rush for both."
"You’ve done
it?" Tara asked.
"Not often,"
Willow replied. "Myself, I prefer a good hunt.
There’s nothing like the taste of fear."
"I don’t
normally deal in magical drugs, ladies," a new
voice interrupted. "However, if that’s what
you’re here for, I’m sure something can be arranged.
Anything for the Master’s right hand."
Willow and Tara looked
at the tall, lanky man who had emerged from an inner
door. A couple of the junkies had perked up at his
right," Willow said. "If you want to
continue to do business in Sunnydale."
"Then why don’t
you come in and we’ll talk," he invited, standing
aside to allow the vampires to pass.
"Rack! I’m
next!" a scrawny, strung out young man no more than
seventeen pushed past Willow in an attempt to reach the
warlock. The redhead snarled in anger at the rudeness
and with a thought, sent the boy flying back across the
room and halfway into the wall. Tara smirked at the
sound of the boy’s skull crushing against the plaster
as the body slid to the floor and the delicious scent of
blood filled the room.
Rack said. "And powerful…"
"That’s why
we’re here," Tara said. "Shall we talk about
Rack smiled. "Come in ladies," he said again.
"I have the feeling this is the start of a
beautiful friendship."
The steel mesh cage
slammed shut with a bang. The librarian turned from the
weapons cabinet and looked in confusion at the empty
library. The hair on the back of his neck stood up as
his skin crawled over the expanse of his body. He
recognized the foul stink of dark magic. He reached out
to open the door and then pulled his hand back with a
hiss. The metal of the cage was red hot.
A moment later the
double doors of the library flew open and he watched in
horror as the two leather-clad vampires casually strode
through and approached the cage. He recognized the
redhead even with her black eyes, but not the blonde.
Despite his fear, he refused to move to the farthest
corner of the cage.
"Well, look at
you," Willow purred. "All locked up again.
This is becoming a habit for you, isn’t it
Rosenberg," Giles stated, calmly pulling off his
eyeglasses and rubbing them with his handkerchief.
"I see you’ve added a new skill to your
repertoire. Impressive. It’s still daylight and I
didn’t think you’d have enough power or frankly the
talent to make it past the wards. How did you
Willow smiled. "I’ve found that with the right
companion, one can accomplish anything."
Giles said as he replaced his glasses, his mind
frantically trying to formulate a plan out of this trap.
"And aren’t you going to introduce me to your
"How rude of
me," Willow said, taking Tara’s hand and, raising
it to her lips, kissed it gently. "Tara Maclay, may
I present Rupert Giles, recently reinstated member of
the Council of Watchers, high school librarian, chief
pain in the Master’s ass and former demon
"How did
you…?" Giles sputtered, for the first time his
confident attitude shaken.
"Know thy enemy,
Rupert," Willow said. "I’m sure you know all
about me…or at least you think you know."
Giles remained silent
as Tara turned to Willow. "Can I eat him now?"
Tara asked.
Willow gave her lover
a sweet smile. "Not yet, Kitten. Soon, I promise.
He likes to watch and I’m sure he’ll love the little
scene we have planned for this evening."
"You won’t get
away with this," Giles said approaching the mesh of
the cage as closely as he dared. "You think you
know magic? You’re nothing but a rank, arrogant
amateur. The magics you’re channeling are more
ferocious and primal than anything you can hope to
understand. If you weren’t already dead, they would
kill you in a heartbeat."
"Good thing I’m
dead, then, isn’t it?" Willow laughed and hopped
up on the counter across from the cage. "Kitten?
Why don’t you begin? The others should be here
Giles narrowed his
eyes as the blonde vampire sat in a lotus position on
one of the library tables facing the entrance. She
closed her eyes and as she began to chant, Giles could
feel his skin crawling with magical energy. After a few
moments, a hush settled on the library and Giles felt as
if his eardrums were expanding from the lack of air
"What are you up
to?" he asked, the words fell flat and he knew that
any sound would not escape beyond the library.
"Just making
preparations, Rupert," Willow answered. "I
thought to wait until your White Hats came to us like
you planned, but I thought this would be more
here," Tara said suddenly.
Willow smiled in her
direction. "Are you ready, Kitten?"
"Yes, my love.
You?" Tara asked in return.
"I am,"
Willow said.
Giles heard a muffled
sound from outside the library and the doors began to
swing open.
"Kendra! It’s a
trap!" Giles shouted, but his words again fell flat
and the dark skinned slayer and werewolf walked into the
library holding hands. Kendra looked up and, seeing the
vampires, stood in front of Oz.
"Go get Larry and
the others," she ordered, staring the smiling
Willow in the eye.
"I’m not
leaving you here alone," he protested.
"Go! And hurry,
it’s nearly sundown," she said and pushed him to
the door. Oz stumbled to the doors and tried to push
through, but they wouldn’t budge. He backed up a step
and threw himself again at the doors, but without
"Oh, let him stay
Slayer," Willow said. "Why should you have all
the fun?"
"This will
be fun, vampire," Kendra said. "Almost as fun
as killing your master will be."
"Your predecessor
didn’t think so when he snapped her neck," Willow
Giles noted that the
redheaded vampire’s eyes had returned to their normal
green color. He opened his mouth to speak, but at a
gesture from Tara, he found himself mute. As Kendra
approached Willow, Oz rushed to the book cage to help
Giles, but yelled in pain as his hands came in contact
with the door. Giles could only watch helpless as the
drama unfolded before him.
Willow continued to
smile as the Slayer launched herself and with a flying
kick, sent the vampire tumbling behind the counter.
Kendra braced herself, but when the vampire did not
reappear, her eyes narrowed in suspicion.
"Looking for
me?" Willow asked from behind the Slayer.
As Kendra spun around,
she lashed out with her fist, again striking the redhead
and sending her flying across the room. Willow slid
across the floor and came to a stop against one of the
legs of the table that Tara was sitting on.
"You okay,
baby?" Tara asked with a smile as she reached down
to help Willow off the floor.
Kitten," Willow said. "Having fun."
Kendra charged again,
but this time Willow nimbly stepped aside and almost
casually lifted her knee into the Slayer’s gut.
Kendra’s momentum caused her to double over with the
wind knocked out of her and with a viscous double handed
blow, Willow smashed her fists down on the base of
Kendra’s neck causing the Slayer to collapse stunned
to the floor. Willow grabbed the woman by the base of
her ponytail and yanked her up harshly until Kendra’s
face was only inches from her own.
"I don’t like
you," Willow said, her eyes narrowing and the humor
gone from her voice. "I’m going to take a stand
here and say I don’t like Slayers in general. The
first killed my Xander and the second was too much of a
coward to stake me when she had the chance. But
you…" Willow ran one fingernail down the dark
skinned girl’s cheek, cutting a path that instantly
filled the room with the scent of potent blood.
"You come to my town and think you can just take it
over, reshape it into someplace nice and disgusting. You
want to make this a stupid world, just like that other.
But I’m not going to let that happen. Sunnydale
belongs to the Master and someday…after we’ve
conquered the world…it’ll belong to me."
Willow pulled
Kendra’s head back and licked a path up the wildly
beating jugular vein as her face switched into its demon
form. Just as she was about to bury her fangs into the
Slayer’s neck, a low growl came from the other side of
the room.
"Time's up. Rules
change," Oz said and the two vampires watched in
fascination as his slight form hideously began to
contort, reshaping itself into something wild and feral.
Kendra finally regained her strength and broke free from
Willow’s hold, knocking the vampire back and kicking
Willow’s legs out from under her. As Willow landed on
her back, the werewolf completed his transformation and
launched himself at her, his dripping snout aimed for
her exposed neck.
No!" Tara cried, leaping from the table and
deflecting the werewolf away from her sire.
"Damn it,"
Kendra cried, reaching behind her for the stake tucked
into her belt. Before she had a chance to strike at
Willow, the vampire raised a hand and Kendra’s face
mirrored her surprise as she flew across the room and
through the window into the librarian’s office, the
wickedly sharp stake clattering across the floor.
Willow looked at her
lover who was wrestling with the werewolf. The wolf had
the blonde pinned to the floor and Tara was using her
new undead strength to keep the fangs from tearing out
her throat. Willow could tell Tara was hurt, could smell
her blood in the air, but before she could help, Tara
muttered an incantation and the Slayer’s stake
skittered towards her. Grabbing it, she plunged the
vicious weapon deep into the werewolf’s eye and into
its brain. The wolf gave a single howl and went still.
Tara pushed the lifeless corpse off of her and sat up,
wiping a bloody hand across her face. Willow waited a
moment longer to satisfy herself that Tara wasn’t too
wounded and then she rose to her feet.
Kendra, her exposed
skin bleeding from several gashes from the window,
emerged from the office and focused on the redheaded
vampire. "Now you shall die, vampire."
Willow turned to the
Slayer and slowly blinked her eyes. "Bored
now," she said calmly, her eyes changing from their
cold green into a black darker than the depths of hell.
Willow raised her
hands and icy viridian power shot out towards the
helpless Slayer. It struck Kendra like a thousand shards
of glass, shredding her skin, peeling it back and
tearing into the muscles below. The Slayer screamed
until she could scream no more, her throat torn, the
vocal cords eaten away. And still the power continued to
flow out of Willow.
After an eternity, the
power stopped and the Slayer’s mangled form slumped to
the floor, the exposed bones barely held together by
shredded cartilage and sinew. Willow stared at the
Slayer’s body, only turning away when she felt her
lover join her.
Tara pressed her body
close to Willow’s and leaned in to lick away the small
trail of blood dripping from her sire’s nose.
"You didn’t leave much to eat, Sweetie."
Willow smiled, her
exhaustion evident in her eyes. "Next time,
baby," she said, wrapping a tired arm around her
lover. "That’s the pesky thing about Slayers.
There’s always another."
The couple leaned
together for a victory kiss barely hearing the doors to
the library opening and the sound of cheerful applause.
"Well done, my
dear! Oh very well done," the Master applauded as
he and Drusilla entered.
Willow and Tara slowly
broke apart, Willow standing on her own, but keeping a
hand clasped with Tara. "Thank you, Master,"
Willow said, a victorious smile on her face.
"Oh that is a
nice sight…a true work of art," the Master said,
looking down at Kendra’s shredded corpse. "And
the werewolf, too. But what of him?" he asked
pointing to Giles.
Willow turned around
to the cage. She took a step forward and smiled watching
the librarian sweat. She took a deep breath as she
"I smell your
fear White Hat. That’s smart. So buckle up Rupert,"
Giles stepped back as Willow opened the cage. "You
say I’m an amateur but I think you need to see that
I’ve gone pro."
With a mighty tug on
his lapel she threw him clear outside into the
library’s center. He lost his footing and slid to a
stop on his backside to Tara’s feet. The blonde picked
him, keeping a tight hold on him. "You’ve got one
of two choices," Willow told Giles.
Giles looked to the
Master and Dru, both of whom wore large grins, as Willow
stalked back toward him. She didn’t stop until she was
inches away from his face. "Now she’s gonna kill
you. No choice in that." Willow paused giving him a
ravenous grin. "But... she can let you stay
dead...Or... Bring you back, to be like us."
Giles reared back and
spat in Willow’s face. At first she did nothing but
smirk. Then methodically from top to bottom she wiped
her eye. "It's not such a good idea for you to piss
me off," she said as the smile scurried from her
face. "Kill him!" she told Tara with a nod.
Without hesitation
Tara sank her fangs into him and drank deeply.
alright, my sweet," the Master soothed Willow.
"You’ve done much good for one evening. Don’t
let one failed…" The group turned to the noise of
Tara tossing his lifeless body to the ground, " and
dead watcher get your spirits down. You’ve won here my
dear. For all of us."
"He tasted funny.
Like...scones," Tara told them.
"The English
usually do." The Master then laughed cheerfully as
he rejoined Drusilla. He took the tall vampire’s arm
in his and looked fondly at her. "So my dear, what
shall we do for my two lovely children to show our
"Miss Edith
thinks it’s time for a party under the stars with
candles and paper streamers and lots of lovelies to
feast on," Drusilla said.
"Then a party it
shall be," the Master said. "Come my
dears…let’s get you two cleaned up while we make
arrangements. This is your night. We damned the world. I
say we party."
Willow and Tara joined
in the laughter as they followed the fiendish couple
outside of the quiet library that now resembled a
"So how long have
we been sitting here?" Willow asked. She looked
around the large, vacant area of the production floor.
"An hour and 45
minutes," Tara answered, looking at her watch.
"I don’t think the Vamps are gonna show."
Tara heard Willow give a deep sigh and looked over.
"Nervous?" the blonde asked.
Willow answered. "One way or another I’d just
like this to be over, ya know?"
"Yeah. I’ve got
exams coming up. It’d be nice to study something
besides spell books and if I’m lucky enough, graduate
in May. Oh and getting rid of the evil undead us would
be nice," she teased.
Willow just grinned.
"Yep that’s the Scooby mentality. Try to lead a
normal life and dust a few vamps when you can. And yeah
it’s hard playing catch up at school," Willow
told her. "Of course my lack of studies was
self-inflicted," she added feeling a bit
embarrassed. "B-but I know what it’s like to fall
behind, regardless."
"How’s that
coming along?" Tara asked. "Your studies I
"Well, a few of
my instructors thought I was dead or in the hospital.
Even they know that Willow Rosenberg doesn’t just blow
off a class," she answered with a grin.
"I’ve missed a lot of school this past
"You’ve changed
a lot lately."
Willow nodded
"And before you say it, not all of it was good. I
realize," Willow replied, cutting off any argument
Tara might begin.
"You said it. I
"Yeah I
know," Willow answered feeling defensive at
Tara’s caustic comment. But she took a deep breath to
steady her nerves. "I’ve messed up a lot of
things in my life. Yours too," Willow added, her
voice softening.
survive," Tara told her.
"I know you will.
You’re strong. A lot stronger than me," Willow
"I don’t think
that’s true. I think we’re both strong Will. It
takes a lot to walk away from magic and y-your doing a
great job so far."
"So far…meaning
it won’t last, right?"
"That’s your
choice," Tara told her. "And m-maybe I
shouldn’t say it but there might be a chance you can
do magic again. Just not any day soon is all," Tara
"Any chance you
might come back?"
Willow didn’t look
at Tara as she spoke the question. As soon as it left
her lips she regretted it but now it was out there and
she couldn’t pull it back in. She waited for the boom
to drop.
"Again, not any
day soon," Tara replied.
Willow kept her head
down trying to hide the small grin. Well at least
that’s not a no, she mused. "And again, I
know," Willow answered. "B-but thanks for
keeping the door open. I mean you could just walk away
and not care anymore. You’ve got no ties here – I
mean Dawnie yeah but still. It’s not like she’s
blood kin."
"Well, you’ve
seen my blood kin," Tara chuckled. "The best
families are those we make. So even despite everything
Will, even if we never…you know…You gave me
something I never had. A true family and self
"Glad I’m good
for sumthin’ then," Willow replied with a grin.
"You’re good
for lots Will. Don’t ever doubt that. You can doubt
your sanity, your heart or even your mind at times
because we all do," Tara told her, meeting her eye
to eye. "But don’t ever doubt that you have no
purpose. You’ve touch countless lives, mine included
and I’m a better person because of you. But I just…I
"Be a pawn,"
Willow finished. "I get it. I do. Gods, know it’s
taken me long enough to realize that but I do a-and
I’m gonna make it up to you I swear. Even if you…if
you move on and find someone new I…"
"I’m not
looking Will," Tara answered. "There isn’t
anyone I want in my life right now…Do you honestly
think you’re that easy to replace?"
"Well, you know
when Oz left the first time I never got so much as a
"Yeah and when he
came back I almost became a mid-afternoon wolf
"I’m really
sorry about that," Willow told her sincerely.
"Yet another screw up. I should have told him about
you, us, but I-."
"That’s not the
point Willow. He could have just walked away but he
couldn’t replace you that easily. So please don’t
think for a moment I’m going to join the local GLADD
chapter or some lesbian potluck and find me a new honey.
It’s not like that. Even if you think it was nothing
for me to walk away, like I told you, it was the
toughest choice I ever had to make. But it was one I
made for both our sakes."
Willow didn’t add
any more she just nodded to Tara’s watch. "The
Tara looked down at
her wrist. "Two hours."
"This isn’t
happening tonight," Willow said standing up and
dusting off her back side as she reached her hand down
to help Tara to her feet. She smiled inward when Tara
didn’t flinch and reached up to take her offered hand.
"Let’s get out of here."
As the pair walked
outside they stood for a moment and saw Buffy come out
of the shadows to greet them. What they didn’t see
however were the two vamps watching from the other side.
"So much for them
coming alone?" Tara remarked.
"Of course,"
Willow answered. "The righteous Slayer can’t be
leaving Fuzzy and Frumpy all alone with us."
"What now?"
Tara asked, obviously frustrated.
"Oh don’t fret,
Kitten. We’ll meet them soon enough but on our terms
and not the Slayer’s. Let’s get back to the crypt
and kick around a few ideas." Willow pulled Tara
into a deep kiss and then returned to watching the trio
leave the factory grounds. "Once we finish our
task, Sweet…a celebration is definitely in
"Anything you
wish, Mistress," Tara replied with a sexy smirk,
letting her lover lead her away by the hand.
The impromptu Ball the
Master had thrown together for Willow to celebrate the
defeat of the Slayer appeared as though it had been in
the planning stage for months. Of course many a demon
was glad to help out in raiding Sunnydale of its humans
to pay tribute to the Master’s right hand. Those that
weren’t on human round-up detail graciously and
whole-heartedly offered to decorate the Bronze for the
auspicious occasion.
Willow had diverted
what could have become a long, drawn out battle and word
of her deed (and that of her companion’s) quickly
spread like wildfire through the Sunnydale demon ranks.
A few even went so far as to say that perhaps the
right-hand was more powerful than the Master himself but
only in trusted company. If word got back to the master
of their thoughts they knew they would be kissing
The Master saw to it
that Willow’s favorite band, Dingoes Ate My Baby, were
the featured act and blood flowed like wine through the
club. Even the Master himself seemed relaxed and a bit
carefree. Willow herself could say she felt as sense of
relief. This was what being dead was all about and she
felt like she could take on any foe as she escorted Tara
on her arm through the crowd of celebrating undead. So
wrapped up in their joy of the moment they didn’t see
Dru talking to the Master aside, urging him to a
secluded place. But when Willow looked up she did notice
his throne vacant in the club.
"Why not have a
seat? See how it fits?" A vamp said to her as he
watched her looking at the empty space.
"It’s not my
throne," she told him. "It belongs to my
Master. Your Master as well and you’d be wise to stop
that type of chatter."
He suddenly looked
nervous. "I was just kidding, Willow."
"Do I know
you?" she asked.
He offered his hand in
greeting, "No, David’s the name."
Willow took the hand
but instead of shaking it she bent it with a twist,
breaking it off and tossing it back to him. "Then
that’s Ms. Rosenberg to you," she told him.
"Disgrace the Master with such talk again and
you’ll lose more than a hand."
In shock he staggered
away and Willow looked back to the see Dru leaving the
Master’s side as he nodded to her. "Something’s
wrong," Willow told Tara and without waiting for a
response pulled her with her toward the Master.
"Is there trouble
my Sire?" Willow asked as she approached.
"Oh nothing to
concern yourself with my dear," he told her with a
grin. "I assure you, it will all be taken care of
before dawn. So just relax. Make merry with the night.
You’ve done well and you’ll be rewarded well, I
assure you."
"Well if you
don’t think it improper I’d like to be leaving
shortly. I’d like to celebrate with Tara alone, if you
catch my meaning."
The Master gave a
wicked laugh. "Oh to be young and always hungry for
all that this world has to offer. Don’t worry my dear.
Feel free to celebrate in anyway you see fit. You’ve
earned it."
"Thank you,
Sire," Willow nodded. "May I bring you a drink
before we go?"
"That’s quite
alright. You go. Enjoy!"
"Thank you again,
Sire," Willow said with a short bow this time which
Tara also gave as they turned heel.
Once they were out of
earshot Willow turned to Tara. "We need to get
home. Now."
"Why Willow? He
said everything was fine." Tara was truly confused
as Willow led her out of the Bronze and down the back
"For him, yes.
But for us? I don’t think so."
"Well for
starters he ‘assured’ me twice – it’s never a
good sign. Means he’s not certain or he’s planning
something I’m not to be a part of. I’ve been at his
side long enough to know how he thinks."
"Baby, I have to
say it so please don’t get angry but…I think that
Slayer might have spooked you a little. You seem a bit
At that moment five
vamps surrounded them armed with crossbows and Willow
turned to Tara, deadpan. "You were saying?"