To Those Who Wield
CN Winters and Susan Carr
Buffy fanfiction, Willow fanfiction, Buffy slash
fanfiction, Willow Tara fanfiction
Joss owns ‘em. I’m just borrowing ‘em.
NC-17 for grown up stuff like sex, language and
Will and Tara; Vamp Will and Vamp Tara
CN Winters (cnwinters71@yahoo.com) or Susan Carr
Takes place during season six after Tara and Willow’s
break up and Willow’s recovery. We took the liberty of
letting Vamp Willow live when she returned to her world
just because we can. Anyway, seems Vamp Willow has
returned to ‘Buffy’s Sunnydale’ again, this time
with her new lover, Tara Maclay, to wreck a little
thanks: To Chris Cook for the ultra-cool banner

Part 10
As she looked at the five vampires with crossbows surrounding her and her mate, Willow's concentration sharpened to a narrow focus, allowing her to observe details not normally visible. In slow motion she saw one of the vampires tightening his finger on the trigger. She lifted both of her arms and roughly pushed Tara, knocking her to the ground where the blonde rolled into the two vampires standing near her and toppling them like bowling pins. A moment later the crossbow bolt flew harmlessly through the air where Tara had been standing.
Willow swung back around and grabbed the arm of the vampire who had fired and pulled his body close just as another vampire fired. Almost as if she were moving in for a seductive dance, Willow pulled the vampire into a lover's embrace and with her free hand caressed his face as the bolt sank into his back. As he turned to dust, Willow smiled.
Ducking as the third vampire fired, Willow shifted her body to the right as she casually reached out and caught the bolt with her hand. Moving in, she wrenched the now-empty crossbow away from the vampire, dropping it to the ground and grabbing one arm and twisting it behind his back until the sickening sound of the shoulder bone snapping filled the air.
"I don't like you," she pouted. "You made me cranky." With another sweet smirk she plunged the bolt into his back.
Willow turned to the only vampire still standing, who was frantically trying to reload his crossbow. She took a step toward him when she felt the tickle of magic in the air.
"Ignis incende," Tara chanted and rolled away from the heat that rushed forward as the two vampires on the ground suddenly burst into flames.
Willow turned back to finish off the last vampire, but he had already turned and was hastily running down the alley. Before Willow could give chase, he turned the corner and was gone.
"Damn," Willow swore under her breath. "So not good."
"What?" Tara said as Willow helped her to her feet.
"He got away," the redhead replied. "And the Master will know we got away."
"I don't understand, Will," Tara said as Willow took Tara's hand and hurriedly led them from the Bronze. "Why would the Master attack us? We just helped him consolidate his control over Sunnydale."
"That's exactly why, Kitten," Willow explained. "We're the only ones now powerful enough to oppose him. Before, I was strong, but not enough to be a threat. Now, with you by my side…"
Tara thought a moment as Willow broke off. "So my existence makes you a danger to him," she reasoned. "Why doesn't the Master just take me out and go back to the way things were before?"
Willow stopped the rapid pace she'd set and pulled Tara into a close embrace. "He's my grandsire, my love," she said tenderly. "He can see into my heart, and he knows that without you I'm nothing. Were you ever to leave me, I don't think I could go on. I'd find a way to destroy the world and everything in it, including myself. After all, if you're not a part of it, this world has no right to exist either."
Tara smirked. "That has to be the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me, Willow," she laughed. "Demented, but sweet."
Willow joined in the laughter, and they continued on their way.
"Where now?" Tara asked. "Back to the suite?"
"No," Willow said. "The Master made a big mistake in sending those incompetent minions after us. He won't do that again. The next time we won't be so lucky. We'll have to go into hiding while we plan our next move."
"Any ideas where?" Tara asked.
"Oh yes, Kitten," Willow said. "Believe me, a vampire won't last too long even in Sunnydale without a few cards hidden up her sleeve. I have many 'safe houses' no one knows about scattered around town."
After resting throughout the day and the next night, Willow mentally linked with Tara as the blonde astral-projected through the daytime streets of Sunnydale. Making her way first to their suite and then to the Watcher's library, Tara drew on Willow's power and teleported magic books and various supplies back to their hideout. By the time Tara reunited with her body, Willow was already deep into a book titled Darkest Magic.
Picking up another book, Tara joined Willow in a small, but comfortably furnished chamber and snuggled in close to her sire.
"You say the Master was trapped here for decades?" Tara asked, interrupting Willow's concentration.
"Hmm?" Willow said, looking up. "Oh yes. He was finally able to escape shortly before I was turned."
"Are you sure they won't find us here?" Tara asked.
Willow laughed. "It's a church, Kitten," she explained. "The Master was in torment all that time and has no desire to return. Lesser vamps avoid churches like they avoid sunlight, mostly on superstition alone."
"Why not you?" Tara asked curiously.
"Jewish," Willow smiled. "You?"
"Wiccan," Tara laughed. "That's a lot older than Christianity, too. I kinda like being this close to the Earth. It's like coming home."
Willow kissed her lover gently. "It's our home for the time being, until we can find a way to defeat the Master. He's very powerful, Tara," Willow said, her thoughts turning inward. "We're going to need more power than we already have to defeat him."
"I don't think Rack can provide that much power to us," Tara mused. "Even if we drained him completely."
"No," Willow agreed and then sighed. She was about to return to her book when a noise caused them to both glance up at the chamber door.
"Vampire!" Tara hissed, rising to her feet. "I thought you said they don't come here."
"Other than me, only one other does," Willow said calmly, and a moment later Drusilla glided through the door.
The insane vampire was dressed in a long flowing evening gown and matching leather coat that reached to the floor. Around her neck was a long silk black scarf. In one arm she clutched a small doll with a dirty porcelain face.
Tara hung back as Willow slowly stood up and approached the thin vampire. "Good morning, Dru," she said taking Drusilla's free hand and raising it to her lips for a gentle kiss.
"My Sweet," Drusilla purred. "Miss Edith and I have come to say goodbye for now."
"You're leaving?" Willow asked with a pout. "And so soon? It seems like you've only just arrived."
"I'm off to visit Grand-mummy," Drusilla said, moving to the couch the other two vampires had vacated. She carefully set her doll in the corner and adjusted its position as if to allow the doll the best possible view of the chamber. Drusilla then removed her coat, dropping it carelessly on the floor before taking a seat on the opposite end of the couch, her pose matching that of the doll's.
"Dru," Willow said slowly, sitting next to the other vampire and turning to face her. "Did you warn the Master about Tara and me?"
"Oh yes!" Drusilla laughed delightedly. "He didn't like what I told him about you and your kitten, my Sweet. But no matter…soon you'll both be gone far away and he'll be all alone." Drusilla sing-songed the last two words, and Tara felt the fine hairs on the back of her neck rise up. "And soon great-granddaddy will wake up with the taste of fear and dust in his mouth," Drusilla concluded.
Willow smiled with satisfaction and leaned in to kiss Drusilla on the lips.
Willow? Tara asked mentally as she watched the couple. She betrayed us to the Master.
Willow broke off the passionate kiss and smiled at Drusilla before turning to her childe. "No she didn't, Kitten," Willow said. "Drusilla serves no one except herself. And while we still have a lot of work to do, I'm feeling optimistic about the future. Besides…" She paused, looking at Drusilla speculatively. "I think I know where we can get what we need."
Drusilla laughed. "Maybe not exactly what you need, my Sweet," the madwoman said. "But enough to get you want you want."
"See, Kitten?" Willow joined in the laugher. "Dru has done us a service. I think she deserves our respect, not our distrust. Don't you agree?
Despite the laughter, the tone in Willow's voice sent shivers down Tara's spine. "Yes, Mistress," she said humbly, feeling a bolt of pleasure emanating from her sire. "My apologies, Mistress Drusilla."
Drusilla ignored her as she looked at Willow, a bright gleam in her eye. Willow smiled at the dark-haired vampire and asked, "Won't you spend the day, Dru? You can't travel until night, and it's been sooo long since we've played together."
Drusilla looked at her speculatively, and then her face broke out in an evil smile. "Miss Edith wants to watch you make your kitten dance among the stars, my Sweet."
"I think that can be arranged," Willow purred. "Kitten, go get ready."
A small smirk broke out on Tara's face as she turned to do Willow's bidding. Oh goddess, this is going to be so much fun! she thought to herself and could feel Willow's silent agreement as the redhead once again moved to embrace Drusilla.
Tara slowly woke to consciousness. She was lying on her stomach with her face pressed deep into the pillow. She shifted comfortably, but she let out a hiss as the tender skin on her back pulled and stretched.
"You all right, Kitten?" Willow's voice came from beside the bed.
Tara shifted to the other side, but stilled as she felt Willow's cool hand on her back.
"I'm fine, Mistress," she said.
"Stay still," Willow said and moved away.
Tara hugged the pillow under her and sighed in contentment. Willow returned a moment later, and Tara felt a warm, wet cloth gently placed over her back.
"Oh, that feels good," she purred.
"I'm very proud of you, Tara," Willow said as she tenderly cleaned the shallow cuts on the blonde's back. "I've seen vampires older than you wither after a night of play with Drusilla."
"I wanted to make you proud, Willow," Tara said, instinctively understanding that their play was over for now. "And despite her insanity, Drusilla could be a powerful ally."
Willow carefully dried Tara's back with a fresh towel. Out of the corner of her eye, Tara could see the bloody cloth Willow had tossed aside. The sight of it stirred her loins as she remembered how slowly Drusilla traced the complex pattern on her back with her razor-sharp nails. The pain had been exquisite, but what followed afterwards had been indescribable. The taste of Drusilla's powerful blood was second only to her sire's, and the ecstasy of drinking from them both had overloaded her senses, and at one point she passed out from the sensation.
"She can be," Willow said as she began to smooth salve over Tara's back. "Right now, though, she is off to visit Darla, and hopefully she'll keep her distracted until we can get away."
"The Master's oldest childe," Willow explained. "I've only met her once. She's fiercely loyal to him."
"What do we do, Willow?" Tara asked. She sat up and turned to face her robe-clad lover.
"Drusilla gave me an idea," Willow said, wiping her hands on the towel. She leaned over to the night table and picked up an book. Opening it, she point to a passage and handed it to Tara.
Tara quickly scanned the book. "This is to be used between twins," she finally said, looking up. "I don't know about you, but I don't have a twin."
Willow's eyes glittered playfully. "Oh, yes you do, Kitten. And I'm sure she's as intriguing as you are, not like the disappointing frump my counterpart is."
"I don't understand," Tara said.
"A while before I first saw you on campus, I had a little adventure, Kitten. It was the same night Xander was dusted and the Master killed the Slayer. I was pulled into a different world, a stupid world that was just like ours except the Slayer had killed the Master instead of the other way around."
"You mean a parallel universe," Tara said. "Like if you're driving and you turn left and get killed in an accident, another universe exists where you turned right and lived."
"Exactly," Willow said proudly. "Except in that world, the Slayer came to Sunnydale before the Master escaped his prison, and Xander and I were never turned."
"You met the other you there?" Tara asked, a bit of awe in her tone. "She brought you there with magic?"
Willow nodded. "Her and a vengeance demon looking for her power center. Apparently the fool lost it here, and she tricked the other me into casting a spell, but instead of the necklace they got me."
"Or not," Willow said. "The white hats rule that world."
"And the other Willow was one of them?" Tara asked. "She was human?"
Willow's eyes squinted as Tara seemed to drift off into her own thoughts. "Kitten," she warned.
Tara would have blushed if she could have. "Sorry, Mistress," she said. "I was just imagining what it would be like to taste your blood hot from your beating heart."
Willow smiled warmly. "I nearly did," Willow admitted. "But the bitch shot me with a tranquilizer."
"And they didn't stake you," Tara stated incredulously.
"Nope," Willow smirked. "Seems my human self has more compassion than I do...or maybe I just turned her on."
Tara laughed along with Willow. "That must have been it," Tara said. "Was I there?"
"No, they were still in high school, so you probably hadn't come yet. And Fuzzy was with that werewolf you took care of."
"So, what's the plan, Willow?" Tara asked. "Shift dimensions and steal their power?"
"Exactly," Willow said. "It might take us some time to prepare, so we'll probably need to get out of Sunnydale for a while, but that will work to our benefit – the stronger our counterparts are, the more power we can take. And by then they'll be together, so it'll make the spell easier."
Tara crinkled her brows in confusion. "How do you know they'll be together?"
"Kitten, if she's anything like me...and from what I saw, other than the evil thing, she's exactly like me. All she has to do is take one look at your counterpart and it's hello, gay now!"
Tara smirked. "Then I'm sure my counterpart was as instantly smitten, because with me, it's gay forever."
"You don't like boys, Kitten?" Willow pouted.
"I've never tried them," Tara mused. "I suppose they could be fun to play with."
"Oh yes!" Willow exclaimed. "Puppy was so much fun...Xander too, but he was all with the dominating. All take and no give."
"And they're both gone now," Tara said sympathetically. "We'll find you a new toy, my love."
"As soon as we find a safe place," Willow agreed.
"We can do this, Willow," Tara said confidently. "It'll be hard, but if it helps us defeat the Master, it'll be worth it."
"His days are numbered," Willow said darkly. "Right now he thinks the house he's built will protect him, but soon it will all fall apart."
Willow sat dejectedly on the couch, holding the remote control in her hand and casually flipping channels. Her attention was not on the television; instead it was focused on the dining room table, where Tara, Buffy, and Dawn were researching. Outside the window, the last of the day faded into night, and the meager streetlights provided dim illumination against the creatures of the night.
The front door opened, and Xander and Anya entered, both carrying large shopping bags from the Magic Box. Xander tossed Willow a small wave, but Anya ignored the redhead as she dumped the contents of her bag in the center of the table. She turned off the television and silently approached the table, still keeping her distance.
"There you are, everything on your list," she said and handed Tara a piece of paper. "Here's the bill. Thank you for your patronage. Please shop at the Magic Box again."
"Thanks Anya," Tara said, taking the other bag from Xander and gathering into the bag the supplies Anya had dumped. "Will you help me with this, please?"
"What are you doing?" Willow asked.
Tara paused until she had finished with the supplies and tightly rolled up the top of each bag. "I need to make some protection charms for us."
"For you, you mean!" Willow said, anger and tears in her eyes. "I saw what was there, Tara…hazel wood, cat's eye, and a hagstone. Classic wards against black witches. You're protecting yourself from me."
"I advised her to make sure she carries a piece of iron with her just in case," Anya said cheerfully.
Tara closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Willow," she said calmly. "We're up against two very powerful and evil witches," she said. "I need all my strength and concentration to cast the spell to send them permanently back to their dimension. Believe me, we can use all the help we can get. It's not personal, okay?"
"Everything's personal," Willow mumbled and walked away, disappearing into the kitchen.
The Scoobies watched the scene silently, each uncomfortable. Tara finally looked at Buffy and asked, "Can we use your bedroom?"
Buffy turned to the witch, her face scrunched up in confusion. "Oh, for the spell!" she said hastily. "Sure, help yourself."
"Thanks," Tara said. "Come on, Anya."
The two women headed for the stairs, leaving Xander staring at their departing forms.
"What?" Buffy asked.
"Huh?" Xander said, his attention turning. "Oh, just thinking about them doing a spell, that's all."
Buffy rolled her eyes. "I'm going out for a quick patrol," she said. "You hold down the fort and please, keep your mind out of the gutter, okay?"
"Sure, Buff," Xander said, sitting next to Dawn and pulling an open book toward him.
After the Slayer left, Xander and Dawn read silently for a bit, and after hearing Dawn sigh for the third time, Xander finally looked up.
"Got a problem, Dawn?" he asked.
"Don't we all?" she said, closing her book. "I'm gonna go talk to Willow."
Xander watched as the teenager left, but then looked up startled as she came crashing through the door a minute later.
"Willow's gone!" she said, her face white.
"What?!" he said and rushed to the kitchen with Dawn following.
"I thought maybe she went outside to get some fresh air, but the backyard is empty, too."
"Damn!" he said, opening the door and looking out as if he didn't quite believe Dawn.
"Xander!" they both heard Anya calling from the living room. They turned around, Xander absently closing the door behind him.
"Tara's gone!" the ex-vengeance demon said as she rushed down the stairs.
"Oh god," Dawn whispered, her face stricken.
"What happened?" Xander asked.
"We were casting the spell," Anya explained. "She's very good, you know…I wish she wouldn't put herself down all the time and say Willow's the better witch because she isn't."
"Anya, please!" Xander said, putting his hands on her shoulders and giving a small shake. "Willow's missing, too."
"She is?" Anya said. "Anyway, we were casting the spell, then there was a flash of power and I was knocked backwards. When I looked up, Tara was gone."
"Just gone?" Dawn asked.
"Yes," Anya nodded. "I guess the vamps took them both then. You know Xander, I think they are much more powerful than we thought and certainly more powerful than Willow and Tara. It takes a lot to teleport away two witches."
"How can we find them?" Xander asked.
Anya shrugged. "I can try a locator spell, but I doubt it'll do any good. If I were them, I'd put up a shield strong enough to block anything I can do."
"Then we'll have to find Buffy," Xander said and grabbed his jacket. "Come on."
The Slayer distractedly dusted a fledgling vampire as she strode purposefully though the cemetery toward Spike's crypt.
"Sorry, but I so don't have time to play," she said as it dissolved into dust.
"Sure about that?" Spike's smooth voice cut through the night, and Buffy turned toward it. The vampire was leaning on the stone sill of the entrance, his pose as usual cocky and confident. He lifted his hand, and the lighted end of his cigarette glowed as he sucked back the smoke.
"Where are they?" Buffy asked as she approached and crossed her arms in what she hoped was a menacing pose.
"The witchy bitches?" he shrugged. "Gone. Typical vamps, they didn't leave a forwarding address."
"Now why don't I believe you?"
Spike shrugged again and moved aside. "They're gone, Slayer. See for yourself."
Buffy slipped past him, trying to ignore him as he leaned closer to sniff at her hair. She looked around at the softly candle-lit space.
"See," Spike said, following and moving close to her.
Buffy paused as she felt his lean body pressing against her back. "What about downstairs? Didn't you mention they enjoyed your play area?"
Spike chuckled, as his arms moved around to embrace her body.
"That they did," he purred. "God, I always suspected your best friend was a wildcat, but under that shy exterior Blondie is just as savage, and I'm sure Red has the scars to prove it."
Buffy moved away, her face wrinkling up into disgust. "Don't let a couple of perverted vamps influence how you see our Willow and Tara. I'm sure they're nothing like them."
"Ha!" he laughed. "I'm sure they're exactly like them, Summers. You just don't want to believe it."
"You're disgusting, Spike," she said.
"Too right," he agreed, once again moving into her space. "And that's just the way you like me, isn't that right?"
Buffy closed her eyes as he once again put his arms around her, this time pulling her close against him. "No," she whispered, her mind trying to deny the urges her body was demanding.
"Yes," he corrected. "You can't hide it from me, Buffy." He slid one hand down her body until he was cupping her warmth. Buffy groaned as he gently squeezed her mound through her linen slacks. "You like it when I'm disgusting."
"No," she whispered again, laying her head back on his shoulder.
He deftly unbuttoned her pants and slid down her zipper, a small smile quirking his mouth when he discovered she wasn't wearing underwear. His long fingers slid through her wetness. She shifted slightly to allow him easier access, her breath catching in her throat as he rubbed against her clit.
"You like it because you can allow yourself to be disgusting, too," he said, his other hand massaging her breast through her silk blouse. "When you're down on your knees and you're sucking my cock, you like the way that makes you feel."
"No," she gasped, her eyes closing as his fingers entered her eager opening and began pumping. With a dexterous move, she pushed her slacks down her hips so they pooled at her feet in a billow of cloth. Rising on toes, she began to move with him, her hips thrusting as if trying to take his entire hand inside herself. "No," she said. "I don't like it."
"Yes, you do," he said reasonably. "You like it when I fuck you in your ass so hard you scream from the pain, and when I drink your sweet blood, you scream even more as you come. Isn't that right, Buffy?"
The Slayer was beyond speech as her muscles clamped down on his fingers, trapping them inside her as her body spasmed. Spike held her tight against himself as she cried out. He flicked his thumb against her clit, massaging roughly until she cried out again.
After a moment, her body relaxed slightly, and she turned in his embrace, her hands fumbling with his jeans.
"Off," she said, her voice husky. As she struggled with his pants, he pulled off her silk blouse and then his own t-shirt. She pushed his pants down, pulling them off along with his boots in one smooth motion. She kicked off her own shoes then stood up and pressed him back until he was lying on the hard stone of the sepulcher. As she followed, she straddled him and with a smooth move, sheathed herself on his jutting erection.
"Oh god," she breathed as she began to move.
"Oh yeah," he said, his eyes rolling back in his head from the pleasure. "Just like that."
"Shut up, Spike," she moaned. "Just shut up and fuck me, okay?"
"You got it, Slayer," he said, and the two of them lost themselves in each other for the rest of the night.
Willow groaned as sensation slowly crept back into her body. The first thing she became aware of was a cool breeze blowing across her, gently ruffling her bangs, causing them to tickle her forehead. Painfully, she pried her eyes open to find she was staring at her lap. As she looked up, she heard a groan.
"Tara?" she asked, finally realizing that her hands were tied behind her back to a post firmly embedded in the ground and that there was a warm body behind her.
"Will?" she heard.
"Yeah," she replied. "Where are we?"
"Kingman's Bluff," the sound of her own voice answered. Willow twisted around and saw her doppelganger approaching. The light of a large bonfire silhouetted her lithe body.
"Why here?" Tara asked.
"We like the atmosphere," the other Tara answered. The vampire seemed busy with the preparations. Willow looked at some of the items and felt her stomach drop.
"Tara," she whispered in a frightened voice. "They're not doing the akor tures spell."
"Very good, Frumpy," Vampire Willow said, finally having reached the bound couple sitting on the ground. She squatted down, the soft creaking of her leather pants reaching Willow's ears. "And you're right. That spell was just too boring. Kitten and I have something much more exciting in mind."
Vampire Tara giggled, but continued her work.
"Oh goddess," Tara exclaimed. "They're gonna destroy the world, Willow."
Vampire Willow smiled happily.