To Those Who Wield
CN Winters and Susan Carr
Buffy fanfiction, Willow fanfiction, Buffy slash
fanfiction, Willow Tara fanfiction
Joss owns ‘em. I’m just borrowing ‘em.
NC-17 for grown up stuff like sex, language and
Will and Tara; Vamp Will and Vamp Tara
CN Winters (cnwinters71@yahoo.com) or Susan Carr
Takes place during season six after Tara and Willow’s
break up and Willow’s recovery. We took the liberty of
letting Vamp Willow live when she returned to her world
just because we can. Anyway, seems Vamp Willow has
returned to ‘Buffy’s Sunnydale’ again, this time
with her new lover, Tara Maclay, to wreck a little
thanks: To Chris Cook for the ultra-cool banner

When no one started to
move, Tara found herself running after Willow. She
paused at the entrance of the Bronze, looking around
before spotting her ex-lover walking toward the open
she shouted.
Instead of stopping
like she hoped, Willow continued to walk and Tara gave
chase. A few moments later, she was at Willow’s side
grabbing her arm, making her stop.
"Hey," Tara
began, her heart pounding - not so much from the jog but
from her nervousness regarding what to say.
Okay. Say something
Tara, she
chastised herself silently. Tara wasn’t sure where to
start. Sure she succeeded in stopping Willow but now
what? When she didn’t speak immediately Willow began
to walk away again and Tara reached for her once more.
It wasn’t so much
the words but the pleading tone Willow heard in Tara’s
voice that made her feet stop. Slowly, she turned around
to face her.
nothing you can say," Willow told her.
"Yeah there
is," Tara answered, taking a few steps closer.
"She’s evil Will. She said all the things that
she knew would upset you. And you played right into her
"She didn’t
lie," Willow told her.
Tara considered the
comment. That was true. "But she didn’t exactly
tell the truth either," Tara remarked.
"Oh so you’re
not scared of me? I didn’t use my power to take you
against your will? You know…the way I see it, she’s
right. I’m not evil like she is - I’m worse."
"How do you
"Because she’s
soul-less and I have no excuse."
Willow began to walk
away again and Tara paused a moment, trying to put her
thoughts together. Quickly, she caught up to her again
as they walked along the sidewalk.
"Being addicted
to something doesn’t make someone evil," Tara
told her. "You tapped into stuff that…t-that was
bigger than you. Bigger than both of us actually
pointless," Willow told her.
"Me. Us…You
don’t understand Tara."
"Then help me
"I know what I
did was wrong. I see that now."
"I feel a
‘but’ coming on."
"But…you were
gonna leave me if I didn’t give up the magics."
Tara’s confusion
showed on her face. "Will, I wanted you to give up
the magics. I don’t understand. Are you saying you
wanted me to leave? Is that’s why you didn’t
"No." Willow
bit her lower lip, wondering how much she should
confess. "You would have ended up leaving me
"How can you say
"Because without
the magics I’m…nothing…"
"Oh Will,"
Tara sighed.
"Tara, you fell
for a someone who was special; who could work spells.
You didn’t know what you were asking by trying to get
me to quit."
"You think I
wouldn’t have loved you?"
"I know you
"No Tara. You
don’t know what I was like. What I am like - just some
computer geek, nobody really. Hell, Xander dated a woman
he hated before he ever noticed me. What’s that tell
"Tells me that
Xander’s pretty blind. And if memory serves-."
"Sorry. Poor
choice of words," Tara cringed. "…Point is,
he did notice you eventually and it wasn’t because of
magic. He opened his eyes and he found a woman who was
sexy and funny and loyal. He realized that maybe he
could have the whole world if he took the time to
Willow shook her head.
"No, I don’t think so. The rush of the
‘forbidden’ is what he found titillating most of
all. It wasn’t me."
"Fine then.
Forget Xander. I know I loved you for a lot more reasons
than just the magic. You had a magic all your own.
It’s still there."
"Oh really? Then
why do I feel so worthless?"
Tara sighed in
frustration. She had to make her ex-lover see the truth.
"Willow, it
wasn’t magic that made sure Dawn was taken care of
after Buffy died. Magic didn’t see to me after
Glory’s destruction. It didn’t make you pour over
books researching or cracking secret government files on
a computer. And it wasn’t Willow Magic that made me
shudder every night. It was Willow Hand," Tara said
with a half-smirk. She realized instantly that perhaps
flirting wasn’t the best thing at the moment but
Willow just pulled it out of her. Quickly she added,
"You have to realize that was all you; not the
"Gee and still
you left?" Willow answered flippantly.
"Yes I did leave.
I left because OF magic. You took my memories. You
didn’t trust me enough to love you for you. I left
because…I loved you too much to watch you destroy
yourself. I tried Will," Tara sighed. "I
really tried to make you see the path you were on
but…I failed…Lots of failure issues here for both of
Willow muttered, her toe kicking an imaginary rock so
she could avoid looking up.
"But going on a
suicide mission doesn’t solve them. The world still
needs you Willow Rosenberg. Buffy still needs you - just
like Xander and Dawn do too."
"But you
don’t," Willow told her, unable to still look
Tara in the eye. "And you mean the world to
me." Suddenly Willow felt more uncomfortable and
began shifting her shoulders. "I’m not fishing
for affirmation," she added quickly. "I’m
just telling you the truth. At least the truth as I see
You have no idea how
much I need you.
The impulse to kiss Willow, to reassure her that she
still loved her and would always love her, was
overwhelming, but Tara held back. She didn’t need to
confuse Willow or herself for that matter. She wanted to
be a part of Willow’s life again. She truly did. But
she needed to know that her mind would always be her
own. She still couldn’t say she felt certain of that.
So instead she took Willow’s hand cautiously in hers
and her heart skipped a beat when she felt the redhead
return the gentle squeeze.
"I miss
you," she offered instead. "I do."
"I feel a
‘but’ coming on," she said mimicking Tara’s
earlier comment.
Tara grinned warmly
before growing serious. "But…I need to know you
can give up the magics. And that I’ll be safe with
you…And for the record, yeah I need you too but I’m
still scared."
"I’m sorry
you’re scared of me." Willow said sincerely.
"To be honest
I’m more scared of myself I think."
Willow cocked her head
in wonder, which prompted Tara to continue.
"I mean…You may
not believe it but when I fell for you I fell hard.
Harder than I ever fell my whole life...I’m scared
that next time around I-I won’t be strong again. If
you start with the magics, I might not have the
s-strength to leave again. I’m not sure I can w-watch
you destroy yourself. A-And until I know that you can
give it up…I can’t come back."
The last sentence came
out more like a strangled cry. The thought of Willow’s
demise and how much she wanted to return touched a part
of Tara she kept locked away ever since she’d left.
Unable to keep her emotions at bay she began to cry,
hiding her face in her hands.
Willow was at a
crossroads. Did she comfort her ex-girlfriend? Or did
she just let her cry it out in silence? With an uneasy
stutter step, Willow moved closer and put her arms
around Tara, half afraid of what the reaction might be,
the other half longing for the closeness. She wondered
how Tara would interpret the gesture and braced herself
for a slap to the face or a boot to the shin.
When Tara’s arms
encompass her instead of pushing her away, Willow
relaxed. Her hand began to absently stroke the back of
Tara’s head. The rush of how soft it felt swept over
Willow and she tightened her hold.
"Gods, I love you
more than life," she whispered. "Why did I
lose sight of that?"
Tara tried to still
her sobs but she still remained wrapped in Willow’s
arms. "Power," Tara sighed.
"You got caught
up in the thrill of it, being able to bend things to
your will," Tara said pulling away, wiping her
eyes. "It’s trite but true - absolute power does
corrupt absolutely Willow. That power’s like a drug.
Some people can experiment and go on to lead normal
lives. Other people…well…"
"Become crack
Tara nodded sadly
before trying to show a bit of optimism.
"But that
doesn’t mean you can’t change," she said
quickly. "You’ve been changing so much over the
last few years. A-and I…I think you can do it.
Anything that you set your mind to becomes reality - and
not through magic. If you’ve truly decided to give it
up Willow I know you will. I do. But it’s a lot of
power to give up and like I said. Power is
seductive…but it’s not what made me notice
Willow gave a grin.
"What did you notice first?"
Tara looked bashful. Oh
boy, do I really want to have this discussion?
"Ahh, I don’t know," she chuckled.
"I know that
look," Willow tisked. "You know but you’re
just not saying. ‘Fess up. I can use a bit of levity
here now."
"The red
hair," Tara said with a grin.
Tara chuckled again
and put her head down, hoping her blonde locks would
hide her crimson cheeks.
it?" Willow asked, full aware there was more Tara
considered adding but stopped herself.
Tara paused a moment.
She had to admit she was enjoying this remembrance for
the moment. Oh
what the Hell. Go on and say it.
"This is not a
come on," she prefaced herself. "But…I
wondered if all your hair was red."
"I am a
natural redhead, you know?" Willow teased, making
Tara turn even brighter.
"Believe me. I
haven’t forgotten," Tara chuckled nervously.
A small quiet passed
between them before Willow spoke. "I’m sorry
Tara. Honest I am."
Tara considered the
apology. There was a sincerity there she hadn’t heard
in a very long time and she gave a nod. "I know you
are Will."
"A-and if I could
have some way to prove it to you, to show you that I’m
gonna get straightened out, that I don’t need the
power, I would."
Tara sighed. "I know that things are pretty tense.
But it’s gonna take-."
Tara nodded.
"Yeah I get it.
Buffy and Xander have pointed this out on countless
occasions, I should add."
"They’re good
friends Willow and they still need you for things other
than suicide missions."
"Yeah as my
rational side takes over again I see that but…things
are just so topsy turvy. I think it’s from coming down
off the magics - like the shakes. I go from total
optimism to total despair but…I’m getting there I
think. Not just for you but for me too. I want to be
someone I’m proud of. I’m not sure if I can
say I’ve ever felt that way unless I was with
"What do you
Willow paused to
collect her thoughts. She didn’t want to lay any big
love confessions on Tara. They finally seemed ready to
talk to each other and Willow didn’t want to jinx that
"I loved Oz but
with you…it’s deeper; it’s like you’re a part of
me. I know I can’t explain it really well but I
remember times when you didn’t only say I was special
but I could feel you meant it. Even if it was just a
glance or smirk or…I’ll shut up now. Point is, I
still love you and I wanted you to know. That’s all
Tara. Nothing else. I just…I thought you should
Feeling uneasy with
the confession and what Tara’s reaction might be
Willow took a sudden interest in her shoes so she
wouldn’t have to look eye to eye with Tara. That’s
when she felt Tara reach out and stroke her face.
For the moment Tara
decided to take Buffy and Dawn’s advice and allowing
her guard to drop for a moment and look at Willow as she
stood this very moment. Tara had to admit that Willow
showed amazing restraint in the Bronze going to so far
as to risk injury from Vamp Willow by not using magic.
She was grateful when Willow looked up at her.
"I’ve made
tough choices in my life," Tara told her.
"I’ve faced some not so pleasant things
but…leaving you really was the hardest one Will. I
remember packing that night and just looking around the
room. I spent most of the time wondering if I was making
the right choice. Later at the dorm, I just felt numb…
For days on end I just shuffled through life, not paying
much attention to anything around me. I won’t lie to
you about how it hurt but that doesn’t mean-."
"I know you
can’t come back. You need to be able to sort through
everything," Willow said stopping her ex-lover who
was on the verge of tears again. "A-And I’ve
figured out if you want me in your life you have to be
able to trust me. Stupid but I didn’t stop to realize
that if you had done the same thing to me - the
forgetting spell - I’d be upset. I wouldn’t have
left…" Willow added in a mutter with a grin
before continuing in a clearer voice, "But that’s
me and not you. A-and I can’t compare my thoughts
against your actions. You felt you had to go so I
respect that. I don’t like it but…I really wish
you’d say something here to stop my babblefest because
I have the overwhelming feeling that I’m gonna stick
my foot in my mouth real soon a-and I-."
"Okay," Tara
said with a grin. "We’re not making any great
strides forward but it’s better than the two steps
back we’ve been doing …Maybe the key to a truly
happy life is dying and becoming a vampire. I mean we
seem pretty happy leading the life of evil in vamp
form," Tara quipped.
"Don’t remind
me," Willow answered with a grin. "That was
"Well Vamp Will
only said those things to upset you. And even though she
knew…" Tara stopped and cocked her head at
Willow. "She knew," she added in a firmer
voice. "How did she know?"
Willow immediately
picked up on what Tara was thinking.
"Maybe they’ve
been here awhile. Been watching us - no," she shook
her head, discrediting the idea before continuing.
"Even if they were watching they couldn’t know
all the detail about the forgetting spell. It’s not
like you can witness that, you know?"
"Yeah but none of
the Scoobies would be chatting them up. It would have to
They both knew the
answer. It had to be someone within their circle that
would offer up their personal information to the
vampires; someone that also knew them on a personal
They looked at each
other and at the same time said, "Spike!"
"Oh that son of a
bitch," Tara sighed.
"Well this
sucks," Willow said despondently.
"You don’t
say?" Tara added sardonically.
"Well yeah for
obvious reasons but think about it. He came so far.
Taking on Glory. Helping us…It’s sad in a
way…A-and besides, what’s in it for him? Why help
them? Vamp kinship?" Willow asked.
"I’m not sure
but let’s get back to the gang and compare notes. Come
on," Tara said as she briefly pulled Willow toward
the Bronze again.
The vampires were
walking down the back alley nearly joined at the hip,
their arms around each other’s waists when they heard
a small clap of applause from the shadows.
"Good show. I
have to admit I liked that," Spike commended as he
stepped into their view.
"Baby really let
Fuzzy have it," Tara giggled.
"Yeah but I
noticed that Baby had both of them in the room and
didn’t do your spell. What was it again? Cortisone
"Cortisone is a
cream that gets rid of itching. If we had poison ivy,
then, yes. But the spell is called akor tures,"
Willow answered.
Spike sighed. "Point is you had your shot and you
didn’t take it."
"Far too many
people there, you ass. It’s not like this is a quick
in and out procedure like your sex life."
Tara chuckled softly
against Willow’s neck. "Now Sweetie," she
chastised in a playful voice. "No offending
Spike’s stamina. Not everyone can be as blessed as
"Too true
Kitten," Willow answered pulling Tara closer for a
long tender kiss. With a contented sigh she turned back
to Spike. "When the time is right," Willow
told him, "we’ll take care of the spell. You just
take care of the Slayer. Understand William?"
Okay I’m really
starting to hate this bitch. Chip or no chip.
"Oh yes mistress," he teased. "Anything
you say mistress. Harder. Harder mistress." He
ended his rant with a smirk and lit a cigarette.
"When you birds get tired of partying, the
crypt’s open. ‘Night ladies," he called over
his shoulder.
Willow glared at him a
bit, not used to being talked to by a vampire in such a
disobedient nature, even by one of Spike’s status.
Even the Drusilla of their world was her equal. She was
convinced. This truly was a stupid world – even her
doppelganger had the audacity to challenge her.
Tara felt her
lover’s emotions and squeezed her gently.
"Don’t fret, Will," she soothed.
"He’s not worth it. Just a tool, you know."
"I’m not so
worried about Spike. He’s just another ‘wanker’ as
he would say. No, I’m still more rankled at what Fuzzy
Tara frowned, playing
over the encounter in her mind. "What did she
"Said I’d made
you into an animal," Willow growled. "You’re
not an animal, Baby. I made sure of that."
"Of course I’m
not," Tara said. "You’re the best sire
anyone could have, Willow. You’ve proved that over and
over again."
Willow smiled sweetly
at her companion and as they continued on their way.
Willow remembered the hard, and - at times - painful
steps she took to ensure that Tara’s awakening would
be as easy as possible for her and her mind drifted back
to that evening.
The redheaded vampire
sat at the edge of her bed and gently picked up the
cold, alabaster hand of the still form lying on the
coverlet. So peaceful, she thought, so
beautiful, even in death. Willow stroked the stiff
hand. She was anxious for the blonde to rise, but since
her preparations were not yet complete, she hoped for a
bit more time.
With a final squeeze,
she laid the hand over the still chest and moved across
the bedroom to a large, ornate cabinet and opened it.
She selected fresh clothing for herself and with a
glance at the blonde, she frowned at the contents of her
cabinet…nothing in here would do for her childe.
"Worm!" she
called in her most commanding voice.
A smallish dark-haired
human scurried into the bedroom, careful to keep his
eyes cast down at the floor. As he approached Willow, he
slumped closer to the ground until he managed to fall to
his knees at her feet.
he whispered in a high-pitched voice. "How may I
serve you?"
"I need
clothes," she said. "Go to that new store over
on Main. I noticed some suitable things the other
Mistress," he said. "Your usual style?"
"Not for me,
Worm!" she said. "For her. Make sure you get
the sizes right. 8 or 10, I’d say."
The man darted a
glance at the bed and Willow stomped on his hand with
one booted foot.
"Don’t you dare
look at her!" she hissed. "You are not worthy
enough to look at her."
Mistress!" he cried. "I’m sorry,
Mistress!" he clutched his wounded hand to his
chest, his eyes not daring to look any higher than her
"When she
awakens, you will treat her with as much respect as you
do me. Is that understood, Willy-boy?"
The man shivered in
fear as the vampire whispered his name. She only used it
when she was preparing for some particularly horrible
torture. Too frightened to answer, he could only nod his
head as he continued to grovel.
"Go now,"
Willow continued. "Be back before nightfall. Make
sure I’m well pleased with your selections for her or
else I’ll let you be her first meal…but not before I
demonstrate a few of the more pleasant aspects of your
Pleasant for you,
maybe, Willy
thought to himself glad she could not read his mind. He
bowed in obeisance to the vampire towering over him.
Still on his knees, he scurried backwards towards the
bedroom door, trying to imprint the brief image of the
figure lying on the bed firmly in his mind so he could
get the right sizes. Only when he softly closed the door
behind him did he breathe a little easier.
Willow turned back to
the bed, once again gazing in wonder at the sight before
her. A small smile graced her lips as she remembered
taking the blonde’s life…taking her, being taken by
her. She thought about her own turning…of the night
Xander had come to her. She had welcomed him into her
room, but not into her bed. That didn’t matter to
Xander though…he took her anyway, awakening in her a
passion she never knew existed and seducing her until
she begged him to give her release. Only after he first
drank from where he broke her hymen and then from the
pulsing artery high on her thigh did Willow understand
what was happening to her and her pleas changed...not
for her life, but for her death. She wanted the eternal
life he was offering and she gladly accepted his gift of
his own blood to her in return as she lost
Xander had left her
body there to be found by her parents the next morning.
Buried before nightfall according to Jewish tradition,
Willow had come awake in total darkness, gasping for air
until she realized she didn’t need it and reveling the
new strength in her limbs as she pushed her way past
wood and dirt, clawing through to her rebirth. Xander
and the Master had been waiting for her, her sire and
grandsire ready to teach her all they knew so she could
take her place at their side in this brave new world
filled with possibilities now that the Master had
escaped from his prison.
And now all the work
the three of them had accomplished lay in possible
ruins. The Master’s hold on Sunnydale had slipped. The
surviving white hats were regrouping and making serious
progress against them. No new slayer had arrived, but
the Master felt it was only a matter of time before one
did. And despite numerous attacks on them, it galled
them both to know the librarian and his werewolf
sidekick were still alive.
With Xander and most
of his other childer and minions dusted in the factory
battle, Willow was becoming even more important to the
Master. To his delight, he discovered in her a shrewd
tactician and strategist. Willow knew that in the
aftermath of the disaster at the factory, were it not
for her organizational skills, the white hats would have
completed their task in eliminating them from Sunnydale.
The Master knew this and rewarded his grandchilde
accordingly. He was the only demon in Sunnydale that she
answered to…all others leapt to do her bidding.
"No filthy grave
for you, Kitten," Willow whispered to her beautiful
childe, stroking the outline of her stiff cheekbones.
"Willow’s gonna take better care of you than
The thought of her
Tara waking up inside a coffin made Willow’s insides
clench in fear and anger. She wanted to do anything she
could to protect this wonderful gift she had been given.
She hadn’t felt this happy since before Xander was
destroyed. No, she thought in wonder, I’m
happier than I was with him. I think with her at my
side, I can do anything…we can do anything. The
possibilities are endless."
Remembering her own
awakening, Willow thought of the insatiable bloodlust
that had come upon her. Xander had brought a treat for
her for when she rose. She remembered falling upon the
bound woman as if she had been reborn an animal. It was
only later that she learned to control her savage
instincts. Willow hated the memory of that time…she
may be a demon, but she wasn’t a creature. Looking at
Tara, she realized she didn’t want her lover to have
to go through that…she didn’t want to see her
beautiful goddess like that…and an idea began to form
in her head.
Rising from the bed,
she made her way toward the vaulted ceiling living room
of her suite the Master had given her. Several minions
were sitting around the room, but quickly jumped to
attention upon her entrance. One who had been playing a
video game was slower than the others and Willow
casually stalked forward as she pointedly did not look
at him.
"Round up a group
of humans…at least a half dozen," she ordered.
"Bring them here and chain them in the cage."
daytime, Mistress," the video player spoke.
Willow smiled.
As midnight
approached, Willow found herself pacing the space of her
bedroom. After gorging herself on two of the humans from
the cage, she was filled with energy, the fresh blood
rushing though her veins like sweet nectar. Every few
seconds she would glance at the blonde still lying
peacefully on the bed, but Tara did not stir.
What if I did it
wrong? she
fussed at herself, checking the clothes Willy the Worm
had brought for the dozenth time before finding
something she thought was suitable. What
if I’m not strong enough? What if she does rise, but
as nothing more than a brainless minion…no better than
that piece of waste I shoved out into the sunlight this
afternoon? What if…
Willow’s thoughts
were interrupted by the soft whisper of cloth sliding on
the silk of the bedspread.
she cried as she rushed for the bed. Even before she
reached it, she could feel the bloodlust pouring off of
Tara. As she watched in wonder, the blonde’s human
features were replaced by the demon’s - the eyebrows
pushing upwards as the brow ridges protruded and the
canines lengthening into their deadly shape. A low,
feral growl slowly emerged from Tara’s chest as it
filled with the air needed for speech, not life. The
growl continued to rise in volume until Willow felt as
if her eardrums would burst from the pressure.
Tara screamed and opened her eyes.
Willow grabbed Tara as
the newly risen vampire arched off of the bed and into
her arms. Willow clung to her childe in a fierce
embrace; her arms around the naked blonde’s back
pulling her close. Tara struggled to free herself, but
Willow held on.
Baby," she soothed. "It’s okay. I’ve got
you. I’ll always have you. Always."
Tara’s animal growls
continued. Willow ignored the stinging pain as Tara’s
nails clawed at her back. "Fight it, Baby,"
she whispered into the blonde’s ear. "Control it.
You’re stronger than that. I know you are…you’re
After a few more
minutes, Willow could feel Tara relax in her arms.
Willow loosened her
grip, but didn’t let go completed. She shifted Tara
around until she could look into the yellow eyes of her
lover, her forehead pressed into the other woman’s.
"Welcome back,
Kitten," Willow smiled.
Tara repeated and Willow felt a pang at Tara’s pain. Resurrection
is so hard on the body, she thought.
Baby," Willow said again. "I know what
you’re feeling. All us feel it when we rise."
"Don’t wanna
talk," Tara whined in a small voice.
"I know,
Kitten," Willow said. "Soon."
"Now!" Tara
insisted, trying to pull away.
Willow grabbed
Tara’s wrists and forced the blonde back to the bed as
she held them tightly over her head. She pressed her
body down, reveling in Tara’s new strength, the
hardened muscles rippling provocatively as Tara tried to
free herself. Willow looked deep into Tara’s eyes and
felt her own features shift as she brought her will to
the fore. "You will when I say, Tara!"
Tara stopped
struggling and returned Willow’s look. The redheaded
vampire could feel the intense emotions surging through
the blonde. It was Tara’s instinct to feed…to
replenish the body of the sustenance it so desperately
needed to survive, especially after the painful process
of death. Willow knew that Tara could not hold off for
too long, but she knew that she had to force Tara to her
Baby," Willow said, allowing her own emotions to
surge forth through them both, replacing Tara’s
hunger. "Do you remember what it was like? When I
fed from you? When you fed from me?"
Willow felt Tara’s
lust for blood change into lust for her. Arousal swept
through her body as Tara arched up to meet her.
Mistress," Tara cried.
"Oh Tara,"
Willow responded as she felt Tara’s gift of submission
wash over her and through her. "My love," she
purred as she ground herself into Tara. "Tomorrow I
will let you hunt. But tonight…" She leaned down
traced Tara’s lips with her protruding fangs, reveling
in the danger. "Tonight, you’ll feed from
As Willow loosened her
grip, Tara used her newly born strength to flip the
redhead over on her back. Willow grinned as she waited
for Tara’s next move. Having given her permission, she
waited to see what Tara would do.
enjoying this, aren’t you, my sire?" Tara asked
as she sat up and straddled Willow’s hips. Willow
grinned as she realized that Tara was at last in control
of her emotions, just as she had wished.
"Oh yeah,
Baby," Willow replied. "I have a feeling I’m
gonna enjoy this for a very long time to come. Eternity,
Tara’s hands moved
sensuously over Willow’s body as she teasingly removed
the redhead’s maroon robe. "I’m way ahead of
Willow gasped as in one swift move, Tara’s fangs
latched onto her neck and began slowly sucking. Oh
gods, she thought feeling wave after wave of
pleasure roll through her body. Heaven could not
possibly be any better than this!
As Tara drank, Willow
felt the blonde’s hips begin to rock against her upper
thigh. As a result she let her own hand wander down to
her center rubbing her clit rhythmically in time with
Tara’s sucking, straining for her own orgasm. Although
it had only been a few moments, Willow could feel the
blonde ready to burst with sexual excitement and that in
turn aroused her even more than her own hand. Oh yes,
the Master will like this one indeed, Willow thought
as Tara continued to take all she could from the red
head. And if
not, I’ll stake him myself.
Willow knew at that
moment she would not let this prize get away under any
circumstance. As Tara’s orgasm began to course through
her, Willow watched the blonde pull up, arching her
Tara cried out.
It was music to
Willow’s ears - a mix of sexual and feeding
satisfaction. Her lover collapsed next to her well fed
and sexually spent. Willow on the other hand…
She wasn’t finished,
not yet. She rolled Tara’s exhausted body over and
began to slide against Tara’s thigh, burying her
fingers in Tara’s hair at both sides of her temples as
she rode the woman. Tiny droplets from the bite dripped
down to Tara’s chest. Willow began to lick them off,
tasting the mix of her blood and Tara’s undead flesh.
Watching her sire above her created a new arousal within
Tara and soon she flipped the redhead onto her back.
Without comment or permission she shot to Willow’s
center, her tongue lapping wildly.
Willow’s hands moved
to the back of Tara’s head, praising her, coaxing her.
The waves began to build higher and higher until Willow
too crested, her hips coming off the bed, straining for
every bit of pleasure she could get.
"Oh Kitten,"
Willow sighed, reaching down to pull Tara beside her,
even as she still felt the contractions deep within her.
The blonde complied
and cuddled next to her sire as if waiting for her next
command. Willow was pleased with the feeling of
contentment that she felt oozing from her lover just as
the life-force that feeding her did moments before.
"Thank you,"
Tara said softly, snuggling closer into Willow’s arms.
"For letting me feed. For keeping your promise. For
giving me life for the first time."
Willow found herself
kissing the crown of Tara’s head with a feeling she
hadn’t known for ages - real contentment and peace.
This woman was the one, she was sure.
"No Kitten,"
Willow said sincerely. "Thank you."
Hours and five orgasms
later, Willow left Tara sleeping peacefully in their
bed, gently slipping from the hold that Tara had on her.
Our bed.
The thought made Willow smile. She was never much of a
cuddler but she loved being cuddled. She was grateful
that once more Tara fit the bill by wrapping her arm
around her before drifting off to sleep.
As Tara slept, Willow
went to feed one last time before she too succumbed to
exhaustion. Tara had left her feeling weak, but
strangely energized. Each time they came together,
Willow could feel the bond between them growing
"Are you alright,
Mistress?" one of the minions asked softly from the
shadows of the basement.
Willow allowed the
corpse to drop to the floor and wiped her lips as her
face shifted back to normal.
"Clean up this
mess," she ordered, knowing never to reveal herself
to anyone. Except for Tara. She felt giddy at the
Mistress," he replied, and then stepped forward,
his posture bowed. "I have a message from the
Master, Mistress."
"Oh?" Willow
asked, her eyes narrowing as possibilities ran through
her mind.
"The Master
wishes you well with your new childe, Mistress. He bids
you to bring her to him when you feel she is ready for
polite society. Mistress Drusilla has arrived this very
evening back in Sunnydale and wishes to also meet
Willow’s mind raced
with the information. So…the
Master’s spies have already informed him of Tara’s
existence. And Dru’s back in town. Why now?
Willow nodded at the
minion. "Inform the Master that we shall attend him
at the mansion tomorrow night. And send Drusilla my
regards along with something pretty as a welcome
"Tomorrow night,
Mistress?" he asked, the surprise clear in his
Willow thought about
taking him to task for questioning her, but decided the
rumors this one would undoubtedly start would serve her
better. Even
among demons, legends are more feared than facts.
"That’s right.
Go now before the sun rises."
Polite society indeed,
Willow fumed as she made
her way back up the stairs and to the bedroom. How
dare he? My Tara has style and grace and a much better
teacher in the ways of vampirism than I ever had I must
She pulled the heavy
drapes closed in anticipation of the coming dawn and
then allowed the silken robe to slip from her bare
shoulders as she joined her beautiful blonde under the
So sweet, she
sighed, wrapping her arms around Tara and pulling her
into a close embrace as she settled back against the
pillows. Tara even in her unconsciousness understood
what Willow wanted and likewise wrapped her arms around
her lover’s waist. Willow knew that as her grandsire,
it was within the Master’s rights to stake Tara in an
instant should he find her unworthy. Of course she would
never let that happen.
By presenting Tara to
him earlier than was expected, Willow was showing off
her prowess as a sire…strutting before the Master like
a cock in a hen house. If the Master found Tara
unworthy, then Willow’s standing would slip
considerably. But Willow knew different. She knew Tara.
And chances were he would be as smitten with her as she
You’ll be ready,
Kitten, she
though. First
you’ll hunt and then we’ll go see the Master. He
can’t help but find you worthy. You’re my
Finally relaxing after
such an eventful night, Willow drifted off to sleep as
the sun began to show on the horizon.
"Tara?" the
girl said as she opened the door. Willow recognized her
from the image in Tara’s mind.
Tara said, her voice low, a small smile gracing her
lips. "Hey. This is Willow. Can we come in?"
"Ummm, I was just
going out for some dinner," the girl said. Willow
could feel the girl inspecting her, sizing her up as a
potential rival. Willow felt a flash of anger at how
this one had treated her Tara, but she carefully
controlled her expression, simply returning the girl’s
"So were
we," Tara answered. "We won’t take long.
Just wanted to pop in for a short visit. What d’ya
Tracy hesitated a
moment more and then swung the door open. "Okay.
Come on in."
Willow smiled as she
entered the room. Her kitten had passed the first test.
She could feel Tara fighting her instinct to simply grab
the woman and sink her teeth into her. While fun, that
method was sloppy and only drew attention, especially in
such a public place as a dormitory. Willow silently
applauded Tara’s restraint and success in getting an
As Willow moved to sit
in the only armchair in the small room, Tracy looked at
Tara curiously.
"Are you okay,
Tar?" she asked. "You look like you’re
feeling better. A little pale, but I guess that’s
expected after you were sick."
"Oh yes,"
Tara answered, moving slowly around the woman as if
sizing her up. For a meal, Willow thought
giddily, Tara’s actions were unconsciously reflecting
her inner sensuality. Willow had recognized that hidden
trait in Tara the first time she had laid eyes on her,
but now it was bared for all to see. Tracy obviously saw
it also, but Willow could sense it was a little
frightening to her. She
must like Tara meek and mild.
"I’m much
better now," Tara said, moving around to face Tracy
again. "Thanks to Willow. She made me allllll
"Oh yeah?"
Tracy asked. "You’re a healer?"
Willow smiled lazily.
"Something like that. Tara herself had a lot to do
with it, didn’t ya, Baby?"
"Um hm,"
Tara hummed.
Tracy frowned.
"What…what can I do for you? Do you need notes
for the classes you’ve missed?"
"No," Tara
answered. "Willow’s gonna be teaching me
everything I’ll need to know from now on. And…I
think there’s a few things I can teach her, too."
Tara spared a look at
her lover and Willow felt body responding.
"Then what?"
Tracy asked. The young woman wasn’t sure what to make
of this change she felt in Tara and it showed on her
face. Willow only grinned at the private joke - she knew
the answer and soon enough Tracy would find out too.
want…you," Tara turned back to the other girl.
Tracy frowned at
Tara’s words. Willow could smell the fear escalating
from the girl. And something else as well. Willow
giggled to herself. Oh,
my baby is good. Very good. Not only is she turning me
on, she’s turning the girl on.
"Uh Tara…I
don’t…" Tracy looked uncomfortably at Willow
who blew her a kiss.
Tara laughed. "Oh
Sweetie. Did you really think after all the nights you
spent teasing me…leaving me frustrated and having to
get myself off all alone I’d really want you now? That
after tasting the wonderful goddess sitting over there,
I’d still want you?"
"Tara, I think
you better go now," Tracy said, beginning to move
towards the door.
"Not yet."
Tara stalked her prey
softly, yet swiftly as her demon face emerged. Tracy let
out a small scream that was quickly cut off by Tara’s
hand pressing against her lips. Willow felt her own
demon’s face rising out of excitement at the scene
before her.
"I’m going to
take you, Tracy," Tara whispered to the terrified
girl. "But not the way I wanted to before. I’m
going to sink into your flesh and suck you dry. It’ll
hurt and you’ll die, but that’s your gift from me.
Payback’s a bitch, ain’t it?"
With that, Tara pulled
the girl’s head back, exposing her juggler vein.
Letting free a feral growl, Tara sank her fangs deep
into the girl. Willow found it to be too much and she
darted from her chair to join in Tara’s feast on the
other side of Tracy’s neck.
As the blood poured
down her throat, sweeter than any wine she ever tasted,
Willow felt Tara’s hand stoke the back of her head and
she began to do the same to her lover. As they consumed
the last of Tracy they unceremoniously let the young
woman fall lifeless to the ground as their faces
contorted back to their human forms. Tara wiped her lips
on the back of her finger, cleaning up the remaining
trail. Willow watched as Tara put the finger in her own
mouth, sucking it clean, thinking it was the most erotic
thing she’d ever witnessed in her life.
right," Tara told her. "Making amends with my
past can be fun."
"You’re a
natural Kitten. Well done…Doesn’t matter if it is
an orgy of death, there's still such a thing as a
napkin." Willow remarked, stepping over Tracy’s
limp body to pull Tara over by the waistband of the
leather pants that clung to her curves. "And now
you’ve got nowhere to go but forward."
Tara leaned down
capturing Willow in a demanding kiss, which Willow
responded to in kind. Soon the kissing led to undressing
and naked they tumbled to the unmade bed.
Willow pulled back for
a brief moment. "Did she tease you on this bed
Kitten?" Willow asked in a child-like, sympathetic
voice. "Leaving you high and not so dry?"
Tara pouted and
"Well don’t
worry," Willow said with a seductive smirk.
"Like you said, Willow’s gonna make it alllll
better. Tonight…Before we go to meet the
Master…I’ll make sure you come in her bed."
All Tara could do was
sigh her desire as Willow began to grind against her.