To Those Who Wield
CN Winters and Susan Carr
Buffy fanfiction, Willow fanfiction, Buffy slash
fanfiction, Willow Tara fanfiction
Joss owns ‘em. I’m just borrowing ‘em.
NC-17 for grown up stuff like sex, language and
Will and Tara; Vamp Will and Vamp Tara
CN Winters (cnwinters71@yahoo.com) or Susan Carr
Takes place during season six after Tara and Willow’s
break up and Willow’s recovery. We took the liberty of
letting Vamp Willow live when she returned to her world
just because we can. Anyway, seems Vamp Willow has
returned to ‘Buffy’s Sunnydale’ again, this time
with her new lover, Tara Maclay, to wreck a little
thanks: To Chris Cook for the ultra-cool banner

"I was happy with
Dru for over a century until she ripped my heart
out—metaphorically you know. But that’s my
story…short version anyway," Spike told them as
he lit a cigarette. "What about you two birds? What
brought you together?"
Tara gave her sire a
lecherous grin as Willow launched into the story.
Willow’s voice faded into the background as Tara’s
thoughts wandered to the memories of another universe.
She was a college
student, attending Sunnydale University when she met
Willow. She gladly accepted the scholarship they offered
her with the warning that the town did have a bit of an
‘animal control’ problem but any attacks were
usually after dark. She figured it couldn’t be any
worse than where she was living at the moment…playing
nursemaid to her father and her brother, being told she
was worthless and evil and the only way to make amends
for being part demon was to serve them well.
‘Demons should be
seen and not heard,’ her father once told her
after she’d dared to express her opinion on something
on television. He later gave her 20 lashes with a riding
crop to stress his lesson. For 17 years that’s how
Tara lived—beaten down like a dog but with less
respect—at least she did until she moved to Sunnydale
against her family’s wishes.
And the college in
Sunnydale had a Wicca group with which she hoped she
could expand on her interest in magic. She’d studied
with her mother—a secret both of them kept from her
father for fear of incurring even more beatings. But
when her mother died her senior year, Tara decided she
wanted out—she wanted to expand on the knowledge her
mother gave her and she couldn’t do that chained to
the servitude that was home. And the constant taunts
from her father and brother that she’d turn into a
demon soon didn’t help. The birthday when she would
officially become a full demon was fast approaching and
only the Maclay men knew how to control her. Or so they
said. At that point, she did the only thing she thought
she could do—she ran off to Sunnydale immediately
after her admission papers arrived. She refused to live
like a caged animal and she had nightmares about what
kind of ‘control’ they would place on her after her
She’d quietly
settled into her new life in Sunnydale. She’d made a
few friends in the Wicca group she’d met on campus
even if their magical experience was disappointing…and
one girl in particular. But to many folks on campus she
was that quiet, freaky Goth chick. Of course her friends
knew otherwise but her shy nature didn’t lead her to
many discussions with people outside her Wicca group.
She knew that sometimes people stared at her so she
wasn’t really surprised when she noticed a woman
watching her one evening around dusk as she walked from
the library to her dorm. For some reason she kept
expecting the woman to approach but she didn’t. She
just kept staring as she walked along. Tara tried not to
make eye contact as she continued to her dorm.
On the second night
back home she saw the woman again. And once more the
woman’s eyes seemed glued to her every move. Tara
found herself picking up the pace although the woman
never followed.
By the third night
Tara asked her friend Tracy to walk her home. She told
Tracy that she thought maybe she was being followed. As
the pair walked along, once more Tara spotted the
mystery woman. As casually as possible Tara pointed her
out. Tracy had to admit the woman was giving off some
freaky vibes and her aura seemed disjointed.
Tracy suggested they
go see campus security but Tara said there was nothing
she could tell them, which was true. The woman had every
right to stare. There was no law against that no matter
how unnerving it was.
That weekend the Wicca
group decided to meet at the student union to do a
little spell casting. The spell was a bust, like usual,
and Tara was left picking up the supplies alone.
That’s when she heard a voice behind her.
"I’ve been
watching you." It was a woman’s voice—soft and
breezy. Tara turned to see the mystery woman. She felt
her mouth go dry as the woman approached. Tara had never
seen someone wear so much…leather…and the enhancing
effect it had on the woman’s petite bosom was enough
to send her thoughts into a spiral.
"You do spells?
You’re a witch?" the woman continued.
Tara had to remind
herself to breathe. "Oh…ah…Yeah, I…ah…cast
a few spells now and then."
"Did you put a
spell on me?" the woman asked.
There was a sleepy,
almost child-like tone to her voice that sucked Tara in,
making it difficult for her to concentrate.
"What?" Tara
asked as the woman closed the distance between them.
"I said did you
put a spell on me."
Tara shook her head.
"No I-I’ve never seen you before."
"Come now,"
the woman grinned playfully, "Never?"
Tara knew that
wasn’t true. She’d noticed her every night on the
way home. "I’ve seen you around," Tara
admitted while adding, "but I don’t know who you
"Hmm…" the
woman said as she looked Tara up and down. "I’m
drawn to you. Like it’s magic…what’s your name,
she stuttered, feeling nervous. She looked into the
stranger’s entrancing green eyes and instead of the
anxiety she expected, a sense of calm passed over her.
She felt safe and secure although she knew by the look
of this woman she could be quite dangerous. She wondered
for a moment if the woman before her was casting a spell
of her own.
"Are you a
witch?" Tara asked.
The woman shook her
head. "No…I liked magic when I…" she
almost said ‘when I was alive’ but stopped herself.
She knew she couldn’t make any deep confessions. Not
yet anyway. "…when I was younger," she
finished instead. "Maybe we could do a spell
"Well, anyone’s
welcome to join the coven."
The stranger chuckled.
"Those silly girls—if they saw a real witch
they’d run the other way. No. I mean you…me…a
spell of our own. I’m sure you’ve got a lot of power
they’re just draining out of you. You need someone
strong to…perform with. Don’t you think?"
It was almost as if
this stranger was reading her thoughts. She enjoyed her
time with her friends and she did like them on a
personal level. But in her Wiccan studies she seemed
stuck at a plateau that she couldn’t seem to get over.
Tara had to admit she liked what the stranger was
"Sure. What works
for you?"
"Pick a
"Here? Tomorrow?
Around this time?" Tara felt her heart thumping in
her chest. Oh
Goddess, I’m making a date with her.
"I think I can
swing that," the stranger answered. She turned to
leave and Tara called out.
"I don’t even
know your name."
The woman turned back
and grinned. "I know," she said softly before
slowly walking out the double doors.
Tara felt herself
tremble. There was something about this woman—she was
quiet and demure but there was a smoldering passion
underneath it. She wasn’t like anyone she’d ever
met. Sure she’d always had an attraction to women
but…this magnetism she couldn’t define. It scared
her yet excited her at the same time.
The following evening
Tara waited at the same spot as the night before.
Fifteen minutes went by. Then thirty. Then sixty. She
decided that the woman was a no show and with
disappointment, she packed up her supplies in her magic
box and headed outside. That’s when she saw the woman
leaning against the light post outside the student
Tara walked over to
her. "Did you just get here? I didn’t think you
w-were gonna show up."
"I’ve been
here," the woman answered.
Tara looked confused.
"Well why didn’t you come in?"
"Wanted to see
how long you’d wait for me," she grinned.
Tara wasn’t sure why
she was being ‘tested’ by this woman but she liked
the way it felt…she could tell her patience had
pleased the woman and she found herself very much
wanting wanted to please the stranger.
"We can go back
inside if you like?" she offered.
Tara was confused.
"My name is
"Oh…that’s a
pretty name," Tara complimented as she felt herself
blush at being so bold.
"Thought you
should know since you’re gonna take me home
Tara watched
Willow’s hand snake up and stroke her cheek, moving to
her temple and through her hair to the very tips that
brushed her bust. The supply box felt like two tons in
Tara’s hands as Willow made a trail across her bra
line. Willow seemed totally submerged, using all of her
senses as she touched her.
With such a blatant
act Tara knew she should be concerned that someone might
be watching but for some reason her mind screamed for
more. Her nipples ached against the silk material of her
bra, the points so erect they were visible through the
excited," Willow said in a singsong voice.
"Tell me Tara. And no cheating…"
"Have you ever
made love with a woman?"
Tara’s breath caught
in her throat. Truth was she hadn’t. She’d
‘experimented’ a little with Tracy but Tracy always
put the brakes on before things got too ‘outta hand’
as she called it. It always left Tara feeling horny and
frustrated. She remembered all the afternoons she spent
after Tracy would leave having to push herself over the
edge all alone.
"I’m not a
tease like her," Willow told Tara bring her back
from her thoughts.
"How did
"Know? I heard
your mind. Can you hear mine right now?" Willow
took Tara’s face in her hands.
"Relax…Feel…What am I thinking?"
Tara closed her eyes
and concentrated. She saw an image of them naked in bed
with Willow on top pinning her arms above her head as
they writhed against each other passionately.
"Oh God,"
Tara breathed, her eyes shooting open as a wave of
arousal swept though her body.
"I like being on
top," Willow told her. "Hope that’s not a
Tara’s mouth
dropped. She was right. She knew exactly what Willow was
thinking but how? How
could that possibly be
"I thought it was
magic," Willow said answering her unspoken question
as she eased Tara into the space between the student
union and a supply shed of some kind. "How else
could you explain it?"
Tara speculated, not paying attention to her
surroundings, too deep in thought. "Maybe
Willow gently captured
Tara’s chin and turned her head so Tara was looking
deep into her green eyes. "Kitten…I lost my soul
a long time ago."
Willow morphed into
her vamp face and Tara dropped the box in shock. Willow
kicked it out of the way and pressed her body against
Tara’s. The blonde tried to cry out for help but the
sound got stuck in her throat. She felt Willow’s fangs
sink into her skin and a trickle of blood work it’s
way down her neck as Willow licked and sucked greedily,
lapping at her life-force that began to flow harder as
her heart pumped faster.
Willow pressed her
thigh between Tara’s legs and proceeded to dry hump
the blonde against the brick structure. Fear gave way to
arousal and soon Tara was moaning in ecstasy not pain.
The fight left her body and she found her fingers
tangling themselves in Willow’s hair. She didn’t
care at that moment if she died just as long as she came
"Oh please,"
Tara cried out.
Willow had heard lots
of women plead with her but this ‘please’ was
different. This witch didn’t want her life spared. She
wanted release. Willow had never met such a sexual
creature before with the exception of Xander. And she
had to admit she was feeling a bit lonely since that
bitch killed him at the factory. Did she have the
strength to sire someone, not merely turn them into a
minion? She figured she’d find out soon enough.
As delicious as Tara
tasted, Willow released her fangs and shifted her face
from her demon form to her human features. She began
grinding her body even harder against Tara’s, pinning
the woman’s arms to the brick wall, kissing her
passionately. Tara could taste her blood on Willow’s
lips. Instead of turning her off, the coppery taste was
like an aphrodisiac. She pulled away from the lip lock
and got a whimper from Willow. That changed though when
Tara began to lick the corners of Willow’s mouth,
taking in the blood that had remained there.
Willow felt her own
knees get weak as she felt the woman’s tongue, snaking
around her mouth, taking what she had left over. Not
only was this woman quite a firecracker sexually she
enjoyed the taste of blood. Willow knew at that moment
she wanted her. But more than that, she wanted this
woman to want her.
"More," Tara
told her, leading Willow back to her neck. "Bite me
again," she sighed.
Willow wasn’t sure
how much Tara could take but her need to feed won out
and she morphed again, sinking her teeth deeper. Please
don’t let me kill her, Willow’s mind called out
as she began to lap at the blonde again. She’d search
all over for someone like this. It was too soon to end
the game.
"You won’t kill
me," Tara said out loud, answering the vampire’s
thought. "Drink Willow."
Willow only stayed but
a few seconds before she pulled away. Tara’s movements
were slowing down and Willow knew she would end up
taking her life if she continued. Now was not the time.
Instead of drinking, Willow reached down and pulled
Tara’s skirt up to her hips and ripped the panties
away with her vamp strength.
Tara grabbed
Willow’s hand forcing the vampire to look up. Blue met
green and Tara grinned devilishly. "Still want to
drink?" she asked.
Vampires lived to
feed. That was a stupid question. But Willow knew she
couldn’t take anymore from Tara. The woman would die
if she did. And for some reason the hunt wasn’t as
important as the capture had become with this woman. She
wanted Tara. All of Tara.
"I can’t,"
Willow told her. "And I wanna play more with
Tara didn’t lose her
grin. Slowly she led Willow’s hand to her center and
that’s when the vampire felt the cotton string. Willow
looked back up to see the half smirk still on Tara’s
lips and she found herself smirking back as a result.
Tara gave the string a
swift pull and pushed Willow’s shoulders down.
Tara said again.
Willow didn’t need
to be told twice. She fell to her knees and did just as
Tara commanded.
It was odd for Willow.
A funny feeling really. She always called the shots,
especially with humans. But this human was
‘ordering’ her around…it excited her as much as it
unnerved her. But drink she did. The mixture of Tara’s
life-force and her arousal was the sweetest thing Willow
ever tasted.
For Tara her
inhibitions were totally gone. She spread her legs
wider, giving Willow more access. The licking and
sucking noises that were coming from below were as
arousing as the feel of Willow’s tongue. She felt weak
and began to wobble but Willow steadied her and brought
her to the ground.
And back in the
shadows, away from any watchful eyes that might be
lurking, Tara opened herself up and let Willow have her
way with her. When she realized that Willow truly wanted
to bring her satisfaction and not kill her she felt
herself spread wider. She gripped the vampire’s red
hair and began to grind against her face. Willow found
the perfect spot and motion when she heard Tara’s
sighs come quicker.
"Uhhhh, uhhh."
Tara grunted over and over as Willow continued to lick
every drop of her satisfaction. She was so close. She
had to have it. "Don’t stop," Tara pleaded,
sounding as if her existence depended on it.
"Please, please…I’m so close."
Willow picked Tara up
by her ass and lifted her so the woman was resting on
her shoulders, clawing at the grass as she ached for
release. At that point Willow picked up the pace even
quicker and it sent Tara over the edge.
"Oh yesss,"
the blonde hissed as her back arched even more.
Suddenly her body
dropped and her eyes shot open. Willow quickly darted to
her feet and looked down at Tara splayed across the
grass, her breathing hard, her eyes a deeper blue and
her clothing disheveled.
Tara said reaching her hand up to her. Helplessly, Tara
watched as Willow took three slow steps backward before
turning and running away. "Willow!" Tara
shouted again. She tried to rise quickly to give pursuit
but the draining from both the bloodletting and the
orgasm was too much.
When she reached the
corner of the building she found the campus empty and
dark. No Willow anywhere. Feeling defeated she made her
way to the dorm. She wondered if she imagined it all.
Perhaps it was some figment in her head. When she got
home and looked in the mirror that’s when she saw the
two bite marks on her neck. She hadn’t been
A few moments later
she heard a knock at her door. "Who is it?"
she called out.
"Open up
Kitten," she heard a soft voice on the other side
Tara knew the voice
and she would never forget the endearment.
Willow stood on the
other side and Tara opened the door wider.
"You have to
invite me in," Willow told her.
"Do I? Well, it
depends—did you come back to kill me?" Tara
She reached with her
mind and touched Willow’s again like she did earlier.
"No," Willow
Tara knew she was
being honest and walked toward her bed. "Come
inside then," she called over her shoulder.
"How did you find me?"
Willow entered and
closed the door behind her. "Followed you
"You took off in
a hurry," Tara remarked.
"I know,"
Willow sighed as she walked around Tara’s rooms,
taking it all in. A large crystal caught Willow’s eye
and she began to play it. "Pretty," she said
holding it up, inspecting its depths.
"That belonged to
my grandmother," Tara told her. The demon,
Tara added silently.
"Your grandmother
was a demon?" Willow asked.
"So my father
says. He tells me I’ll be one too someday but…I
don’t know."
The fact that Willow
could hear her thoughts didn’t startle Tara anymore.
In fact, she was growing accustomed to it in a way. She
couldn’t explain it. It just felt right…familiar.
"So instead of
knowing, you live in doubt?"
"Yeah I
guess," Tara shrugged.
"Kitten, if you
were a demon you’d know it."
"How so?"
"You’d live for
you and only you. You’d take what you want, leave what
you didn’t and never use words like guilt,
"You looked
pretty fearful tonight Willow. I’m assuming you’re a
demon—a vampire—right?" Willow gave a nod and
set the crystal back down as she continued a leisurely
pace around the room looking at the various trinkets and
books Tara had. "I’ve heard stories around here
but I didn’t think they were true."
"And now?"
Willow asked with a reserved grin.
"Now I know
different," Tara felt herself smiling and wondered
why she wasn’t frightened. All the tales she heard
about thing going bump in the night really…well…went
bump in the night. But Willow, although a creature of
the night, didn’t strike her as such at all. A silence
passed between them again until Tara spoke.
"Why did you come
Willow set down the
witchcraft book she was thumbing through. "Are you
happy with your life?"
"Honest? Remember
now," Willow tapped her own forehead with a slender
finger. "I can hear your thoughts."
Tara paused a moment.
"No, I’m not."
missing, isn’t it?" Willow remarked with a hint
of empathy.
"Yes," Tara
"I’m not happy
either," Willow confessed. "Not since I lost
"My sire. The one
who gave me my re-birth in the world. We were drinking
buddies." She grinned playfully.
Tara snorted. "I
Willow couldn’t
believe how brazen this woman was with her. She was used
to humans being afraid of her…after all, she was a
blood-sucking fiend. She could bleed her dry…if she
wanted to…but Willow didn’t want to. And it was
obvious—they both knew it. Willow also knew that this
woman wasn’t happy. She’d willingly let a vampire
into her room to chat her up. No, things were far from
perfect in Tara’s corner of the world.
"I miss Xander.
But at least the blonde bitch that staked him ended up
with a broken neck. Still…I wish he were here. He’d
like you. I know he would."
Tara watched as Willow
took a seat next to her on the bed. "What brought
you back Willow…after you bolted like that?"
"I felt kinda
funny…after…you know?"
"No I don’t
think I do."
"I was watching
you that first night because…well I was just hungry
but…the more I watched, the more I felt…tickle-y
inside…It made me smile. And I haven’t smiled in a
long time. Even after a good feeding, existence is
"Where do I fit
into all that?"
"Tonight I felt
it again—the tickling—and when I did…it made me
scared. I don’t have a soul Tara but there’s
something here—between us. I can’t explain it
but…I look at you and I see eternity. I would search
oceans of time to find you. It wasn’t something I was
looking for…it’s just powerful. And it’s totally
different from what Xander and I had." Willow
paused for a moment. "The odd thing…you feel it
too…don’t you?"
Tara did. All logic
should have had her fearing for her life when in the
company of this creature but just the opposite occurred.
She was drawn to her and Willow’s appraisal was
right—they seemed linked somehow. If not by souls or
by magic then by some other Karmic connection neither
one of them could explain.
"I don’t
usually use that many words," Willow confessed.
"I like things…simple…but that’s what I
"I feel it
too," Tara admitted. "And yeah. I don’t
understand it either."
Willow rose from the
bed and moved so she was kneeling between Tara’s legs.
She took the blonde’s hands in hers and asked a simple
question. "What has this life given you?"
"What has this
life given you? What do you have worth staying alive
"Well I have my
schooling," Tara answered. "I’m studying to
Tara just nodded.
"School makes you
want to get up every day? School makes your heart pump,
your blood race?"
"Well no."
Tara grinned sheepishly.
"Then what
does?" Willow asked. "What makes you feel
Tara looked deep into
Willow’s eyes. She said she was soulless but something
was still there. Tara could feel it pulling her.
"You," Tara
answered automatically. Quickly, she shook it off and
tried to rise but Willow held her in place. "This
is crazy. You’re doing some kind of mind control or
something. I’ve seen the movies, you know? I realize
how this works."
Willow had to
admit—Tara was delightful although misguided.
she began affectionately with a grin. "No mind
games I swear. And as for the movies…I don’t know of
a single vamp that can turn themselves into a bat.
Certain stereotypes are not very empowering, but I can
teach you fact from fiction if you like."
"I don’t know
about this."
"I do,"
Willow nodded. "This is real. And you could have
that feeling every night, for all eternity. Instead of
waiting for the demon to show up in you…you have the
chance to go to it. You can make the choice of either
spending your mortal life worrying about it or…you can
make the decision."
Willow grinned,
letting her fingertips glide over Tara’s hands and
arms, making the hairs stand on edge.
"You’d never
get sick. You’d never get any older. You’d never
die. As your sire I would protect you, teach you, give
you life forever. You can take the step right now."
"Right now?"
Tara asked. "Can’t I think it over?"
Willow paused and
cocked her head, watching Tara. She knew that Tara would
come to her and she knew it wouldn’t be long. She rose
and she walked over to Tara’s dresser picking up the
crystal. She tossed it to the blonde and walked to the
"Oakland Cemetery
by the mausoleum. There’s a headstone—Willow
Rosenberg…When you decide to start your new life leave
the crystal there. And I’ll return...I’ll give you
the chance to live forever at my side and leave this
boredom behind." Willow opened the door and turned
to Tara before leaving. "See you around
Tara watched Willow
leave. She sat for hours thinking about what had
happened that evening as she played with the crystal in
her hand. The next morning, Tara left it at the
cemetery. And that night Willow returned.
When she did Willow
didn’t knock on the door. She simply placed her hand
upon it, concentrating on the woman on the other side.
Within a few moments Tara opened it.
"Have you reached
a decision Kitten?" Willow smirked.
"I have
questions," Tara said nervously as Willow
confidently strolled inside, handing her back the
"Relax pet,"
Willow told her as she brushed the blonde’s hair
behind her ear. "I want the choice to be yours. For
once in my undead existence I’m not going to just take
what I want."
Tara closed the door and turned to face her future sire.
"Um hmm,"
the vamp nodded. "You’re special. I can feel it
all over my body."
"It’s my choice
then what happens?"
Willow nodded with an
understanding expression on her face. "Xander gave
me the choice. It’s only right I give you the choice
too, don’t cha think?"
Tara’s mouth felt
dry and her mind went blank. She had questions. Lots of
questions but nothing she could think of as she watched
the sway of Willow’s leather-clad hips as she moved to
take a seat on her bed.
"You’re so
beautiful," Tara muttered. She didn’t know where
the comment came from—her heart or perhaps some place
lower she suspected but she felt compelled to say it
Willow was dressed
similar to the night before but this time the leather
pants and boots were red—blood red. But the top she
wore was white lace under a straight cut red jacket.
Willow pulled the jacket from her shoulders and in doing
so it exposed the halter underneath. There was no
padding or protection to it whatsoever and Tara could
see Willow’s pink areolas through the thin lace
"Thank you,"
Willow replied with a smirk, knowing her body had
Tara’s full attention. "You mentioned something
about questions," she added.
Unable to take her
eyes of Willow’s body she asked, "Are you naked
under that?" Tara immediately shook her head, to
clear her mind. This was not the line of questioning she
expected to engage in with Willow.
The vampire threw her
head back and laughed. When she righted herself again
she saw the blush of Tara’s cheeks. She’d miss
seeing that blush once she had turned her. But in the
end, when she saw those bashful eyes and cautious smile,
it would tell her that her lover was slightly
delightful," Willow complimented with a grin as she
reached out. "Come to me."
Willow was like a
magnet and Tara found herself drawn to the bed. Willow
took her hand first and pulled her to sit beside her
before running up the length of her arm and to Tara’s
shoulder. Gently she pushed the hair back as her
fingertips played with the bite marks she’d left the
night before.
"Tell me your
concerns Kitten," Willow said softly.
Willow rose off the
bed and she straddled Tara’s hips, her cleavage level
with Tara’s eyes. Comfortably, she took a seat on
Tara’s thighs careful not to press too close. She
wanted to see how much she could tempt the blonde.
Willow watched Tara subconsciously licking her lips. The
desire to grab Tara by the back of the head and force
her to her breast was overwhelming. Tara wasn’t the
only one mesmerized since their meeting.
Willow had spent the
entire day, lying in bed, thinking of Tara while her
hands worked her body into a frenzy. Willow recalled her
taste, her scent, and her touch. She remembered the way
Tara pushed at her shoulders, leading her to her sex;
the way her fingertips tangled in her red tresses. Plus
that voice! Willow could still hear echoes of that voice
with the words of offering herself completely. No,
Willow had decided. This woman wasn’t a toy like so
many others. She was different.
Willow sensed the
carnal current that flowed through Tara even if the
woman herself didn’t recognize it yet. It was there.
Willow was certain. And once she was turned the world
was wide open. Willow would be her teacher, as Xander
had been hers. She’d show Tara pleasures and pain and
more pleasures than she could possibly imagine in this
human form.
She’d never need
another puppy again if she had Tara. This woman was
connected to her. She knew it within every inch of her
skin. She could ride this woman hard and have her beg
for more even if Tara didn’t realize it at this
moment. She also knew the blonde would love every second
of it.
"Tell me what’s
going on in that pretty head," Willow prodded again
when Tara still said nothing.
"You mentioned
the myths."
Willow just nodded and
Tara continued.
"What about the
cross thing?"
"Avoid ‘em."
"Pointy wooden
"Avoid ‘em."
"Reflections in
"Not a single
one," Willow said nodding toward Tara’s closet
Tara looked over and
saw herself sitting on the bed in her full length mirror
but Willow was no where. She looked at Willow and then
at the mirror again. Then she felt Willow’s fingertips
on her chin pulling her back. "Look all
night," Willow grinned. "I still won’t be
Tara grinned bashfully
and Willow waited for her to continue.
"Will it
hurt?" Tara asked. "When you…you know…do
Willow smirked.
"It’s a good kind of pain."
"There’s good
Willow licked her lips
and ran her fingers down both sides of Tara’s cheeks
"You have no
idea. But I’d love to show you."
Tara swallowed visibly
and gave a slight nod. Willow could tell she wanted more
information but didn’t quite know how to ask.
"Kitten, I’ll
make sure that the pleasure of the moment outweighs any
pain…Do you trust me?"
Tara gave a small
snort. "Yes, I do," she said not quite
believing her words but knowing deep inside they were
true. "I don’t know why. I shouldn’t. You’ve
only been here 24 hours…and yet…"
thinking of walking away from it all to be with
Tara nodded.
"Yes, I am," she answered softly.
"I know
why," Willow retorted with a playful grin. Tara
waited on her response. "You see the truth."
"I do?"
"You could be my
everything." Willow licked her lips and let her
fingers play with the strains of Tara’s hair.
"And I could be yours."
Tara felt herself
shaking—both in arousal and in fear.
Tara nodded. And she
watched a perplex look cross Willow’s face. The smile
on the vamp had vanished and a look of fear and
confusion seemed to take its place.
"What?" Tara
asked softly.
"I don’t like
you being scared," Willow said with a sense of
"And that’s a
problem because…?"
"I like scaring
people but you…it feels funny again."
Willow shook her head.
"No. Hurt funny," Willow said, not meeting
Tara’s eyes. She looked around the room as if she was
considering the feeling for the first time like a young
child. Slowly Willow stood up and Tara reached for her.
"Don’t turn
away," Tara told her. She could hear the begging in
her own voice.
"I don’t
understand," Willow told her, finally making eye
Tara grinned and moved
to her feet, taking Willow’s hands in hers. The vamp
still seemed a bit dazed by the revelation.
"Maybe your
connection to me goes deeper than you ever thought.
Oceans of time remember?" Tara prodded.
Willow thought on it a
moment. "Yeah," she finally muttered. The urge
to take Tara against her free will began to brew inside
the vampire. She could feel her face trying to contort;
her fangs aching to release. She pulled away and walked
to the door, hoping to make her escape—to get away
from Tara’s presence and clear her head.
leave," Tara called out, making Willow stop for a
"I have to.
It’s for your own good," Willow told her.
"But you
"Shut up
Tara’s breath caught
in her throat at the force of Willow’s anger. Willow
for her part, lost control of her human form and her
face fully contorted. She didn’t turn around. She
couldn’t look at Tara. It would be her undoing.
"I won’t take
you without your consent," the vampire said more
calmly. "And right now the urge to do so is too
strong," she said, struggling with the words.
Willow opened the
"Please don’t
leave!" Tara asked her again. "I need you
Willow. I do."
"Not like
this," the vampire said, still unable to face her.
Willow could feel the blood coursing around in both of
their bodies. So connected, Willow thought.
"I just…"
Willow tried to find a way to explain to Tara what she
was thinking. "I think we both need…I don’t
know, space…Oh, I can’t believe I’m saying
"Are you saying
you’re gonna leave?"
Willow heard the
urgency in Tara’s voice and yet another ‘funny
feeling’ washed over her—guilt.
"If it’s meant
to be you’ll find me…when you’re really
Willow left Tara’s
room without looking back.
A week passed and Tara
missed her classes. Tracy came by to see how she was
doing but Tara told her she hadn’t been feeling well.
Being the friend she was Tracy offered to make a trip to
the supermarket for some soup or maybe some cold
medicines and hinting at perhaps a bit more. Politely,
Tara refused and sent her on her way saying she was
For seven days she
thought about her existence—her daily life, her
possible ‘after-life,’ her way of life. Everything
pointed back to one thing—Willow. She couldn’t eat.
She couldn’t sleep. The vampire haunted her thoughts
unlike anything else she ever experienced. On the
seventh night, she made her choice—the only choice.
Instead of taking the
crystal to Willow’s grave she took herself. She sat
against the tombstone for three hours after the sun had
set, instinctively knowing she was safe…Willow had
marked her as hers…no mere denizen of the night would
dare lay a finger on Tara. Shortly before midnight she
watched as Willow approached and she rose to her feet.
Neither of them spoke
until they were an arm’s length away from each other.
forever," Willow told her. "There’s no
turning back. You’d be mine...always."
Tara closed the
distance between them and pushed her hair over her
shoulder, offering up her neck. "I am, you
know," she whispered in Willow's ear.
"What?" the
vampire asked, needing the confirmation more than she
had ever needed anything before…feeling as if her
entire existence hinged on Tara’s answer.
Willow knew it would
be for eternity. Tara felt it too. She licked the soft
skin of Tara's neck making the woman sigh. "I
know," the vampire whispered back before sinking
into her lover’s eager flesh.
Within seconds, Tara
felt the sharp penetration of Willow’s fangs and she
howled in surprise, pain and, soon after, pleasure. A
moment later she felt the buttons on her blouse ripped
away from the material with one swift pull of her future
sire. Willow didn’t drink too deeply. She wanted to
keep her promise—pain with pleasure. As she pulled
Tara to the ground she didn’t hide her demon-self like
she had their first night. She wanted Tara to see her
vamp features. When Tara grinned and wiped Willow’s
bloody lips with her fingers before sucking on them the
vampire knew there truly was no turning back now.
She pulled Tara’s
sandals from her feet. Next came the hip huggers. Willow
was pleasantly surprised that the woman wore no
undergarments. In record time, Willow removed her boots,
pants and corset. Once totally nude she returned to her
lover making sure to place her thigh between Tara’s
center. She began to grind rhythmically against the
witch. My witch, Willow’s mind corrected as she
felt the woman grow wetter with every stroke.
She returned to
Tara’s neck and licked the blood that had flowed from
the wound before sinking her teeth into the flesh again.
She drank with abandon until she felt Tara’s movements
begin to slow. She knew she still needed Tara conscious.
With that thought, she pulled back and used her
fingernail and vamp strength to open a gash above her
own breast. She positioned the cut over Tara’s lips.
"Drink," she
ordered, grabbing Tara forcefully behind her head and
leading her up.
The blonde licked at
the wound, lapping up the trickles that welled darkly
from the cut but instead of immediately drinking as she
was ordered she took the vampire’s areola in her
mouth. She began to suck as her fingernails dug into
Willow’s backside, slapping their bodies together even
This type of
disobedience from any other mortal or demon would’ve
probably thrown Willow into a rage but this was
different—much different. Willow’s eyes shot open at
the sudden mix of pleasure and pain. Any concerns she
had, any doubts regarding whether she picked the right
childe melted away. Tara could take pain but she could
also give it. And Willow was delighted.
She moaned deep and
long, which forced the blonde below her to suck harder,
her nails digging deeper. For Willow, although
incredibly arousing, it still wasn’t enough.
she ordered.
Tara increased the
pressure a little more but not enough to Willow’s
satisfaction. The vampire grabbed the back of Tara’s
head again, this time pulling those blonde tresses at
the roots, making them both whimper.
"I said
Tara did as her
Mistress ordered and was rewarded with even more
bucking, each movement of Willow’s thigh pounding
against her clit. Willow felt her orgasm approaching
quickly and she pulled Tara’s lips away from her erect
nipple, leading her to the incision she made.
"Oh Tara,"
she sighed, trying her best to talk through her
approaching climax. "Drink now Baby. Drink. Feel
Tara did as Willow
demanded. For Tara, the taste was acidic at first but as
Willow began to howl in her orgasm her blood seemed to
turn sweet. Tara couldn’t contain the sounds of her
own moans at the flavor and the feeling it gave her. She
continued to devour Willow when she felt the vampire
reach down to her center, massaging her throbbing
"That’s it
Baby," Willow coached as she continued to rub her
witch. "Drink. Lap it all up like a good
Tara moaned at
Willow’s words and touch. She was so close to the edge
herself when she felt Willow pull away and nuzzle her
neck again. This time the pain of the bite was next to
nothing. Willow had kept her promise. All she could feel
was the pleasure Willow’s fingers were bringing her
between her legs. As Willow plugged three fingers
forcefully and swiftly inside of her, Tara cried out. It
was unlike anything she’d ever felt. Not more than 10
seconds later Tara felt the last orgasm of her life wash
over her. The afterglow was intense but she was growing
tired. More tired than she’d ever felt. Still Willow
continued to suck, pulling the blood from her body. It
took all the strength she had but Tara reached up to
hold Willow’s head as the vampire continued to feast
on her—taking her to a new plain, a new level of
existence. And there, on the grave of Willow Rosenberg,
Tara’s life ended and began anew.
Tara’s mind came
back to the present as she listened to Willow wrapping
up the story to Spike.
"She arose at my
place after I’d just returned with some proper clothes
for her. No Kitten of mine would be buried under that
much cheap material. And she was happy with what I
chose," Willow grinned, taking a look at Tara.
"Weren’t cha Baby?"
Tara replied giving Willow a sexy half-smirk. "As
Spike knew he had a
sappy grin on his face but he didn’t care.
"Now that’s
love!" he told Willow. "You ignored your
instinct to kill. Tara gave up her waking life to be
reborn—that’s just…beautiful. They don’t make
love stories like that anymore I tell ya. I mean soul or
no soul you still need to feel something right? And
you’re both lucky you each found a woman that can
feel. Lemme tell ya, the birds I seem to hook up
wouldn’t know an emotion if it came up and bit ‘em
on the bum."
"Someone sounds
cranky in the love department," Willow said to Tara
who simply giggled.
"Hey!" Spike
retorted. "Just remember gals, there’s nothing
wrong with being love’s bitch. Makes eternity go by
quicker if you ask me. Sure it might hurt like hell
someday but you gotta take a chance on love right? You
can’t keep your heart locked up tight, not letting
anyone in or letting yourself feel anything like
Bu…like buddies of mine do."
Tara sighed, getting bored with Spike’s spiel on love.
"Are you in or are you out? You help us and we’ll
help you."