To Those Who Wield
CN Winters and Susan Carr
Buffy fanfiction, Willow fanfiction, Buffy slash
fanfiction, Willow Tara fanfiction
Joss owns ‘em. I’m just borrowing ‘em.
NC-17 for grown up stuff like sex, language and
Will and Tara; Vamp Will and Vamp Tara
CN Winters (cnwinters71@yahoo.com) or Susan Carr
Takes place during season six after Tara and Willow’s
break up and Willow’s recovery. We took the liberty of
letting Vamp Willow live when she returned to her world
just because we can. Anyway, seems Vamp Willow has
returned to ‘Buffy’s Sunnydale’ again, this time
with her new lover, Tara Maclay, to wreck a little
thanks: To Chris Cook for the ultra-cool banner

"Can I come
Willow looked up to
find Tara standing in the doorway of her bedroom. She
could tell the blonde had been deep in thought.
wrong?" she asked.
"I…I just
w-wanted to talk to you if that’s okay?"
"Oh yeah,
sorry," Willow said remembering her manners and
moving to sit on the end of her bed. "Have a
seat," she motioned. She watched Tara close the
bedroom door and then lock it, confused by the privacy
Tara was seeking. She knew whatever it was that chances
are what Tara had to say was bad.
"What is it
Tara?" she prompted again.
Tara paused a moment
to collect her thoughts. Finally she whispered,
"I’m scared Will."
"Is it me? Did I
do something to worry you again because if I
"No," Tara
shook her head. "It’s not you Willow. It’s
Spike. What he said tonight about the vamps…I’ve
been pouring over the books and I’ve found something
but…I don’t know if I can pull it off and our lives
depend on it."
"Oh," Willow
said closing the History of Civilization textbook
she’d been reading. "Well if anyone can pull it
off, I know it’s you."
When she turned around
to face Tara again she found that the woman had moved
and was now standing about a foot in front of her.
Nervously she licked her lips and cleared her throat,
unsure of what to say next. When she felt Tara reach
down and stroke her face every nerve endings seemed to
crackle instantly at the contact.
"Uh, Tara?"
she asked again, nervous that she might do something
inappropriate by having the woman so close to her.
"Not that I’m complaining but…what are you
What did she just say?
The reply was lost as
Tara descended upon Willow, both of their bodies
crashing to the bed, their lips locked against each
other’s. As Tara pulled back slightly she planted a
few light kisses on Willow’s ear. The redhead kept her
hands on Tara’s hips not daring to move them for fear
of chasing her off.
refuse me," Tara begged softly in Willow’s ear.
"I never stopped wanting you."
This wasn’t right.
Of course it felt wonderful but maybe it was the stress
and the blonde wasn’t thinking clearly. She didn’t
want Tara to have morning after regret, knocking them a
few strides back after they had come so far in the past
"Baby, no,"
Willow said, pulling Tara up to come eye to eye with
her. "God I can’t believe I’m saying this
but…not now. Not yet."
"Now," Tara
whispered, taking Willow’s hands and pinning them to
the bed. "Don’t deny me. I need you," she
added as she began to nuzzle Willow’s neck.. "So
warm. So soft," she sighed. "I’d forgotten
how soft you feel."
"Oh god Tara.
You’re not making this easy."
"Love never is
easy Will. You know that. Give me tonight. Give me the
strength to see this through."
Tara silenced her with
a kiss and then another and then another. She began to
nibble on Willow’s earlobe. "God I’ve missed
your body," the blonde sighed.
All pretense of being
chivalrous left and Willow found herself unable to deny
Tara. If having her is truly what Tara wanted she’d
give her that, the consequences be damned. With much
strength and determination Willow broke free and rolled
Tara over until she was on top.
"You want me
Baby?" Willow asked one final time.
Tara smirked as she
gently pushed Willow’s hair behind her ear. "Oh
yes," she sighed.
Willow couldn’t help
but grin as she allowed her pent up desire to slowly
release. The grin faded and a look of intent crossed her
face. If the woman wanted her she’d have her.
It only took a few
moments but suddenly they were both naked – squeezing
and suckling each other’s flesh in a heated frenzy.
Willow closed her eyes as she felt Tara’s hand snake
down to her sex, giving her the friction she craved.
"Oh God,"
Tara moaned. "You’re so wet Willow. So
"You have no
idea," Willow replied with a half-chuckle.
Suddenly Tara’s
fingertips were on her clit, making a circular motion
and Willow felt her hips rise off the bed in response.
It was only a matter of a few minutes but Willow felt
the waves rising higher and higher.
"Oh God
Tara," she sighed. "I’m so close Baby."
"That’s it
Will," her lover replied as she led her down to
touch her too.
Willow didn’t need
much prompting. She was more than willing to take what
was being offered and she too let her fingertips dance
across Tara’s sex.
"Oh Will,"
Tara sighed in her ear. "Willow…Willow. Hey
The redhead darted up
in bed to find she was totally alone, no Tara, no naked
goodness – just alone. Confused she looked over to the
door to see Buffy standing there.
"We gotta get an
early start today," the slayer told her. "Rise
and shine while I wake up Tara and Dawn."
She watched Buffy walk
back out and all she could do was fall back against the
mattress. Willow sighed in frustration and her body
still humming from the dream. She’d been on the edge
of orgasm and without release anytime soon it was
destined to be a very long day.
"Couldn’t give
me five more minutes, could you?" Willow asked to
no one in particular as she angrily tore the covers from
her body and made her way to the bathroom.
Tara knew she was
dreaming. The thought kept running through her mind, but
it brought her no comfort. She was trapped – helpless
within the confines of her subconscious and powerless to
wake up. She was standing in Willow’s room, the
redhead smiling before her, her white shirt shining
through the darkness. Outside the windows gray storm
clouds roiled through the sky, filling the air with the
acrid smell of ozone that reminded Tara of blood.
Willow said in her mind. It
all comes down to power, Tara. You have it…I want
it…and I’ll take it.
No! Tara
cried. Her throat constricted in fear. Willow!
Please, you have to listen.
Listen? Willow
laughed. I’ve
been listening to you for years now. On and on and on.
Magic is pure. Magic is sacred. Yada yada yada…Why not
make it simple? Just give me your power…I’ll take
care of you for the rest of your life. You’ll never
have to worry again.
Tara let out a
sarcastic laugh even though the fear was threatening to
overwhelm her. How?
By making me your slave? Is that what you want, Willow?
A mindless automaton that caters to your every need? Why
don’t you just have that Warren guy build you your own
Tarabot, complete with various attachments? ‘Cause
that’s not me, Willow.
Willow smiled and Tara
gasped when her ex-lover’s face turned even paler in
the darkness and her eyes and hair blackened until it
seemed the whole world had turned black. I
don’t need that, Tara. I have you.
No! Tara
said again and turned to run from the room.
Run all night, Tara,
Willow purred. I’ll
still find…
Tara turned the corner
of the hallway, cutting off the rest of Willow’s
words. Instead of finding the top of the stairs, she
suddenly was running in the woods, stumbling over roots
and other obstacles that threatened to trip her. Behind
her she could hear Willow making her slow, but steady
way towards her.
Tara! Willow
called in a singsong voice. Come
on, Tara…I just wanna play.
Tara tried to focus on
staying upright, but she felt the rush of Willow’s
power surround her and she tripped.
Sweat dripped down her
forehead and into eyes already stinging with tears. She
tried to rise but she felt a boot push her back to the
ground and she rolled over to see Willow standing over
her. Instinctively she began to back up, crawling on the
palms of her hands and soles of her feet, refusing to
turn her back on the witch. As Willow stalked toward
her, a vision of darkness with her black hair, black
eyes and black clothing, Tara thought for a moment that
her heart would stop. Oh goddess, no…please.
Tara silently thought to herself. This
is only a dream. Willow would never…
Wanna bet, Tara?
Willow smiled as she
stopped in front of her. It’s
all about power, you know. Give me your power now…or
I’ll just take it. Either way, you’re mine. The
vamps? Ha, they’re nothing. Just bit players in their
own power game. They came here for our power…but we
can take theirs. And we’ll be together forever. You
know you want it.
Willow, please! I want
forever but not like this, Tara
begged. You don’t want this either.
You’re…you’re not a bad person. And what about
your friends…the Scoobies? If you do this, if you take
me against my will, then you’ll lose them. You don’t
want that. I know you, Willow…
Tara could feel the
rage rising up in Willow, rising to the surface like
some ugly, noisome boil coming to a head. She could feel
it rushing towards her like the rush of a train speeding
closer and she was helplessly trapped, unable to move
out of the way. It was coming and there was nothing that
was going to stop it.
Bored now, Willow
sang and Tara screamed.
Tara jumped up in the
bed, her heart hammering in her chest, threatening to
burst out.
"Tara! Oh god,
you okay?" Buffy said, her face white.
Tara looked at the
clear sky beyond the windows of Dawn’s room. She
looked at the frightened Slayer and nodded.
"Bad…dream," she breathed after a moment,
her panting finally slowing down.
"Sounded more
like a nightmare," Buffy said, taking the
blonde’s sweaty hand. "Sorry I didn’t wake you
"I’ll be
okay," Tara said. "It’s only a dream, right?
Willow’s not doing magic?"
Buffy paused a moment
and looked at the shaking woman. A feeling of sadness
and anger washed over her. Willow had it all and she
pissed it away. Buffy knew that Tara loved her best
friend dearly but not unconditionally to the point
she’d let herself be controlled and manipulated. And
now the woman who had brought Tara such joy terrorized
her in her dreams, maybe even in her waking life
although she probably wouldn’t admit it out loud.
Buffy could tell that Tara needed reassurance that
Willow wasn’t the monster she saw in her dreamscape.
"No Tara. She
isn’t. … Are you sure you’re okay?"
Tara nodded and Buffy
responded in kind, leaving to get ready herself.
The Slayer stopped and
turned around.
"You’d tell me
wouldn’t you? I mean if Willow was on the magics again
you’d say something?"
"I would,"
Buffy nodded. "But she really isn’t Tara and even
if it doesn’t feel like it, you’re safe with
"How can you be
so sure?"
"Because I know
Willow. She’s a good person. She just thinks with her
heart and not her head sometimes but I can assure you
that you’re safe here. And she’s clean Tara.
"I hope you’re
"I know I’m
right," Buffy grinned. "Slayer sense and all
that," Buffy smiled. "Why don’t you get
ready and meet us downstairs for breakfast."
It was spoken more as
a command than a question and Tara nodded and pulled
herself from the covers as Buffy left.
Breakfast turned into
a quiet affair. Willow and Tara ate in silence. In fact
they hardly looked at each other. And as far as eye
contact – that didn’t happen at all. They were both
still haunted by their early morning dreams and feeling
uncomfortable as a result. Dawn shot Buffy a glance and
silently asked with a casual wave toward the witches
what was happening. Buffy sensed the uneasiness too and
understood exactly what Dawn meant. She could only shrug
nonchalantly. She understood Tara’s mood given how the
woman woke up but she couldn’t understand what had
Willow so quiet.
Damn, Dawn
thought with a sigh. And
they were doing so good. What the heck happened?
The silence was
becoming too much for the teenager.
Dawn began. "Any ideas on what to do?"
Back at their suite,
Tara gently removed Willow’s bloodstained clothing and
tended to the angry-looking wound.
"Does this
hurt?" Tara asked.
"Of course,"
Willow smiled at her.
"You’re not
acting as if it does!" Tara said, angry with the
person who dared to hurt her beloved.
"The pain isn’t
important, Kitten," Willow explained.
"What’s important is finding the bitch and
killing her."
Willow watched as Tara
continued to minister to her, carefully cleaning the
puncture wound that was already healing.
"Tara?" she asked when the blonde had
finished. "What did you do tonight?"
"You mean the
spell?" Tara asked and then shrugged at Willow’s
nod. "A simple reveal spell. I focused it on the
last person to touch the bolt that hit you. It can also
be used to find lost objects, missing pets, stuff like
"Do you know
other spells?" Willow asked.
"Sure, I’ve got
several spellbooks full of them back at my dorm. Most of
the books were my mother’s, but she discouraged me
from using dark magic. Since I came to Sunnydale, I did
acquire a couple of spellbooks that would turn her hair
white if she knew I owned."
"Dark magic
spells? What’s the difference?" Willow asked.
Tara settled herself
down on the bed, sitting beside Willow who was resting
against the headboard. "Mostly intent. The reveal
spell I used earlier is usually a helpful or defensive
spell, but it can also be used as an offensive spell.
Mother never condoned using magic for harm or personal
Willow smiled,
"But you’re not mother’s girl are you,
anymore," Tara smirked.
"Come now,
Tara," Willow chided. "If that was true, would
you really have acquired those books before we met?
Against your dear departed mother’s wishes?"
Tara smiled,
"Speaking of which…I really should go fetch them.
Some of the books are quite valuable."
"Don’t bother
yourself, my love," Willow said and called for her
personal slave. A moment later Willy prostrated himself
before the couple.
"Take a couple of
minions with you, Worm," Willow ordered. "Go
to your new Mistress’s dorm room and pack up all her
belongings. Break anything and I’ll show her how fun
it is to skin humans alive."
Mistress," he whispered.
"They can get
in?" Tara asked.
Willow explained with a wicked grin. "Its occupant
is a vampire."
"Behind the bed,
there’s a loose panel," Tara told Willy.
"Inside you’ll find several books. I suggest if
you value your eyesight you do not open them.
"Hurry back,
Worm," Willow ordered and he quickly scampered out
of the room. "He’ll be back shortly," Willow
said. "In the meantime, what can you teach
"About magic, you
mean?" Tara smirked, running one sensuous hand down
Willow’s exposed torso. Willow closed her eyes in
pleasure and then gasped in pain, as Tara pressed hard
on the swollen flesh around her wound. "Want me to
show you, Willow?"
"Show me,
Kitten," Willow hissed through the pain in her
"Magic is a
matter of control, Willow," Tara explained.
"You like to be in control, don’t you?"
"Oh yes,"
Willow sighed as Tara continued rubbing her hands over
her body.
"Good," Tara
explained, a wicked grin on her face as she stood up.
"Because before you can do magic, you must learn
control." With a gesture, four steel-reinforced
leather cuffs simultaneously shot out from under the bed
and latched themselves around Willow’s wrists and
ankles. Before the redheaded vampire could react, four
stout chains attached themselves to the cuffs and pulled
tight, spreading Willow across the bed, her arms and
legs stretched, restricting her movement. Willow liked
her chains but she never imagined herself being the one
in them.
Willow struggled
against her restraints, her vampire visage emerging as
anger filled her. "Let me go, Tara!" she
"Nope," Tara
said, turning away from the bed and moving to a large
chest at the foot of the bed. "Do it yourself,
"Tara! Let me go.
Tara ignored the
furious vampire as she looked through Willow’s toy
box. She picked up a leather strap with a hard rubber
gag attached to it. "Willow?" Tara asked in an
innocent tone. "Don’t you have one of these that
comes with the attachment for a dildo?"
Willow continued to
fight against her bonds, but Tara only smiled as she dug
further into the chest. Willow chose only the highest
quality for her toys and Tara knew from personal
experience that Willow could not possibly break free
from them using strength alone. "Oh yes!" she
said finally locating what she was looking for.
"Here it is. But…I think I’ll leave that part
off for the moment. Maybe later if you still haven’t
freed yourself."
She moved to the head
of the bed. "Now, Willow," she explained.
"You can’t learn magic if you’re too busy
snarling like that."
"Let me up,
bitch! I’ll show you…" Willow’s words were
cut off as Tara shoved the gag into her mouth and
quickly locked the buckle tight behind her head. Spittle
and blood foamed around the edges of the gag as Willow
continued to struggle.
Tara stripped off the
rest of her clothing and climbed onto the bed,
straddling Willow’s hips. The redhead tried to throw
her off, but the restraints were pulled tightly and she
was barely able to move. Tara once again ran her hands
over Willow’s body, enjoying the feel of the smooth
skin underneath. After a few minutes, Willow’s
struggling finally slowed and then stilled.
Tara said satisfied. "All calm. Now, pay attention,
Willow. What I mean by control is controlling your
Tara’s mind suddenly
flashed back to earlier that evening when she cast the
reveal spell. "Yes," she agreed. "I was
excited and nervous. I don’t like seeing you almost
killed like that, but in the middle of all that I
managed to control it and cast the spell. I know you can
do it too, and I’ll show you how but first I need to
do something. Okay?"
Without waiting for an
answer, Tara placed both hands against the raw wound in
Willow’s chest. Willow’s eyes grew wide as she felt
powerful heat emanating from Tara’s hand. She looked
up at her gloriously naked lover over her, Tara’s full
breasts only inches from her face. She groaned, not from
the heat, but in desire.
Tara ignored
Willow’s reactions and closed her eyes in
concentration as she chanted softly. After a few minutes
she sat back again and looked down at Willow. Her
lover’s eyes were also closed, her body covered in a
sheen of sweat. On Willow’s chest, there was a small
scar that was quickly fading, but no sign of the
puncture or swelling.
"All better, my
love," Tara smiled. "I know it’s gonna sound
hokey, but everything is surrounded by energy. By
concentrating the power of your mind, you can learn to
manipulate that energy to your advantage. Like
By turning her head
slightly Willow watched as a single rose floated up from
a vase full of roses and moved towards them. It hovered
over her face; it’s soft petals gently caressing the
skin of her cheek, careful to avoid the leather strap.
"Anything can be
manipulated to your advantage, Willow," Tara
explained. "You just need to control
Suddenly, the rose
whipped across Willow’s face, its thorns cutting
cruelly into Willow’s cheek. Dark red blood welled up
from the gashes. Tara leaned down and slowly licked the
wounds clean. She pressed her body into Willow’s,
enjoying the feel of hardness beneath her. She spread
herself until she was lying fully on top of Willow, her
hands lacing themselves with Willow’s fingers,
ignoring the pain as Willow squeezed hard. She pressed
one thigh into Willow’s center, finding the
vampire’s wetness. She began to move her body
sensuously against her lover’s.
"Feel my power,
Willow," she whispered. "Tap into it and move
the rose yourself."
Tara’s eyes closed
as she continued to grind against Willow. She knew
Willow hated to be in this position, hated the loss of
control, but Tara knew this was the only way her lover
would learn how to regain that control. She felt herself
sinking deeper into Willow as she finally felt Willow
making contact with her, felt when Willow connected her
energy with her own as she approached orgasm. With a
muffled cry around the gag in her mouth, Willow’s body
arched as far as it could within the restraints. Tara
turned her head and grinned as the rest of the roses in
the vase, at least two dozen of them, sailed towards her
in a flash of energy and sliced across her back.
She cried out from the
pleasure of the pain as Willow caused them to fly around
and slash at her again, and again. She ground herself
against Willow’s center as she rode the crest of her
orgasm, feeling the redhead underneath her come again as
she communicated her ecstasy through their linked
Finally, she collapsed
on Willow spent. After a few moments, she sat up again
and looked down at Willow. She knew that Willow was
still angry, she could feel it, but Willow also had a
sense of amazement over what she had just accomplished.
"That was good,
Willow," Tara praised. "Now that you’ve
tapped into my energy, try to tap into your own. Use it
to manipulate the cuffs so you can free yourself. Take
your time…I’ve got something to do while you
Willow watched as Tara
moved off the bed and gracefully folded herself into a
lotus position on the Oriental rug near the bed. Tara
closed her eyes and although she had no reason to
breathe, the habit was too deeply ingrained as she began
her meditation. After a few moments, Willow saw a tiny
light emerge from Tara’s forehead and bounce playfully
towards her. With a dip, the light kissed its way up her
body and then sped off out of the bedroom. Willow sensed
she was alone, even though Tara’s body still sat on
the rug.
She once again tested
the strength of the bonds, even though she knew it was
useless. She was amazed that Tara had managed to get her
in this position. Other than Xander, no one had ever
dared. She couldn’t help but feel admiration towards
her pet – sure Tara was gonna pay and she was gonna
pay harshly, but Willow still felt awe at the blonde’s
She wondered where
Tara had gone and hoped she would be back soon. Daylight
was fast approaching and Willow didn’t know if her
spell would protect her essence from the effects of the
sunlight although Willow’s shrewd mind couldn’t help
but consider the advantages of being able to travel
during the day.
Instead, she tried to
concentrate on getting free. She’d worked the cuffs
thousands of times, but always with her hands. But her
familiarity with them allowed her to see them clearly in
her mind as she closed her eyes and concentrated. After
a few unsuccessful attempts she felt herself growing
more frustrated and angry with herself. And with Tara
for leaving her in this position. She relaxed and tried
After what seemed an
eternity, Willow finally tapped deep into a source she
had never known existed within her. She was amazed she
had never realized it before. It was all so simple…all
that power within her just waiting to be used. With
almost an afterthought, all four cuffs flew away from
her and clattered to the floor on the ends of the
chains. She sat up and with another thought removed the
gag from her face.
Her first instinct was
to rush over to Tara and give her the thrashing of her
undead existence, but she managed to control herself as
she threw on a robe and left the bedroom to see if Willy
and the minions were back yet with Tara’s belongings.
Several boxes were piled up in the living room and she
could sense her minions sleeping in the basement.
"Any trouble,
Worm?" Willow asked Willy who was running a duster
over the furniture.
Mistress," he replied. "It was late and there
was no one around. It didn’t take us long to empty the
"Well done,
Worm," Willow said, opening one box and pulling out
a book. "Make sure you feed Miss Kitty and then you
may retire."
Mistress," he said. "Thank you Mistress."
After Willy
disappeared to care for her cat, Willow sat down to read
the book. Most of the contents didn’t make sense to
her, but she began to see the possibilities. Magic was
just another way of harnessing the power within. No
different than using the strength of her arms or
legs…or even the power of her mind. It was another
weapon she could use and she was once again happy and
pleased with herself for her choice of companion. Tara
was indeed going to serve her well.
She had made her way
through several of the books when she suddenly felt a
presence. Looking up, she saw the light entering the
room and move rapidly through to the bedroom. She waited
and a few minutes later Tara walked into the living room
also wearing a robe. Willow watched as Tara flopped down
on the couch across from her and propped her feet on the
coffee table.
"Whew, I’m
starved," she said. "Anyone around here to
"No, but
there’s some blood in the fridge," Willow said.
Tara was just about to get up again, when Willow said,
"Let me, Kitten."
Tara sat back and
smirked as she heard the refrigerator door opening in
the kitchen and the various rattling of cups as Willow
prepared them a drink without leaving the couch.
"I knew you could
do it, my love," she smiled proudly at the redhead.
"You have so much power inside you, I knew it
wouldn’t take much to free it."
"We’ll have to
talk more about your methods later, Tara," Willow
said, once again happy to be in control. "Now, tell
me where you’ve been."
"I’ve been
watching the Watcher," she laughed. "What a
stuffy old bore he is!"
"The librarian?
How did you know where to find him?"
Tara said. "I followed the Slayer…the reveal
spell left enough signature so I could get a tracer on
her. She led me right to his home."
Willow asked, intrigued.
"She told him
about what happened tonight," Tara laughed.
"He’s quite concerned that one of our kind used
magic. I could sense he’s played with magic before,
but he’s rusty. And the news his Slayer brought him
frightened him."
Willow said, pleased. "What else?"
the bitch’s name by the way," Tara pointed out.
"She recognized you from your red hair. He sent her
after you specifically. She was very contrite that she
missed. The way she was acting, I think she almost
expected him to smack her for failing. I thought you
said slayers were supposed to be tough?"
"They’re all
different I guess," Willow shrugged. "The last
one seemed to be."
Tara continued. "They’re planning another strike
against you in three days time. They know where we live
and are planning on attacking here. They figure if they
can rid of you, they’ve got a better shot of getting
to the Master."
"Why three
days?" Willow asked. "Why not right
"Full moon,"
Tara explained. "The werewolf is out of commission
until it passes. The Slayer, the Watcher, the werewolf
and the other white hat, Larry – they figure they
could make a surprise attack. Kendra wanted to do it
right away because you’re wounded and weak, but the
Watcher thinks it’s better to go in full strength,
especially with this new development. She bowed to his
Willow laughed and
felt her chest. "No pain here, Kitten. You did me
"In more ways
than one," Tara smirked. She sipped her drink.
"So, we have three days. Got a plan?"
"Of course,"
Willow said, placing the book down. "Come Kitten,
we have lots of work to do."
"Are you sure
this is gonna work Tara?" Xander asked. "Not
that I’m doubting your ability but it sounds like some
serious hocus pocus to try to pull off."
The six of them sat
round Buffy’s dining room table formulating a plan.
"It’s not
easy," Tara agreed. "But we don’t have
options here. If what Spike said is true – and I do
believe him – we’ve got only one way to make it
"Why do you think
he’s being honest? He never has before," Anya
"He knew the name
of the spell," Tara answered.
"So? Maybe he’s
telling you exactly what they want him to say. He’s
been harboring them since they arrived," the
ex-demon retorted.
"That’s true
"He’s being
honest," Buffy interrupted. "He knows if he
sides with them that he’ll lose and he’ll
never…" Buffy trailed off her thought process.
Saying that he’ll never earn my love wasn’t
something she wanted to get into at the moment. She did
agree with Tara that he was being honest and making a
sincere effort to help. "…fit in here. That’s
something he wants."
"I agree with
Buffy," Tara nodded. "He’s different lately.
I don’t know how or why but…something’s going on
with Spike. The look after I smacked him – it hurt
him. And not physically but emotionally. I think he’s
telling the truth so we’re planning accordingly."
"Now let me play
Devil’s advocate here," Xander began. "Say
you’re wrong. Then what? I’d just like to know that
you guys are gonna be safe Tara."
"Safe and
Scoobies aren’t two words you can use together. We all
take a risk everyday Xander."
"Yeah but this is
different and you know what I mean."
Tara sighed,
"Yeah I know."
"She can do
it," Willow added without looking at anyone in
particular. "I know her ability."
"I’m glad
you’re the Tara pep squad Willow but…"
"But what?"
she asked Xander.
"It’s a big
gamble…You two could get in there and things could go
wrong. And if that happens then maybe you’ll..."
"Go on a magic
bender?" Willow asked when Xander didn’t add
"Your words not
mine…And yeah…You’ve been doing so good. But
what’s to say that you won’t get in there and start
throwing your magic around."
"There is nothing
except my word which I realize means very little."
Xander began in apology. "I’m just trying to look
at all the scenarios. That’s all."
"He has a
point," Tara told Willow. "And I’m concerned
too that if things get rough you’ll breakdown."
"You need all
four of us in the room in order for you to work the
spell Tara. I won’t do magics. I’m just there to
coax the Vamps in so you can get the job done."
"You swear?"
Tara sighed.
"Okay, that’s the best you can do I know. It’s
"You don’t have
a lot of faith in me and that’s okay. You’d be
stupid if you did. But I promise, on Joyce’s grave, I
won’t do a single spell."
A quiet passed over
the group until Anya spoke.
"Maybe since
you’re all scared Willow will get all witchy again we
could just capture the vamps," Anya offered.
"You know, keep them locked up for the rest of your
lives since we can’t kill them. Buffy’s got a big
"And they’d
stay confined for all of 5 minutes until they used magic
to get free," Tara replied. "No - we need to
take them out of this dimension but with Willow out of
commission it’s up to me to put it together."
"I just pray
you’re powerful enough," Xander retorted, his
voice tight with concern.
"You and me
both," Tara agreed.
"Can I speak to
Willow leaned down to
Buffy who was seating in the dining room waiting for the
group to assemble. Buffy sent a message with Spike to
have the Vamps meet the Witches at a nearby abandoned
"Sure," she
said rising and following Willow out to the kitchen.
"Getting nervous?"
"No not
really…More worried for Tara than me…Speaking of
which, I know we have to meet them alone but I know you
won’t stay too far away."
Buffy tried to hide
her guilty grin but said nothing.
"So when you do
show up and if things are going bad, not working like we
planned? I want you to kill Vamp Willow."
"We’ve been
over this – the linking spell they put on you
"Listen to me. If
they get my power it’s gonna kill me anyway. Tara too.
This way I save Tara and Vamp Tara goes home empty
handed. For all we know the linking spell could be a
hoax and I’ll be fine if you kill her. I’m willing
to take that chance…. You know I’m right
Buffy shook her head.
"I can’t promise that Will."
she begged. "If they start winning I need you to do
the right thing. Lots more people might die besides just
me and Tara. With that much power they could be
unstoppable and we’d both be dead anyway. This way at
least one of us goes on Buffy. That someone should be
Tara. So promise me you’ll be the Slayer. You’ll do
what needs to be done. Please?"
Buffy gave a heavy
sigh. "I’m sorry Will I just can’t."
Willow knew there was
no changing Buffy’s mind and if the time came she
might have to be the one to stake Vamp Willow.
"Alright if you won’t do it at least promise to
keep Tara safe? I want you to protect her first above
everything else. Can you do that?"
Buffy considered it.
"Yeah," she replied after a brief pause.
"That I can manage but killing you to do it isn’t
an option for me Willow. I’m sorry."
"That’s okay.
We can only do what we can, right?"
Buffy could hear the
defeat in Willow’s voice – the feeling of
"You are
important in this fight so don’t doubt that. Even if
you’re not working the magic Tara needs your presence
in order to see it through. Remember that?"
Willow simply nodded.
"Are we about
ready to leave then?"
Willow took a deep
breath and squared her shoulders. "Let’s get it