To Those Who Wield
CN Winters and Susan Carr
Buffy fanfiction, Willow fanfiction, Buffy slash
fanfiction, Willow Tara fanfiction
Joss owns ‘em. I’m just borrowing ‘em.
NC-17 for grown up stuff like sex, language and
Will and Tara; Vamp Will and Vamp Tara
CN Winters (cnwinters71@yahoo.com) or Susan Carr
Takes place during season six after Tara and Willow’s
break up and Willow’s recovery. We took the liberty of
letting Vamp Willow live when she returned to her world
just because we can. Anyway, seems Vamp Willow has
returned to ‘Buffy’s Sunnydale’ again, this time
with her new lover, Tara Maclay, to wreck a little
thanks: To Chris Cook for the ultra-cool banner

Tara slid a book
toward Anya. "Okay. See if you can find anything on
trans-dimensional spells." With that she handed a
book to Anya’s fiancé. "Xander, give Anya a hand
with this translation text in case her Gaelic is a bit
"What about
me?" Dawn asked.
"Hmm...Hop on
line," she told her. "Do a search. Try
‘crossing dimensions, dimension crosses’ stuff like
that. See if you pull up anything that might give us
some clue as to how they might have gotten here. That
might give us an idea of a way to send them back."
Tara reached into a box and pulled out another book as
Buffy tried to slide away from the dining room table.
"Not so fast Slayer."
Buffy sat back down
dejectedly. "I’m not research girl. I’m kill
things girl."
"Which is why
you’ll need this book," Tara said sliding it
forward. "It’s filled with spells that you can
use on vampires who can sometimes be immune to magic.
This might not be a simple stake through the heart
operation. You might need information."
"Yeah but, unlike
Anya, I can’t read different - ."
"Don’t worry.
It’s written in English," Tara smirked.
Buffy gave a heavy
sigh and opened the book, looking at the pages. "Ye
who holds thy caste-. Hey! You said this was
English," Tara corrected. "Like Shakespeare
used, but still English Buffy. You’ll figure it
"Can’t I help
Dawn research on the Net?"
"No because
you’d just check your email instead," Tara
"I would
"Stick with the
The gang heard Willow
cough behind them and they turned to find her standing
in her bikini. "Sorry. I’m gonna…ahh…head out
back a-and get tan...well…burnt and then maybe
Willow didn’t wait
for a response. She walked toward the kitchen and out
the back door.
"She looks pretty
hot, doesn’t she?" Dawn said, wiggling her
eyebrows, trying yet again to pitch the idea of Willow
to Tara.
The blonde just
sighed. "Dawn, the Net is calling."
okay." She rolled her eyes before going to the
"I feel like
I’m reading Romeo and Juliet and I didn’t understand
that either," Buffy sighed, closing the book.
"Do you have the CliffsNotes version of this?"
"Lemme guess?
That’s how you got through English Lit?" Tara
asked with a teasing grin in place.
"You say that
like it’s a bad thing."
trade?" Anya asked sarcastically. "I said I
knew some Gaelic but 500 years is a long time to
be outta practice."
Xander wasn’t
listening to the conversation. His eyes kept going back
toward the kitchen where he watched his best friend
leave moments before looking quite despondent. He rose
and handed Anya the translation book.
"Where do you
think you’re going?" she asked. "You get to
enjoy the fun of research too."
"In a
minute," he said softly, making his way toward the
hallway and out the back.
When he stepped
outside he found Willow lying on a beach blanket in the
grass. "So," he called out, "How’s the burn
coming along?"
"I’ve only been
out here two minutes," she told him not bothering
to look up. "Give me at least another ten."
"Ah yes, the
curse of the redhead. I’ve heard many tales of
woe…Jimmy McNally on the site. He gets red as a
lobster and then peels to a milky white." Xander
made his way though the grass and sat near his friend.
He leaned back in the chair and briefly closed his eyes
feeling the warm sun on his face.
"Why aren’t you
inside researching with the others?" Willow asked.
"Got tired of
listening to Buffy whine." He grinned at her.
Willow finally opened her eyes to look over at him.
She wasn’t sure why
but she felt the sides of her mouth curl in amusement.
"Yeah. Tara’s
trying the friendly but firm approach but I don’t
think it’s gonna work."
Willow closed her eyes
again and Xander considered where to go now.
"It’s okay
Will," he told her after a brief silence.
okay?" she asked.
"Missing the
research gig. We know you’re not ready to be around
that stuff so you don’t have to feel..."
Xander paused. "I
was gonna say unproductive."
Willow repeated more firmly.
Xander began. "You’ve gotta go easy on yourself.
You’ve got a problem - an addiction. It’s only been
a couple of weeks and we know you can’t be around that
"Yeah if I
wasn’t such a screw up I could help out."
"That’s not
what I meant and you know it."
"But it’s true
Xander. I can’t help. I can’t do anything…Except
lie here and burn…Kinda poetic in a way. I should burn
after what I did to Tara. At least that would be one way
I could make her happy."
"I don’t think
she wants you to burn. Yeah she’s pissed. You did
some…well, some not so smart stuff but…I heard that
fight in the kitchen."
"Xander, the
whole block heard that fight in the kitchen."
"And you both
have valid points," Xander said ignoring her
comment. "And the way I see it you were both wrong.
You shouldn’t have done the spell but she shouldn’t
have left. Things get tough sometimes but you try to
work past that."
"She couldn’t
stay Xander. Whether I did the spell or not…she would
have left because of the magic…because of how
out-of-control-y I was getting. Truth is I’m just not
worth sticking around for."
"I know that’s
not true."
"Is it? Tara
left. Oz left…Hell even Giles left. Sure, maybe Buffy
no longer needed a constant watcher but…He was family
Xander. And like my natural parents he’s half way
around the world right now…So don’t tell me that
I’m worth anything because obviously I’m not."
"You’re worth
something to me. Doesn’t my opinion count? Or
Buffy’s? Or Dawn’s? And I’d go so far as to say
you matter to Tara - even today. People who give up
don’t argue that passionately."
"Oh really?"
"And what makes
you the expert?"
"Cordi. When she
called it off, it was done. No arguments. No yelling.
She just…went…And it was over…And at the risk of
sounding less than manly, it hurt…So believe me when I
say it’s not over for Tara. She still loves you
but…like any pop-psychology guru will tell you…you
guys got issues."
"Yeah well we
haven’t said much since the screaming match. I don’t
see any great dialogues in our near future."
"Maybe not the
near future but in the future…yes you will."
Willow gave a half
Xander asked.
"Buffy says I’m
"Yeah well,
Buffy’s only got 6 years in Willow’s world while I
on the other hand have 15."
"I noticed you
didn’t refute that comment."
"No I did
not." Xander nodded firmly.
Willow opened her eyes
again to look over and see Xander grinning down at her.
Will," he said sincerely. "Do you think I’d
lie to you?"
"No. It’s
Xander finally asked when she didn’t immediately
"I wish I could
help. I have nothing to offer you guys or Tara for that
matter. There’s nothing I can do. I’m
"Depends on your
definition of power," he retorted. "Sure I
can’t work some funky mojo on a hell-dimension god or
dust vampires with ease like the Slayer. But I can make
my best friend grin when she’s down in the dumps. I
can pick up donuts or take-out food faster than any
human on earth. And I can also see the obvious that the
Scooby ‘hierarchy’ overlooks sometimes because being
the ‘average Joe’ has it’s advantages…Are these
awe inspiring powers? Well, no. But when the time comes,
they’re very much needed. And your time will come
Willow, even if you can’t help right this second…
Maybe when you least expect it you’ll find you have
something to contribute…Take it from a guy who
Willow grinned
broadly. "Maybe you’re right."
don’t know. Things are just so…tense."
"Yeah I get that.
Having Tara here isn’t easy and having to battle a set
of evil twins isn’t a cakewalk but…We’ll get by.
We always do. You just gotta have faith…And a little
patience," he teased.
What’s that?" she joked.
Xander began to
chuckle when Anya appeared at the back door.
"Xander? Buffy and Dawn are fighting over the
computer and Tara is threatening to turn everyone into
bunnies. Would you come back in here please?"
"Ahh…my work is
never done," he sighed. "Tanning or research?
Tanning or research? Sorry but if you ask me Will, you
got the better deal right now," he winked before
getting up. "Coming Dear," he shouted over his
shoulder to Anya.
"You better get
in there," Willow told him with a grin.
"Yeah…You gonna
be okay Will?"
Thanks for coming out here."
"Well I wish I
could stay longer," he said as he looked back at
the house. "You have no idea how much I wish
I could stay longer."
Willow chuckled and
watched him walk reluctantly to the house.
Tara was coming from
the bathroom and nearly collided with Willow who was
walking from the bedroom.
they both said in harmony before blushing at the
proximity to each other.
Willow’s hands
rested on Tara’s upper arms, their bodies inches away
from each other. Neither woman had been so physically
close since their separation. It felt familiar but
obtrusive and suddenly both women took two steps back
from one another as if they were on fire.
Willow felt stupid
standing there, not wanting to leave and yet afraid to
just walk away. She shrugged her shoulders and the
slight movement caused the fabric of her shirt to shift
slightly against her back.
Tara looked up at
Willow’s soft gasp of pain. "You okay?" she
yeah," Willow said as her mouth raced ahead of her
thoughts. "Just too much sun, you know? I mean,
normally I’m able to time it just right, but after
Xander went back inside, I kinda lost track and stayed
too long. I don’t know why I bother though…it’s
not like a tan will last longer than a day or so."
Willow stopped as she finally ran out of steam, tears
threatening once again as she realized that Tara
probably didn’t even care enough to stop her babbling.
Tara couldn’t speak.
She wanted to offer sympathy for Willow’s pain. She
remembered other times when she had used magic to sooth
the fair-skinned redhead’s sunburn…times usually
followed by intense lovemaking sessions. She desperately
wanted to help, but she was afraid that even healing
magic might be enough to set Willow off.
When Tara didn’t
seem to make an effort to scurry away, Willow decided to
put on her best conversational voice.
"So how goes the
She watched an
uncertain look cross Tara’s face, as if the blonde
wanted to say something but stopped herself. For a
moment Willow felt once more that Tara didn’t want to
speak to her but she paused for a moment hoping she
would say something.
"It g-goes,"
Tara answered, taking a sudden interest in her
fingernails, trying not to look at Willow.
Feeling defeated
Willow gave a heavy sigh. "Tara I’m sorry.
I…I’ll just leave you alone. I get the not-so-subtle
hint. You don’t want to speak to me."
Willow turned to leave
and Tara’s head shot up. "Oh no," Tara
called softly making Willow turn around, "I mean,
it’s not that…well, not only that," she added
in confession.
Willow threw her hands
up and wordlessly started back to her room.
"I don’t want
to fight anymore Willow."
Willow stopped again
but didn’t turn around.
"I don’t wanna
fight either," she muttered. "I just wanted to
know if you were making progress but I’ll ask Buffy
for the details."
"It’s not just
the fighting Will," Tara said. "I mean…yeah
I’m leery that anything we say will end up in another
kitchen fiasco. That and…I’m not sure how much you
can take."
Willow turned around.
"What do you mean?"
"M-magic. I
don’t mind talking about the plan. After all, it’s
best that you know w-what we’re working on since it
concerns you too but…"
Willow prompted with a wave of her hands.
"I don’t want
to tempt you."
Willow gave a chuckle.
"Tara the Temptress. Now there’s a
thought..." Willow couldn’t help it and she
immediately regretted the comment. "I’m sorry I
didn’t mean … my foot continues to live in my mouth
Tara decided to side
step the temptress comment and just make her point
"Will, I don’t
know how much information you can take - about the
spells and stuff. You’re doing well from what everyone
says and I don’t want you to…"
"Fall of the
Tara just nodded and
waited for Willow to continue.
"I can talk about
magic. Really, it’s okay. A-and besides, I don’t
think I have much of a choice here at the moment
since…you know…killer vamps on the loose and
"Okay," Tara
said with a nod. "Well we’ve found three power
transfer spells. Buffy and I are thinking that since I
knew magic before I met you that maybe Vamp Tara has
been training Vamp Willow. They might have come back
here to get power from ‘their twins.’ Based on what
Buffy’s told me Vamp Willow didn’t like this world.
She would have no reason to come back here unless there
was something they wanted."
"You mean
Tara nodded.
"There’s one spell that works when one twin draws
upon the power of the other twin. But they have to be
identical twins - the vamps have our DNA even if they
don’t have souls."
"You mean the An
etay akor tures spell?"
Tara nodded.
"That’s one spell. But there’s also one in the
German texts we’ve found and one in Italian as well -
Blitzerheim's Ubergangsenergie and La Potenza
di Trasferimento. They’re similar in nature but
the An etay akor tures has one distinction the
others don’t."
"It has to be
preformed by both twins at the same time."
Tara agreed. "And since neither of the vamps made a
move on us separate, we’re thinking they must need us
together to do the spell."
"What if we
bargained with them?"
"What do you
mean?" the blonde asked.
"What if I
offered them my power for them to go away? Not like
I’m using it anyway. Hell I might even get rid of the
shakes in the morning."
"You could but
then you’d be dead."
"That’s the
catch. When the energy is drained it’s like losing
your essence, your life-force. The spell would give Vamp
Willow unspeakable power but in the end it would kill
you. Besides Vamp Tara needs me too in order to complete
the spell and I’m not willing to give up my life so
they can have more magic in their arsenal."
"Isn’t there a
way to transfer power without death? I mean I know of a
few spells that…" Willow paused. "And I’m
not saying I would do them. But, couldn’t I transfer
my energy to Vamp Willow just to make her go away?"
"I know of the
spells too but they’re also life threatening Will. You
have to be totally willing - totally submissive - to let
someone take your power via magic. If you have even the
slightest bit of doubt or hesitation it would kill you.
Now can you honestly say you’d be relaxed enough and
deep down would want Vamp Willow to have that kind of
Willow just gave a
"That’s what I
thought," Tara smirked. "I can’t do it
either. Who’s to say what they’ll do with the power
once they have it? So that’s why we have to fight
"With what?"
"Honestly? I’m
not sure," Tara confessed. "I’ve been
looking all night but…I’ll find something eventually
- a counter spell with maybe the added kick of sending
them back to their world with no return flight. Buffy
wants to go out later to see if we can find them. I
doubt they’ll be forthcoming but maybe we can get some
information from them."
"That’d be
good." Willow grinned and a short silence fell
between them in the small hallway until Willow spoke
again. "You know…this is the first conversation
we’ve had that didn’t involve one of us screaming or
"Maybe we’re
maturing," Tara said trying to joke.
"Nah, you were
always mature. Maybe I’m just finally growing
Tara didn’t add
anything and neither one of them knew quite what to say.
Their eyes looked everywhere but each other. Finally,
Willow cleared her throat.
"Well I better
let you get back to your books."
"Yeah, it’s
gonna be a long night I think," Tara said with a
Willow gave a nod and
motioned to the stairs. "Can I go down and make you
some coffee?"
Tara’s first
reaction was to refuse but there was something in
Willow’s eyes that just pulled at her. She knew Willow
was genuinely trying to be helpful and the past few
hours had probably left her ex-lover feeling inadequate.
"That’d be
great, Will," Tara told her. "Thanks."
"Come on,"
Willow said nodded her downstairs with a grin.
"I’ll go get it ready while you be research
Tara smiled but Willow
didn’t see it. Willow coffee is the best, Tara
thought silently as she followed behind her. On the
mornings that Willow would get Dawn off to school the
first thing Willow did after waking up was to start the
Well not the ‘first
thing,’ Tara
considered. Willow would make a point to kiss her good
morning - once on the lips and once on the neck just
below her earlobe. Tara’s hand instinctively went to
the location on her neck as she remembered the feel of
Willow’s lips. Willow kissed her that way every
morning. No, Tara suddenly remembered, not
every morning.
The happy memory soon
perished when she realized the loving wake up calls
stopped after their first argument about Anya’s
engagement party decorations. Sure, Willow still made
the coffee for her but it never tasted quite as sweet as
it once did and she wondered for a brief moment as she
walked down the stairs if it ever would again.
But she pushed the
thought out of her head. There was no sense dwelling on
it. Especially right now. She had bigger things to deal
with at the moment, which involved saving them from two
power hungry, bloodthirsty vampires. And with that
thought she went back to her books as Willow headed off
to the kitchen.
"Willy already
said he didn’t know anything," Xander told Buffy
as they entered the demon bar that evening. "Anya
and I already came here."
"Maybe he just
forgot. I’m gonna refresh his memory."
Buffy moved to the
center of the bar as the Scooby gang stepped to the
side. Casually she held the crossbow up for everyone to
Buffy yelled getting everyone’s attention.
"You’ve all got 15 seconds to clear out or the
Slayer opens fire."
Demon upon demon
trampled their way to the exit as Buffy walked over to
the bar with the gang behind her.
"Ah for Pete’s
sake, Slayer," Willy started. "You’re killin’
my business here."
"Have you seen
these two women?" Buffy asked pitching a thumb to
Willow and Tara who stood behind her.
"Yeah. I’m
lookin’ at ‘em. They’re right there," he said
Buffy raised her
crossbow sending a bolt just pasted Willy’s head,
shattering a bottle of AB negative blood behind him. He
turned sharply and watched it drip as Buffy reloaded.
"Come on,
Slayer," he said frustrated, turning around to face
her again. "That’s expensive stuff."
Buffy didn’t reply.
She fired another round, breaking another flask behind
"Oh for cryin’
out loud!"
"Should I go for
a hat trick?" Buffy asked, cocking the crossbow
okay." Willy held his hands up, making Buffy lower
her sights. "They were in here a night or two ago -
I don’t really remember. The tall blonde one chatted
up your buddy Clem," he said pointing at Tara.
"Last I heard they were making the rounds at the
Bronze. That’s all I know. I swear."
"Thanks for the
info Willy," Buffy said tossing a $20.00 bill on
the bar and nodded the gang to leave.
"You know this
doesn’t cover what you broke Slayer?"
"No it doesn’t
but next time you’ll take the money if I offer
Willy simply sighed
and pulled the $20 from the bar, stuffing it in his
pocket. Once Buffy and her gang left, Willy watched to
see the poker room door open and Spike walk out.
looking for the doubles eh?" he said casually to
"I had to tell
her," he retorted. "She’d destroy the whole
bar if I didn’t."
alright," Spike nodded with a grin, making his way
toward the door. "I think these two will give the
Slayer a run for her money…But it’ll be fun to
The Scoobies walked
into the Bronze and immediately Tara could sense their
vampire doubles’ presence in the crowded room. With a
tap on Buffy’s shoulder and a pointed finger, Tara and
the group made their way over to the table the couple
occupied. Vamp Willow noticed them first and grinned.
"We’ve got
company Kitten," she said nodding toward the
approaching gang. Vamp Willow turned to Anya first and
gave a light chuckle. "Well, looky there," she
remarked to the ex-demon. "I see they’re all
groveling at your feet just as you predicted years ago.
How’s that workin’ out for ya?"
Vamp Tara looked to
her lover slightly confused. "The bottle
blonde?" she asked.
Vamp Willow nodded.
"I’ll explain later Love," she told her.
Anya didn’t reply.
For once she held her tongue and looked away from the
table. Willow however stepped closer and examined the
vampires closely.
"You turned her,
didn’t you?" Willow asked her vamp self, not
hiding her disapproval in the least. "Even AFTER
I asked you not to kill anyone."
Vamp Willow began as she turned to her lover,
"She’s an observant one isn’t she? Well, not
too observant. Couldn’t tell you from hers after
all." She paused a moment and turned back to
Willow. "Hello? Still evil," the vamp
answered. "You think I’m gonna stop existing
because you asked? You’re delusional," she
"Delusion -
." Willow stopped herself from continuing. She
didn’t want to start a pointless debate. They came
here for answers. But before she could add anything
further Vamp Willow spoke again.
"I will say one
thing…Kitten’s right. Fuzzy isn’t so fuzzy
anymore. Nice to see you actually discovered you had a
body under all that fluff. Maybe I did some good after
all because you’re looking pretty damn hot."
Vamp Tara gave a soft
chuckle and stroked the side of Vamp Willow’s cheek
with her fingertips. "You always look hot
Baby…Now we just gotta work on Frumpy," she
pointed to her doppelgänger.
The vampires continued
to smirk but Willow still held her ground, unmoving. The
vamps just looked at each other and giggled. With a
sigh, Vamp Willow turned toward the Scooby group.
"So what brings
out the white hats tonight?"
"Don’t avoid
the question," Willow challenged.
Buffy pulled
Willow’s head down to whisper in her ear.
"We’re here to find out about their plan Will.
Not to make moral judgments, okay?"
"No!" Willow
said loudly. "I want her to answer my
question," she added, facing her other self.
"There was a
question in there someplace?" Vamp Willow asked.
"Yeah Baby,"
her lover replied before, leaning over to snuggle into
the redhead’s shoulder. "She asked if you turned
me." For emphasis, she gave a tiny snarl and nipped
playfully at her lover’s neck.
"Oh yeah, that,
" Vamp Willow said in afterthought. "…Yes I
did. And if I’m not mistaken she’s lovin’ every
moment of it. Aren’t you Kitten?" The vamp then
let her fingertips glide under her lover’s chin,
tenderly moving her closer until their lips closed the
distance and met in a very long, leisurely kiss.
Willow was torn
between disgust at the display before her and utter
arousal. Watching her kiss Tara was
distracting her and she shook her head to get back to
the point she was making.
"How could
you?" Willow asked raising her voice, making the
pair face her. "And why on earth bring her
"Look at
her," Vamp Willow pointed to the sexy, blonde
vampire. "The question should be how could I not
turn her?"
Vamp Tara giggled and
snuggled in closer to her sire.
"Don’t you care
about her at all? Are you really that evil that you
would force her to live as a animal a-and kill people
like you do?"
Willow watched as the
vamp version of Tara stilled and moved away from her
lover. The blonde vampire looked up to see that the
tremor she felt wash over her lover wasn’t an illusion
- Willow was growing angry. And an angry Willow,
although beautiful, wasn’t helpful to their goal right
Baby," she said softly, knowing they needed Willow
alive. "Think of the mission."
Buffy thought silently. At least they’re here for a
reason and not a friendly vacation.
Vamp Willow didn’t
reply to Willow immediately. She just slipped gracefully
from the bar stool and strolled three paces toward
"That’s far
enough," Buffy warned.
Vamp Willow rolled her
eyes at the blonde, "Relax Big Bad Slayer. Fuzzy
asked a question…so I’m gonna answer it. That’s
The two women squared
off with equally powerful ‘resolve faces.’
"It bothers you
that I turned her, huh?" The vampire asked Willow
in an almost sympathetic voice. Willow, for her part,
didn’t reply but she didn’t break eye contact
either. "You don’t have to answer. I feel
it…feel your emotions…feel the magic inside.
Umm…you’ve got that ole black magic coursing through
you like blood. You wanna let loose but you can’t. So
powerful but so…neutered."
That comment earned
her a giggle from Vamp Tara at their table.
"Maybe not
neutered since you stopped for Frumpy’s benefit,"
Vamp Willow remarked putting a slender finger to her
temple in thought. "Maybe you’re just pussy
whipped…Can’t say I blame you - it’s damn good
pussy." Vamp Willow looked over at Tara who was
tucked protectively behind Buffy. She wiggled her
eyebrows before she began to chuckle. Vamp Willow then
turned back to the reforming witch to watch her fists
clench and unclench.
It took all of
Willow’s reserve not to unleash on the vampire before
her. Hundreds of spells came to mind but not a single
one that she could use. Helpless, she felt her anger
making her skin hot and her nerves race.
"Oh come on Will,"
the vampire said stressing her name sarcastically.
"You’re just aching to let that fire loose. That
power…You could knock me halfway through the wall with
just the wave of your hand, couldn’t you?…But
instead you keep resisting that evil underneath. You
fault me for my choices but truth is, I’m not evil. I
just gave up resisting my true self."
"You are
evil," Willow pressed. She could feel how white her
knuckles were becoming as she clenched. "No matter
what spin you put on it, you’re still a demon."
the vamp relented. "But you’re evil too, whether
you admit it or not."
"I am not
The vamp just chuckled
and reached out, her fingertips touching Willow’s face
briefly. She smiled as Willow jerked her head from her
"You asked how I
could turn Tara but the choice was hers. I didn’t
wield my power upon her. I gave her free will and she
chose to join me…I didn’t manipulate her mind. I
didn’t steal her memories. I didn’t build illusions
of happiness with her." Casually, the vamp spared a
glance toward Tara that wasn’t lost on any of them in
the small circle. "I earned my place with good, ole
fashioned honesty and trust." The vampire gave a
hearty laugh, "Of course, fantastic, mind-blowing
sex didn’t hurt any either."
"You got that
right Baby," Vamp Tara called from the table. Vamp
Willow smirked and turned around. She blew her Tara a
kiss before turning back to Willow, who continued to
look like she was going to boil over at any moment.
"Look at the
facts Sweetie. My Tara’s at my side," she
boasted. "And later I’m gonna ride her until she
sore but satisfied. And as for you and yours?
Well…your Tara is scared to death of you and
wouldn’t let you touch her with a ten-foot pole. So
tell me …who’s the evil one?"
That did it. Willow
let loose. Not with magic but with her fists. She sent a
right hook to the vamp’s jaw, knocking her about three
feet away and on her backside. Willow grabbed her hand
in pain but she still charged ahead to deliver another
blow. But suddenly her steps froze as Vamp Tara chanted
from the table.
the blonde vampire yelled as she waved her hand. A
stream of green light surrounded Willow.
Willow knew she had to
get free as her vamp self rubbed her jaw, moving to her
"Relea-! Arghh!"
It was pure instinct.
Willow stopped herself in mid chant of the release spell
and helplessly watched as the vampire slowly made her
way over. She began twisting her body in the hopes of
getting free.
Tara knew there was no
way Willow was going to break the confines without
she shouted from behind the Slayer, making the barrier
melt away.
the vamp from the table shouted again, slightly annoyed
by the disruption.
Once more, Willow
became wrapped in a binding spell as her demon self came
closer with a feral grin. She looked determined to do
some damage to the recovering ex-witch. I need you
alive Fuzzy, but not all in one piece, Vamp Willow
considered with a wicked smile.
At that point, Buffy
darted around the Scoobies to face off with Willow’s
alter ego while Tara charged toward the table. Giving a
mighty heave, she tipped it on top of her vamp self as
she shouted again.
Just as she did, the
spell was broken and Willow ducked from the impending
swing the vampire tried to deliver. The missed punch
caused the vampire to lose her balance, sending her
straight into the Slayer’s arms. With stake in hand,
Buffy grabbed the vampire version of her best friend and
pushed her against the bar. As she began her strike,
Vamp Willow caught her by the wrist, stopping the wood
just shy of her heart.
"Nah, ah, ah.
Kill me and Fuzzy dies too," Vamp Willow tisked.
"You don’t really want to do that, do you?"
Killing this vamp
would mean killing Willow? How could that be possible?
Buffy considered the
words but she didn’t relent her hold on the vampire in
the slightest.
Buffy called out. She didn’t ask the question. Tara
instinctively knew what she needed.
Tara nodded. "They might have done a linking spell
of some kind."
Buffy paused a moment
"To reimpressa or
not to reimpressa," Vamp Willow sighed with a grin.
"That is the question."
"It’s a life
protection spell," Tara explained to Buffy.
Vamp Willow simply
continued to grin at the Slayer, waiting for the
inevitable. With a frustrated shove, Buffy pushed the
vampire away. Vamp Willow triumphantly straightened out
her corset before she strolled over to the table to help
her lover to her feet.
The club that had
grown quiet watching the 10-second commotion quickly
resumed its chatter when they realized the ‘chick
fight’ was over.
"You okay
Kitten?" the vampire asked, her fingertips running
over the pale skin of her lover’s face.
Vamp Tara pouted.
"That bitch spilled stuff on me," she said
wiping her arms.
"Don’t worry.
It’ll all be better when we suck the energy outta her.
I promise."
Vamp Willow took the
blonde’s hand and gave a wave to the group.
"Later ladies. Oh - that includes you too
Xander," she smirked.
The Scoobies watched
as the pair walked outside, unable to stop them.
"Gimme the
stake," Willow told Buffy.
"I’m gonna end
this right now. They both have to be together in order
to do their spell."
"Willow you
can’t kill them!"
"Not both of
them. Just the evil, skanky me. That’s all it’ll
"No - we’ll
find another way."
"What’s the
"The point? The
point is you might die if you kill her."
"So be it,"
Willow answered confidently.
suicide! Listen to me Will. If - ."
"No! You listen
to me Buffy! You’ve got two powerful vampire-witches
who are gonna have incredible power if they succeed in
their ‘mission.’ Maybe they’ll become
powerful enough to destroy the world if they want. I
think my life is worth stopping them now."
"Well I
"And I do.
She’s right, you know! Everything she said is true.
I’m evil and I’m inept. I can’t even fight back.
What good am I doing here? At least if I take her out
then we - ."
"Stop right
there! It’s not happening Will. I won’t let
"I serve no
purpose anymore."
"Look, I’m not
gonna argue! End of discussion. No vamp dusting allowed
until we learn more. Got it?"
Willow didn’t reply
- she just turned heel and walked toward the exit.
"Hey Will!"
Xander called out trying to make her stop.
Willow continued to
walk on without looking back as Buffy sighed feeling her