To Those Who Wield
CN Winters and Susan Carr
Buffy fanfiction, Willow fanfiction, Buffy slash
fanfiction, Willow Tara fanfiction
Joss owns ‘em. I’m just borrowing ‘em.
NC-17 for grown up stuff like sex, language and
Will and Tara; Vamp Will and Vamp Tara
CN Winters (cnwinters71@yahoo.com) or Susan Carr
Takes place during season six after Tara and Willow’s
break up and Willow’s recovery. We took the liberty of
letting Vamp Willow live when she returned to her world
just because we can. Anyway, seems Vamp Willow has
returned to ‘Buffy’s Sunnydale’ again, this time
with her new lover, Tara Maclay, to wreck a little
thanks: To Chris Cook for the ultra-cool banner

Spike considered
helping out the vamps. Sure, he said it was worth being
love's bitch but he was starting to think that when you
love A bitch it's just as bad as giving up. But then
again if he had the chip removed and could prove to
Buffy he could be a good man without it, maybe she'd
respect him; love him. And if that didn't work, if he
did give up on love, the big bad would be back in town,
ready for action. Either way, he figured, it would put
him in a win/win situation. Buffy would get over any
power suckage on her friends with time—besides, not
like it would kill them.
"You need the
frumpy, fuzzy witches 'eh?" Spike rubbed his jaw as
he considered it a few extra moments. "Alrighty
then, consider me in."
Tara and Willow simply
smiled at each other.
Willow nodded, turning to address Spike. "All we
need from you is to divert the Slayer long enough so we
can get our hands on the daring duo. Once we complete
the akor tures spell we'll have plenty of power to see
to that chip of yours and make our way home.
"Yeah but what
about the other two?" Spike asked.
"Xander and
Blondie?" Tara chuckled. "I don't think
they'll be a concern."
"They could be
more than you imagine," Spike told them. "Even
Lil Bit's got a soft spot for the witches. They raised
her after her mum and Buffy died. She'd put up a good
fight too."
"Then we kill
them," Tara answered very matter of fact.
"Na ah,"
Spike said firmly shaking his head. "Then I won't
do it and I'll stake you both myself."
"Oh really
Spike," Willow taunted moving to her feet.
"Think you're 'man' enough to kill us?"
"This chip stops
me from killing humans," he threatened, rising to
his feet. "Not demons."
"Down you
two," Tara ordered. "Gaia above! You both look
like a couple of peacocks strutting around. Willow,
Sweetie? Sit down please. Spike, just relax. Okay?"
Willow stepped back
first, taking her space next to Tara. "We don't
need him," Willow muttered.
Tara ignored the
comment and turned to Spike. "Spike, if killing
your friends is too much for you to take," she
began but Spike cut her off.
"Look, I could
care less about the boy but…I don't want anyone
killing the Slayer's sis."
"Where's the fun
in that?" Willow smirked.
Spike was not amused
and once more Tara found herself trying to keep the
"No one has to
die here. Okay? We can do a binding spell on the others
until we finish what we came for but the Slayer is
another matter. We want her gone when we do it. Now with
that said…Do you think you can get it done?"
Spike silently
considered his options once more until finally speaking,
"As long as Bit and the bloody Scoobies are off
limits…Yeah. You still got a deal."
Tara stepped out of
the upstairs bathroom on her way back to Dawn's bedroom.
After the disaster that was breakfast, she attempted to
take a nap, not having had much sleep the night before.
The few times she managed to doze off, her rest was
plagued with nightmare visions of being chased by a
demonic-faced Willow carrying a Lethe's branch in one
"You're mine,
Tara," the all too-familiar voice would hiss just
before she'd jerk awake.
Tara had lain on
Dawn's bed for nearly an hour, trying to relax her tired
mind and body, but unable to block the tumult of
emotions emitting from her ex-lover in the next room.
Grief and regret were at the forefront, but underlying
them all was a dark rage that Tara hadn't sensed since
last summer when Willow had reached the depths of her
grief for Buffy's death—before Willow found the spell
which her hopes had latched on like a drowning man to a
Tara remembered many
other sleepless nights during that dark summer, both of
them lying next to each other, not touching, not
speaking, both awash in their own thoughts and emotions.
For Willow—grief for Buffy—and, more vivid to Tara's
senses, rage...rage against the she-god who had brought
about such chaos to Willow's already chaotic life. What
scared Tara most was Willow's other rage—that against
the unseen instrument that robbed Willow of her revenge.
That Willow felt cheated she was not the cause of the
death of Glory's vessel frightened Tara the most.
When Willow focused on
the process to right the wrong—to bring Buffy
back—hope replaced Willow's rage. And that gave Tara
hope for Willow...and for them. She'd known the course
Willow set them on was wrong, knew it went against all
the ethical beliefs of her religion, but nevertheless
Tara made a conscious decision to support her lover. It
gave her back her own hope for their future. It was her
own lifeline in what she knew was a doomed plan.
Tara knew that
decision had cost her everything...her home, her peace,
and, most of all, her Willow. Magic always has a price,
she thought as looked at the closed door to the Slayer's
bedroom. How much will you have to pay, Willow? What
will it cost you?
Rather than making
another futile attempt at rest, Tara moved quickly down
the stairs and grabbed her coat from the rack. She had
just opened the door when a voice from the living room
stopped her.
there!" Buffy said, bouncing into the foyer.
"What's up?"
Tara began, her thoughts still disjointed from the
emotional roller coaster she was on. "I-I…I need
to get some books from the dorm. And clothes. I don't
have enough left here for an extended s-stay. I won't be
gone long."
"Then I'll come
with," the Slayer said, grabbing her own coat.
"Dawn! Tara and I will be back in a bit. Stay here
with Willow and tell Xander and Anya to stick around
once they get back from Willy's."
"'Kay!" the
teenager absently called, not looking up from the
Saturday morning cartoon she was glued to.
"Buffy, this is
not necessary," Tara protested as she followed the
Slayer out the door. "It's daytime, the v-vamps are
probably holed up somewhere."
"True, but last
time she was here, Vamp Willow wasted no time in
recruiting minions. I'm not taking any chances on your
safety," Buffy tossed Tara her key ring. "And
I'll even let you drive!"
Tara chuckled as she
caught the keys. "A good thing too, if you value my
safety so much."
"Hey!" Buffy
At the dorm, Tara gave
a sigh of relief when they found the room undisturbed.
Buffy effortlessly pushed the bed and dresser back into
place while Tara gathered her things together. Slumping
into the armchair, Buffy waited patiently while she
watched the witch slowly place her toiletry items into a
duffel bag.
Buffy finally asked when it seemed as if Tara had run
out of steam and sat heavily on the bed, just staring
into space. "You okay?"
Tara gazed blankly at
the Slayer for a moment, and then her eyes filled with
resolve. "Yeah, just, you know, trying to d-deal
with all this. Seeing Willow like that last
night…those feral eyes…the way they looked at
Buffy nodded. "I
know what you mean. It gave me major wiggins myself the
first time I saw it. Not to mention quite a few
nightmares afterwards. I can't imagine what you're going
"What was she
like, Buffy?" Tara asked, her eyes filling with
resolve. "Vampire Willow, I mean. Back then?"
"What has Willow
told you about her?" Buffy asked in return.
"Not much,
really," Tara thought. "Highlights, mostly.
Anya's attempt to retrieve her necklace. How Vampire
Willow attacked Willow and then escaped to nearly kill
her later on. And how instead of dusting her, the gang
sent her home. Willow told the story more as an amusing
anecdote rather than the terror-filled night it must
have been for you all. She admitted it was that incident
which made her realize her attraction to women was more
than just a passing fancy."
Buffy chuckled at the
memory. "Yeah, I remember trying to be supporto gal
and reassure her, but I guess things were already set in
Tara gave Buffy a
faint smile, remembering how freaked Buffy had been when
Willow came out yet how supportive she was later on.
"Vamp Willow?" Tara reminded, trying to turn
the conversation back to what she needed to learn.
Buffy sighed, her eyes
becoming distant as she remembered. "She was
Willow. Exactly like our Willow, except what Willow
would have become if I'd never come here. Did she tell
you about Cordelia's wish and how that world came to
be?" At Tara's nod, Buffy continued. "The
first time I saved Willow's life was the day we met.
Vampire Willow never had that chance. It was that plus
her amazing similarity to our Willow which stopped me
from dusting her…no matter how much Will wanted me not
"Was it just the
way she looked, Buffy?" Tara asked.
"No," Buffy
said after thinking a moment. "Sure, physically
they were exactly alike…except for the way Vamp
Willow's outfit enhanced her…well…curves. But it was
more than that. It was the way she carried herself that
was so similar to our Willow. An easy confidence that
said to the world 'Watch out, I'm somebody.' Despite
everything, I could always see that in our Willow, even
when I first met her…it's just taken her a while for
it to bloom. You know what I mean, Tara?"
Tara nodded. "So
while you've been a big influence in how far Willow has
come, Vampire Willow had to get it from somewhere
"By becoming a
soulless vampire," Buffy agreed. "She was
dangerous, Tara. And strong…stronger than usual, I
"How so?"
Tara asked.
"Vampires that
young are rarely that strong. It can take them years, if
not decades to reach that level. Like I said before,
Vamp Willow had barely appeared in Sunnydale before she
had a whole crew of minions ready to jump at her every
command. Newbies are just not that powerful. From the
looks at the vamps in the Bronze that night, if anyone
weaker had tried to dominate them, they would have just
torn 'em apart and used the bones as party favors."
"So Vamp Willow
was exceptionally strong even then. Why? From the looks
of her she couldn't have been that much younger than
Willow when she was turned." Tara stood up and
began pacing the room.
"Could be because
of whoever her sire was…the stronger the sire, the
stronger the childe," Buffy continued. "But I
think it's mostly just Willow. She's an incredibly
strong person…it makes sense that her vampire self
would also be."
Tara paused as she
glanced out the window, the bright cheery day
contrasting starkly with her own dark thoughts. Her mind
flashed back to hearing Willow weeping back at the
Summers' home.
Buffy asked, breaking into Tara's reverie.
Tara said, moving back to the bed and sitting down
across from the Slayer. "I think in order to fight
Vampire Willow we're going to need to focus on our Will.
Like she said last night, there're no books to help us
deal with this situation…only your experiences from
before and Willow herself."
"What do you
mean? Focus on Willow how?"
"We have to try
to figure out what they want and what they're doing here
by trying to figure out what Willow would want and what
she would do."
"Are you sure
that'll work?" Buffy asked, skeptically.
"After all, Willow's not evil."
"Oh?" Tara
asked and Buffy's eyes widened at the tone in the
blonde's witch's voice.
Buffy protested, standing up. "Look, I know you're
angry with her and you have good reason to be, but this
is Willow we're talking about. She's not evil and she
never will be."
"I know she's
your friend, but you and Xander and even Dawn whom she's
hurt most of all can't seem to see past what Willow was
to what she's become," Tara said bitterly, also
standing up to face the Slayer. "Willow and the
creature I saw last night have more in common than you
"Gods Tara, how
can you think that?" Buffy said looking at Tara as
if she'd just grown horns. "You left her! You
didn't see what purging the magic from her system did to
her…you didn't hear the pitiful cries from the torment
of it."
"She did that to
herself, Buffy!" Tara yelled. A small part of her
mind marveled at the fact that she was standing nose to
nose yelling at the Slayer. "Why can't you realize
what she did to me? It was rape, Buffy! It was mental
abuse of the worst kind!"
"Tara? No!"
Buffy tried to deny Tara's words, but the passion behind
them was unmistakable. "Rape? That's a harsh
"Rape," Tara
confirmed, tears in her eyes. "She violated my
mind, used me as an object for her own pleasure and
never once thought about the consequences. It was never
about trying to make our relationship better…it was
about power and control. She had the power so she took
control of me…she turned me into what she wanted. Ask
any rape counselor and they'll tell you it's never just
about sex."
Buffy was silent as
she watched Tara turn away, quietly crying, her
shoulders shaking from the emotion. Buffy didn't know
what to do. Should she console Tara? Should she let her
wallow in her anger and despair? Everything's so
screwed up, Buffy thought. Willow's
a junkie. Dawn's a borderline delinquent. Tara hates the
one person she loved most. And I'm sleeping with the
enemy…literally. The only sane thing left is Xander
and Anya and even that's a bit odd given Anya's past.
But still they have each other.
It was reactionary but
Buffy moved to Tara, turning her around and pulling her
into her arms. Buffy realized as her arms encompassed
the taller woman that Tara really didn't have anyone to
turn to in all of this, no sounding board. Yes Dawn was
still a part of her life but Dawn didn't have to live in
the adult world where every decision impacted the course
of life on a grander scale.
Buffy knew the choices
that Tara recently made weren't done lightly or easily.
It had to be taking a toll on her as much as it had on
Willow, but unlike Willow, Tara lacked the support
system of her friends. Instinctively, she tightened her
hold on the blonde and her reward was even more crying.
Buffy just continued to hold her until her tears began
to subside.
"I'm sorry,"
Buffy whispered sincerely. "I know you did what you
thought you had to. I really do Tara."
"I love her so
much Buffy," Tara managed to push out between sobs.
"I know. If you
didn't, this wouldn't be that hard. I realize that.
Tara pulled back and
wiped her face. "I d-didn't mean to fall apart on
"That's okay. You
need to let things out now and then…Or so I've been
told," Buffy said with a guilty grin. "Just
know you can come to me Tara. I'll listen. I might not
always agree. I mean, I don't think what Willow did
could be called rape…but I know how wrong she was to
do it. So come to me and I'll listen. And I think I can
stay neutral enough to see both sides."
"Well it goes
both ways you know? If you n-need to talk about
stuff…I'm here…Like I told Dawnie, regardless of
Will, I'll still be there if you need me."
Buffy held her breath.
She considered, just for a moment, telling Tara about
Spike and everything that had been going on. "Well
actually," Buffy nodded, trying to get her nerve
up. "That's good to know…." At the last
second she changed her mind and instead of opening up
added, "You might not be with Will but I want you
to look at me as family. And that goes for Dawn and the
Tara gave a half
chuckle, which made Buffy cock her head. Uh oh! Maybe
she saw through the not so subtle subject switch.
"What?" Buffy asked cautiously.
just the expression…family."
Buffy gave a small
sigh of relief that Tara hadn't read further into her
earlier hesitation.
"Yeah well, no
one said we were a sane family or one that any normal
person would want to be a part of but…you're a welcome
addition to the circus." Buffy smiled.
"No, I meant the
picture of you as family, Buffy. 'Family' is actually a
gay expression." Tara could tell Buffy was
obviously confused so she continued. "It's
something that someone might say if they want to know if
someone is gay. They'll ask 'Is she 'family?' meaning
'like us'."
"Don't they say
the same thing in the mafia?"
Tara laughed.
"Yeah they do. Gonna make me an offer I can't
refuse?" Tara replied with a half smirk.
"Okay, that came out much more flirtatious than I
intended," she added with a nervous chuckle.
"Well flirtatious
or not," Buffy said with a warm grin, "I want
you to know you're quite welcome in our life. That
hasn't changed. Like I told your father, we're family.
The rules don't change just because you and Will aren't
together. Okay?"
"Thanks Buffy. I
know you haven't minded the fact I've been around to see
Dawn but…it's still good to hear."
As Tara began to look
through her bookcase and collect a few volumes she
needed, Buffy cleared her throat.
"Tara, I know
you're still mad at Will. I get that. But…sometimes
people do things that…well things they never thought
they would do." Like screw Spike she thought
silently of her own predicament. "I guess my point
is that Willow…I think she would have thought twice if
she realized how hard you would take everything. No
matter how addicted she was, well IS," she
corrected herself. "…I don't think she would have
done anything if she thought you'd consider it
rape…Plus, she's been doing better."
"So Dawn tells
me," Tara answered, trying to stay neutral.
"Yeah, well it's
true. I just…I hope you can get over being angry with
her—try to see Will in a new light is all. She's done
some horrible things but…she's a good person under it
"I know that
she's a good person but she's a lousy Wiccan."
"I don't know.
Her skills are pretty…"
"No Buffy,"
Tara said cutting her off. "Willow's skills at
magic are…phenomenal. Her ability to read ancient text
is astounding. She's highly intelligent and quick to
adapt. Her Latin is a bit weak but…other texts? It's
mind-boggling. Did Mr. Giles teach her to read?"
Tara asked. "Not read as in English of course, but
other languages I mean?"
"I don't think
they ever had a formal sit down study group but with all
the research over the years, I'm sure she picked up some
things here and there."
"Well she reads
like she's practiced her whole life. I mean Gaelic,
Sumerian, Greek—you name it and Willow's just…a
wiz," Tara said with a grin.
For the briefest of
moments everything that had happened was put to rest as
she remembered the two of them lying in bed, looking
over spell books, happy to have found someone so
similar. At least they seemed similar at first. But then
things just went . . .
"She's got the
skills but…she lacks the discipline. It's sad
really." The grin Tara wore became a frown when she
thought about how far Willow had strayed.
"Whatta ya
Tara paused a moment
considering where to start. "The most basic tenet
is the Rede…'These eight words, the Rede fulfill, An
ye harm none, do what ye will.' An meaning 'if' or, more
accurately, 'just as long as'."
"No matter what
you do...in all aspects of life, not only in magic, but
everything...then it's okay to do it as long as you
don't hurt anyone else. And that anyone else includes
yourself as well. Willow's actions lately have been a
blatant violation of that."
"Does she know
that?" Buffy asked. "The tenets of
"I tried to teach
her but…She got wrapped up in the power and her
ability to mold life. And I think at first she really
did adhere to Wiccan standards. She wanted to help you.
She wanted to fight evil but…She started down a path
that she couldn't get back from a-and…I'm to blame
because I let her do it. She got her first taste of the
dark magics when she loaded up and went after Glory. It
spiraled from that point. And for so long…I let her
have her way because…""You loved her too
much to say no."
Tara nodded sadly.
"I voiced my disapproval on more than one occasion
but I never really got firm about it until that
night Dawn went missing. Willow was going to do a spell
at the Bronze and . . . I wouldn't let her. She tried to
plead her case but I told her I didn't want to fight
about it. I just wanted to go to bed. That's when she
did the forgetting spell on me. After that point…I
couldn't stop her…" Tara said shaking her head
and giving a deep sigh. "I asked her to stop, just
for a week, even told her I would leave her…but the
next day she did it again…to both of us, but everyone
got caught in the crossfire."
"Both of
us?" Buffy asked, confused. She'd known about the
spell, but she hadn't realized she was a target of it.
Tara looked at Buffy,
realizing the Slayer hadn't known. "She wanted you
to forget where you had been, Buffy." Tara watched
a moment as the other woman digested the information.
"Still think it's not rape?"
Buffy opened her mouth
as if to say something. Tara could see the slight flush
in the Slayer's face and decided to move the
conversation away from that. They still had vampires to
deal with and Tara wanted to understand what their
motivation for coming to Sunnydale was.
important part of the Rede is the rule of three… 'Mind
the Three-fold Laws you should, three times bad and
three times good.' It basically means that any energy
you put out into the universe is going to come back to
you multiplied by three. That's why Wiccans won't do
harmful magic because it's going to harm them at least
three times as much. When Willow started doing things to
help herself…"
"You didn't want
to watch her possibly destroy herself," Buffy
Again Tara nodded.
"You have to understand, I'm not just angry here
Buffy. I left for lots of reasons. I thought maybe if I
went then Willow would see what the abuse of magics cost
her. But even then, my leaving wasn't enough and I
couldn't stand by and watch her slowly killing herself.
I loved her too much to stay. I know that probably
sounds crazy but it's true. And besides that, it was
only a matter of time before she killed me—if she
didn't die first."
"You think Willow
would kill you?" Buffy couldn't believe what she
was hearing.
intentionally. But when you start to use those types of
magics you start to disrupt the course of life events.
And when you wield your power to your will…" Tara
trailed off. She hurt thinking of all the consequences
their magic had brought about in recent months.
"Magic always has a price Buffy," Tara
continued. "People you love can get hurt. Maybe
even killed…But Dawn could tell you all about
"Then it really
is my fault and it goes back farther than I realized. I
mean…I thought I should have seen Willow's abuse when
you two broke up but it started way before then. It was
that night she left you at the hospital and went to
confront Glory…I should have stayed with her and
talked her down."
"Willow descent
into the black arts is Will's fault and Will's fault
alone," Tara said firmly. "In truth, Willow's
recovery isn't about giving up magic as it is about
controlling her emotions. For the moment, walking away
from magics is best for Willow, but maybe someday—if
she could learn control—she could do it again. But
right now, being the way that she is, I think you and I
both know her true nature. She might be super smart but
her actions are guided more by her heart than her
"And yet again
I'll mention…it wasn't rape," Buffy added
tentatively. "She did it because her heart didn't
want to lose you and she didn't listen to her
"Perhaps you're
right…but that still doesn't change what it is in my
Buffy paused. She
didn't want to get into another jargon debate with Tara.
"So you really think Willow can do magic
again?" she asked instead.
Tara nodded. "But chances are it's gonna take
something far more drastic than Dawn's broken arm for
that to happen. And it's gonna take lots of studying and
discipline on her part. She'll need a reason to want
control over her emotions and her powers. Like I said, I
tried to teach her and I failed…for her, it was all
about using the power around her for her…gain…"
Buffy watched a
perplexed look cross Tara's face. "What?"
"Maybe that's
"Maybe what's
"Vamp Willow
wants power—she needs energy for some reason and
"They've come to
you two to get it?"
Tara nodded.
"Perhaps," she answered as she rose and went
to her closet. Buffy watched as Tara moved a box to the
floor and began to look through it. "My grandmother
had a book she gave to my mother who then passed it down
to me. It mentions a power draining spell…something
about twins…"
Buffy came over and
knelt beside Tara. The Wiccan looked through an
assortment of books in a box. She pulled out a book
titled Faileás Leabhar and began to thumb through it.
"Hmm…" she hummed as she stopped in one
section and began to read.
"What is
it?" Buffy asked.
"Looks like there
might be something here. Let's take this stuff back to
the house and do a little more research," Tara
answered as she started to rise.
Buffy nodded and
followed Tara to her feet. She took the box of books as
Tara grabbed her duffle bag of clothes and supplies.
Before they left Buffy stopped for a moment, making Tara
turn around.
"For what it's
worth Tara," Buffy told her. "I don't blame
you for leaving."
Tara nodded.
"Just do me a favor okay?"
"Look after
her…She needs your help more than I do right now. But
I'm thankful for the offer. Promise me?"
"I think I can
manage that," Buffy grinned.
Tara gave a small grin
and led Buffy from the dorm room and locked the door
behind them.
Spike returned from
the cellar of his crypt, holding three packages of
"It's not as good
as the real thing ladies but it—"
He stopped in
mid-sentence to find the two of them tangled around each
other on his bed. Willow was biting at Tara's neck and
the blonde turned. "Spike's back Sweetie,"
Tara told her lover.
"He's not
invited," Willow managed between kisses, using her
weight to push Tara's back against the bed.
The blonde chuckled
and rolled over, pinning Willow to the mattress.
"Later," she
told her standing up and trying to straighten out her
clothes. Willow just grumbled in response and rose so
she sat at the corner of the bed.
"So what took so
long?" Tara asked him.
The sight caught him
off-guard and he had to shake the image he just saw out
of his head. Never in all his dead years did he think
he'd ever find the thought of Red and her bird as sexy
but this pair…They had potential.
"I ahh…wanted
to get the fresher packs. Had to search in the
Tara walked over and
peered around the corner. "How big is this
place?" she asked.
Willow finally pulled
herself off the bed and made her way over to her lover's
side. She ignored Spike's presence and came behind her
lover, pushing her hair to one side. As she planted
kisses at the base of Tara's neck Willow's hands worked
themselves around her front slowly leading up to her
breasts. Tara reach down and locked her fingers with
Willow's before the hands could reach their destination
and Willow growled in frustration.
"Mind if we take
a look around?" Tara asked, pointing to the cellar.
"Be my
guest," Spike offered.
"Come on
Baby," Tara said pulling Willow along. "Let's
check it out."
With a sigh of sexual
frustration Willow followed along. When they reached the
bottom of the stairs that's when Willow saw it. Tara
looked over to see the grin on her lover's face grow
wider by the second until she had a full-fledge smile.
Spike came up behind
them a moment later. "This part's not finished yet
but it's a work in progress."
Tara continued to grin
at her lover who was now taking slow footsteps toward
the fascination that caught her eye.
Willow finally muttered.
"Oh yeah,
those…Yeah, well, you never know when—"
"Leave us,"
Willow ordered, cutting him off.
"Excuse me? This
happens to be my crypt." Spike replied indignant.
"Wanna get rid of
the chip?" Willow asked not needing an answer.
"Give me the keys and go away."
"Oh bugger,"
he sighed. He reached above Tara's head and tossed a set
over to Willow. "Just…clean up when you're done
ladies." They watched as Spike took to the stairs
before calling out again, "And keep it down.
Passions is coming on in a few."
Spike was all but
forgotten for Willow who looked at her lover with a
feral grin. "Come here Kitten. You were a bad girl
last night."
Tara felt a shiver of
anticipation run down her spine as she looked at her
lover. "B-bad girl?" she asked timidly, her
stutter affected.
"Oh yes,"
Willow answered as she gently took Tara by the hand
leading her to the shackles that hung from the wall.
"Very bad. You know I hate that Tinkerbell
spell," she added as she closed one clamp around
Tara's wrist.
Tara smirked
internally. She didn't know quite what Willow had in
mind but she was sure she'd love it. Instead of giving
into her need to express her excitement, she played
along. "I'm sorry. It won't happen again."
Willow finished
placing the other clamp on Tara's opposite wrist.
"What was that?" Willow asked, certain that
Tara was well aware of the proper response.
"I mean, it won't
happen again…Mistress."
Willow smirked and
took a step closer. "See that it doesn't."
Tara swallowed hard
and closed her eyes. "Yes Mistress."
Willow unbuttoned
Tara's top exposing her naked torso. She methodically
let her hands run down the front of Tara's body from her
neck to her waist, purposely avoiding the blonde's
sensitive breasts.
"Tell me
something, Kitten," Willow coaxed in an erotic
voice. "…Do kittens bark?"
Tara opened her eyes.
She gave her an appraising look from the top of the
vampire's head to the tips of her boots. Quietly she
smirked at her lover. "Why don't we find out
It was Willow's turn
to shudder.
Spike sat back in his
chair, trying to concentrate on his show but the sounds
of passion coming from his cellar were becoming
distracting. The long, drawn out screams Tara made were
becoming much more than he could take. He could hear the
pain, but there was just enough undertones of pleasure
to make his bleached hair stand up on end. When he heard
the crack of leather against flesh that was enough.
hell," he muttered as he rose and turned up the
volume on his television. His desire to just take a
quick peek was getting the better of him but he decided
against it. He was certain Willow would stake him in a
heartbeat without thinking twice. So instead of getting
an eyeful he bit savagely into his bag of blood,
drinking deeply.
By the sounds of
Tara's screams and Willow's moans he knew it was going
to be a long time 'til sunset.