Title: The
Queen, The Regent, The Warrior
CN Winters
Xena Fanfiction, Xena fanfic, Xena fan fiction, Xena and
Gabrielle fanfiction, Xena fiction
Xena, Gabby, Ephiny (and assorted others) are property of MCA/Universal. This story, which is mine, is strictly for fun and not meant to offend. There’s sexually charged scenes, so if you’re too young come back when you’re older. Don’t read this if they don’t like it in your area of the world. Don’t read this if the idea of two (well actually four) women in love offends you. With that said, let’s get to the story.
Synopsis: When
Xena leaves her friend Gabrielle in the care of the amazons,
Ephiny and Gabby embark on a romantic relationship...at least
until Xena returns and challenges Ephiny for Gabrielle's hand.
Drop me a line at cnwinters71@yahoo.com.
Queen, The Regent, The Warrior

by XenaArtMaker)
"How are you
Ephiny poked her head inside
to the Queen’s hut to see Gabrielle working on a scroll,
deep in thought.
"Much better. Although
my head still hurts if I move too quick... Have a seat."
Ephiny sat on the edge of
the bed, her finger playing with the quilt pattern. "I
should have warned you to take it easy on the punch. I
didn’t think alcohol would have that strong an effect on
"It’s okay. All and
all I had a wonderful time last night. You’re good company."
Gabrielle smiled warmly at the regent amazon.
"You’re not so bad
yourself," Ephiny replied with a devious grin.
This is stupid, the
amazon told herself. She knew she should just come out and
tell the queen her feelings, her longings. Last night was
close. With the music and the alcohol, feeling Gabrielle’s
body swaying against hers, Ephiny felt so compelled to take
the young woman. She wanted to show Gabrielle just what it
meant to be an amazon – soul, mind and especially body. She
wanted to but she didn’t.
"What’s wrong, Ephiny?"
the bard asked.
Ephiny realized her smile
had faded and she was staring at Gabrielle, a thousand illicit
thoughts running through her mind.
"It’s nothing,"
Ephiny insisted. "Just thinking. That’s all."
Gabrielle had seen the look
in Ephiny’s eyes before – not from the warrior herself –
but from another warrior, a warrior princess to be more
specific. To Xena it was also ‘just thinking’ and nothing
more. But this time Gabrielle prodded for an answer.
"It’s not
nothing," Gabrielle said. "You can tell me, Ephiny...
I hope you feel you can trust me."
"Of course, I trust you
," Ephiny replied quickly. "It’s just... I think...
I wish... Oh, forget it."
Gabrielle inched closer
taking Ephiny’s hands in hers. "It’s okay," she
whispered placing her forehead on Ephiny’s trying to calm
her. "Please tell me."
"Okay," Ephiny
answered taking a deep breath. "I’m falling in love
with you ... I know you and Xena are lovers, but I
Gabrielle shot away,
startling Ephiny. "I’m not sure what shocks me
more," the bard rambled. " ... the fact that you
love me or ... or the bit about me and Xena."
"You mean you and Xena
"No!" Gabrielle
replied. "Xena would never think of me as a lover."
Ephiny grinned and moved
closer. "Why not?"
Gabrielle chuckled.
"She still thinks I’m a little girl. I mean the last
village –."
Ephiny interrupted, taking the bards' face in her hands.
"I know you’re a woman. You’re an exceptionally
bright and beautiful woman. By the Gods, do you understand the
affect you have on this village? I’ve had to order amazons
back to work when you walk past."
"Why’s that?"
Gabrielle asked innocently.
"Why?!" Ephiny
exclaimed. "They lose track of what they’re doing just
to watch you move... Sweet Artemis, you are gorgeous."
Gabrielle looked stunned and
Ephiny backed off removing her hands. She didn’t want to
offend her queen and she quickly made up for it.
"I’m so sorry,
Gabrielle. You’re my queen and I never meant any harm.
Whatever punishment you feel is deserving, I will see it will
be carried out"
"Punishment for
what?" Gabrielle asked sincerely. "For telling me
how you feel? Please, Ephiny, don’t ever feel you need to be
hurt by telling me what’s in your heart." Suddenly she
felt uncomfortable with the words she chose. "I mean, I
love you Ephiny as a friend and in truth I never looked into
our relationship deeper than that. Don’t get me wrong. You
are a beautiful woman as well. Sparkling blue eyes, soft curly
blonde hair, sensational mid-drift... Okay, so maybe I noticed
a little," she added in confession. "The point is I
need time."
Ephiny jumped into a
standing position. "Of course, Gabrielle I understand. I
didn’t expect an immediate answer."
Gabrielle rose and walked
around to stand in front of Ephiny. She wasn’t sure how it
happened, but somehow her fingertips were caressing Ephiny’s
face. Pushing the curls away from her beautiful cheekbones.
Neither spoke a word nor wanted to. Ephiny’s sigh at the
contact was the only sound in the hut. She couldn’t stand
the gentle assault any longer. She kissed the bard’s
knuckles one by one and watched as Gabrielle shuttered.
What’s happening to me?
Gabrielle asked herself. She had never felt so alive. She
could feel her blood rushing through her body, close to the
surface, making her hotter. Before she could contemplate
anything further, she felt Ephiny’s lips move to her wrist.
The warrior looked down on the bard with burning desire as her
tongue tickled one of Gabrielle’s lifelines.
Gabrielle had to know. She
had to find out.
"Please," she
whispered. "Kiss me."
Carefully and delicately,
Ephiny’s hands took Gabrielle’s face, tilting it upward as
she descended. The first contact felt like an explosion to the
two women. If was feathery soft but the passion inside it was
as hard as metal. Gabrielle felt Ephiny linger a few moments
before she pulled away. "I’ll see you on the practice
field," she whispered.
She walked out of the hut
not looking back. Once she was gone Gabrielle opened into a
full smile, letting her body fall back on the bed. "Sweet
Artemis, that was one Tartarus of a kiss!"
Days turned into weeks. It
had been at least three weeks since Gabrielle received word
from Xena. And two since Ephiny’s confession of love.
Xena was leading an army
against a ruthless warlord. A group of people had banned
together from neighboring villages the warlord destroyed. They
need a skillful, competent leader and they sought Xena. Xena
was undecided, but after hearing their story, she knew she had
to help. She also knew she couldn’t do this mission worrying
about Gabrielle. After taking her back to the amazons, Xena
traveled to meet the war party. Two months had passed since
that day and three weeks had gone by without word of the
warriors location or status.
"Any word today?"
Ephiny asked. She had witnessed the runner enter the queen’s
tent moments before. She imagined, perhaps, Xena finally sent
a note.
"No. It’s just a
message from the Centaurs. They’re thinking of holding a
festival and have invited us to come... Personally, I think
they’re looking for more hunting ground and want to bribe us
with food and drink." Gabrielle smiled as she tossed the
parchment on the table. Slowly, she walked over to Ephiny and
pulled her closer by the waist.
"You’re hot and
sticky," Gabrielle whispered.
Ephiny blushed and turned
away. "I’ve been out practicing all day. I came here to
get a bath."
Gabrielle’s hands ran up
and down Ephiny’s back. "Why? I like you hot and
Ephiny shuttered as
Gabrielle’s lips made contact with her collar bone. "Oh
yeah?" the amazon hissed seductively.
"Oh yeah,"
Gabrielle responded, keeping the spirit. "Tell me Eph’ ...
do you get that hot and sticky when you make love too?"
Gabrielle reached up, taking
the amazon’s mask off of her head, gently tossing it in a
chair. She pulled Ephiny with her toward the bed, letting her
hands run the length of the regent’s arms, feeling the sweat
that covered them.
"You do realize the
whole village is already talking about us?" Ephiny
whispered. She tried her best to act concerned – that she
wanted to protect Gabrielle’s ‘virtue’. Somehow it just
didn’t come out as persuasive as she had hoped.
"Let ’em talk,"
Gabrielle sighed, pulling Ephiny into a passionate kiss.
"I’m tired of holding hands and cold baths."
Ephiny pulled away and she
could see the hurt in Gabrielle’s eyes.
"Please listen,
okay?" Gabrielle simply nodded to Ephiny's request.
"I want you... How the Gods know I want you... I just
need more than one night. I want to know that it’s me you
want... I need to know that when Xena comes back – and you
know she’ll come back – I’m not going to watch you walk
away again."
Gabrielle realized that was
a fact she hadn’t really considered. Ephiny knew the pause
meant that the bard was considering it.
"Look Gabrielle, I know
how I feel. But I have concerns. Concerns for you, for me, for
us... I even have concerns for Xena. I don’t want anyone
Gabrielle paused, soaking up
the words, "I understand... and I’m sorry for the way I
"Please don’t
apologize for your passion for me." Ephiny smiled.
"It’s an important ingredient in love. We just need to
be sure of what we want that’s all."
Gabrielle nodded.
"Okay. Go take that bath now. I’m going to discuss this
festival invitation with the counsel."
Gabrielle rose to leave and
Ephiny stroked her face tenderly. "I love you," she
replied softly, placing an affectionate kiss on the bards
Slowly, Gabrielle made her
way from the hut as Ephiny headed to the royal tub.
Another month had rolled by
with still no word from the warrior princess. The festival had
taken place that evening. Just as Gabrielle expected the
Centaurs wanted to expand their border. Being the shroud
bargainer she was, Gabrielle didn’t give them what they
asked, but enough to make everyone happy.
Gabrielle and Ephiny now
made their deepening relationship no longer a secret. Light
caresses and tender kisses mixed with the feeling of unity of
the festival. Late in the evening, the amazons returned home.
The bard rested between Ephiny’s shoulder blades as they
rode the short distance.
Once at the queen’s hut,
Gabrielle ordered the guards away for the evening, stating
that she would be quite protected with the amazon regent in
her company for the evening. With nods and well-knowing
smiles, the royal guards retired for the evening.
When Gabrielle walked into
the hut she found Ephiny already inside. The bard felt
mesmerized as she watched her regent walk over to her, totally
naked. "That didn’t take too long... Did you give them
the night off?"
Gabrielle lost her voice and
could only nod.
"Good," Ephiny
replied leading the bard by holding both hands. "You
know, my queen, you are very well protected with me
near." Ephiny administered a light kiss to the side of
Gabrielle’s cheek before moving to the other.
"Oh Ephiny,"
Gabrielle sighed.
"Yes my queen? Is there
something I can do for you?" she teased. "Perhaps I
should ready you for bed. Should I help you off the your royal
Gabrielle sighed again as
Ephiny’s lips made contact with her throat. She was
spinning. She wasn't sure if it was all the wine she consumed
during the course of the evening or Ephiny’s seductive
charms that were doing her in.
"I’ll take that as a
yes." The amazon warrior slowly walked behind her queen.
She carefully pulled the straps loose from the bards’
shoulders, before unfastening the tunic from the back. As it
landed on the floor Ephiny’s palms seized the queen’s
breasts, kneading and pitching the flesh.
"Ohhh... the
skirt," Gabrielle whispered huskily. "Take my skirt
off too."
Ephiny’s tongue tickled
Gabrielle’s earlobe. "Anything for my queen," her
replied deep with desire.
Gabrielle’s passion was
immense as Ephiny’s skillful hands worked the skirt free,
soon joining the tunic on the hut floor. Last, the queen
sandals were removed as she took a seat on the bed.
"You are vision,
Gabrielle. I can see why you are Artemis chosen. She certainly
has a thing for beautiful women... and you are no
Gabrielle moaned and pulled
Ephiny on top of her. They both tumbled to the bed, wrapped in
each others arms. Lips locking with flesh, tongues dancing
across sweat covered skin. Their bodies almost seemed to steam
in the hot summer night. Gabrielle began to feel herself
become more lightheaded by the second.
"Ephinyyyyy," she
groaned as the warrior’s lips assaulted her nipples
unmercifully. "Please make love to me. Please."
Ephiny pulled back and
studied the beauty of her bard. She wanted to see the desire
in the lovely woman’s face. "Yes my queen," she
whispered affectionately, yet tinted with lust. "Anything
for you."
Solari was on her way from
the mess hall when a sight made her drop her breakfast tray.
She had heard the rumors about the night before. Without
taking the time to organize a clear thought, she darted
directly toward the queen’s hut.
"By the Gods!" she
shouted. "Xena! Is it really you?!"
Xena smiled at the greeting.
It was uncharacteristic of Solari to be that loud, deafening
in fact.
"Yes Solari and now
that you’ve woken up the entire village, I’d like to see
Gabrielle." The warrior tried to push her way gently
around Solari, but the amazon grabbed her by the arm.
"Oh come on. Let her
sleep awhile longer," Solari insisted. "Tell me what
happened. Where have you been?"
"Maybe later,"
Xena said lightly shrugging her off, finishing her journey
into the hut.
Ephiny was in the middle of
tugging her tunic on. Gabrielle, in typical fashion, was still
sound asleep.
"What in the name of
Hades is goin’ on here ?!" Xena shouted.
That got Gabrielle moving.
"Huh?... What?... Xena!"
Xena looked a moment at
Gabrielle’s naked body. Then she turned to Ephiny who was
now fully dressed. She pulled her sword and pointed it at
Ephiny. "Start talking," she ordered.
"It’s not what it
looks like ... well not exactly... " Ephiny’s voice
trailed off. "Please put the sword away, Xena. We can
discuss this calmly and rationally. I didn’t hurt
"Well, from the look of
things I’d say that’s true," Xena sneered. "You
probably made her feel pretty good."
"Really, Xena,"
Gabrielle insisted. "I’m okay. Ephiny didn’t force
herself on me or anything."
"What are you saying,
Gabrielle?" Xena insisted. "This was
"Yes," the bard
whispered. "I didn’t expect you back... unexpectedly...
I figured I’d have a chance to discuss this with you."
"And what exactly
is this?" Xena replied. She could feel her tears welling
up in her eyes.
Gabrielle could feel
Xena’s distress but she knew she had to answer.,
"Ephiny and I...
we’re lovers."
Xena felt like she’d had
the wind knocked out of her.
"I can’t
breathe," she whispered to Solari, who was standing
beside her.
"Here," the
raven-haired warrior said, guiding Xena. "You need to sit
Without thought, she pushed
Solari away and limbered toward Ephiny.
"It’s not true,
Xena," Ephiny replied, hold her hands in front of her
defensively. "Gabrielle and I aren’t lovers."
"What?" the bard
asked. "But last night –
"You fell asleep,
Gabrielle. Too much wine at the festival last night,
"I did?" Gabrielle
asked. Suddenly, she began to realize, she didn’t have any
clear memory of love making. She asked Ephiny to make love to
her. She knew that much. But she couldn’t piece together
anything past that point. "Oh gods, I did! Ephiny, I’m
so sorry."
"Sorry?!" Xena
shouted. "You’re sorry?!"
Ephiny had to protect her
queen. "That’s enough, Xena! I won’t have you
treating the woman I love in this manner. You will go outside
and wait for the queen’s arrival."
Xena looked shocked with her
mouth hanging open. Finally, the realization that Ephiny was
ordering her around sunk in. She was no longer shocked. She
was angry.
"I will, huh?" the
warrior replied, menacing closer and closer to Ephiny until
they were inches apart. "I’ll tell you what I’ll do...
I will break every bone in your skinny little amazon body.
Then I will break each one again. Then again."
"Xena!" the queen
yelled, pulling the warrior princess’ attention from Ephiny.
"Go outside... I will be there shortly." When Xena
didn’t move, Gabrielle knew she would have to be stricter.
"Solari!" she ordered. "Please escort Xena to a
nearby hut. Have a bath drawn for her and make sure she
doesn’t leave until I’ve spoken with her."
Solari rolled her eyes in a
‘why me?’ gesture before moving behind Xena.
"Please Xena," the
dark-haired amazon begged. "Please come with me. I
don’t want any trouble."
Xena turned and she saw the
worry in Solari’s eyes. The young amazon didn’t deserve
her fury and, quietly, she agreed. Without another word, Xena
turned and Solari walked with her out of the hunt. The amazon
guard, however, made sure to shoot a disgusted look at Ephiny
and Gabrielle before her departure with Xena.
Ephiny and Gabrielle sat in
silence until the blonde warrior spoke.
"Looks like that
answered some of our questions," she said dryly.
"And which ones would
those be?" Gabrielle asked frustrated.
"Well, now we know how
Xena would react and two... she’s very much in love with
Neither woman replied to the
comments. And with each passing moment, Gabrielle realized she
was postponing the inevitable.
Gabrielle peeked into the
hut to see Xena lying back in the hot tub, arms extended, eyes
"Xena?" she asked,
unsure if the warrior was even awake.
"Yes Gabrielle,"
she replied, lifting her head and opening her eyes. "I
guess you’re ready to talk now."
"Thank you for
cooperating with Solari," Gabrielle began.
"You know I’m not one
for idle chit-chat, so let’s get this over with."
Gabrielle had never seen
Xena’s eyes so hollow. The blue that once reminded Gabrielle
of a clear summer day now looked icy cold; unfeeling. She felt
herself shiver.
"Okay," Gabrielle
agreed. "What do you want to know?"
"How long?"
"How long what?"
Gabrielle replied evasively.
Xena rolled her eyes.
"I’m not going to play games. You know damn well what
I'm asking. How long has this thing been going on with Ephiny?"
"Does that
matter?" Gabrielle asked innocently.
"It does to me,"
Xena said, rising out of the tub. Gabrielle always admired
Xena’s body, but since her exploits with Ephiny, she watched
the warrior’s body in a new light. Gabrielle watched as Xena
patted herself dry, all the while feeling herself grow wetter
between her thighs. "Did you wait a few weeks or did you
just drag her into your bed as soon as I left Arborea?"
Gabrielle’s admiration was
cut short by the acidity in Xena’s voice.
"What?!" Gabrielle
exclaimed. "How dare you?! How dare you?!" The bard
began to pace whenever she was upset or confused. This was no
different. "Look Xena, you’re supposed to be my best
friend. I figured you would be happy that I found someone who
loves me. You’ve told me before that all you cared about was
my happiness. I didn’t expect the jealous lover bit,
especially since we’re not lovers... What gives you the
right to think I’d sit by and wait for your return?! It was
WEEKS, no, it’s been MONTHS since I heard from you."
Xena got right up into
Gabrielle’s face. "I spent MONTHS trying to get back
here – back to you! We traveled much, much further than we
planned. And once the job was finished I started on my way
back here because ... "
The warriors voice trailed
off and she walked over to get her robe. As she put it on,
Gabrielle walked over to her.
"Why, Xena?" she
asked. "What caused you to come back?"
Xena couldn’t face her.
Not like this. Not with the tears starting to cascade down her
"Just go," Xena
muttered. "Ephiny’s waiting for you."
"Damn it, Xena!"
the bard yelled, spinning the warrior around to face her. She
saw the tears but she paid them no heed. "Tell me
"Because I love
you!" The words came out angry and harsh. It was never
this way when the warrior envisioned saying them. She knew the
day would arrive sometime, but she imagined the tone would be
soft and gentle. Mentally, she kicked herself at the outburst
and hung her head low.
"Oh Gods, Gabrielle...
I’m sorry ... I should have told you sooner but... but
it’s pointless now."
"You love me?"
Gabrielle questioned. "Since when?’
"Does it matter?"
Xena teased, going back to the start of the conversation.
Gabrielle smiled
bitter-sweetly. "It does to me," she whispered.
"Why? You have Ephiny
now... Ephiny." As the warrior uttered the amazons name,
she heard the contempt in it. "I asked her to look out
for you. To keep an eye on you... She’s very thorough -
that’s for sure," Xena chuckled at the heartbreaking
Gabrielle didn’t respond
to Xena’s attempt at humor. She still had other
"When?" she asked
again, taking Xena’s hands in hers. "Please tell me
"Let’s just say this
isn’t a recent revelation." Xena grinned. "I’ve
known for quite a while. I didn’t want to lose you... so I
never told you... funny... that’s exactly what’s happened
anyway, isn’t it?"
Gabrielle wanted to cry. Her
heart was being ripped to shreds. Although she never looked at
Xena as a potential partner, she did love Xena deeply. Perhaps
on some level more deeply than Ephiny, who she was prepared to
make her lover. Gabrielle needed to clear her head and fast.
Xena wasn't sure how many more tears she herself could hold,
so she made her request of the bard.
"Gabrielle," she
whispered. "Please go... It hurts too much to see you
right now... Please go and I promise I’ll say goodbye before
I leave."
The bard, was speechless.
She simply rose and quickly darted from the hut. Leaving the
warrior alone in her tears.
Gabrielle took to the woods.
Events from the last twenty-four hours flooded her mind –
Ephiny’s delicate touches, Xena’s tear filled eyes. Each
memory, each sensation was more troubling as she continued to
"Where do you think
you’re running to?" Gabrielle
turned to meet the unfamiliar voice. "Running away
won’t solve anything... Besides no self respecting
Queen of mine would ever run away."
Gabrielle questioned.
"Looks like you got a
really problem on your hands - two beautiful women, both
willing to lay their lives down for you, if need be. All
mortals should be so lucky."
Gabrielle shook her head
while it hung low. "It’s not as appealing as it sounds...
I never intended this to happen. I love them both Artemis... I
truly do."
"This love business is
far to complicated for me. Perhaps I should call ‘Dite and
you two could chat."
Gabrielle grinned. "No
disrespect but ‘Dite doesn’t know jack when it comes to
Artemis had to smile at her
queen’s defiance. "I have to agree. She’s a bit
shallow, but she’s all we got... Well, except for
Cupid. Good boy, but he tends to use his heart more than his
head at times."
Gabrielle continued to grin.
"I’ve met him and he seemed ‘down to earth’. But I
don’t think even Cupid could help me now."
"You’re probably
right," Artemis agreed. "But you have to do
something. I know you love Ephiny. She’s a wonderful amazon.
I’m very proud of the way she’s grown to be an outstanding
woman... And Xena, well, Xena’s grown a lot too. She’s
done so much good that, between you and me, she’s already
won her place in Elysian... She’s also won a place in
your heart too, if I’m not mistaken."
Gabrielle could feel her
frustration rising as her head started to shake. "What do
I do?"
"Wait," Artemis
insisted. "Let the fates decided which road you should
take. If the warrior princess walks away, then let Ephiny be
your partner in life. And if you feel compelled to leave with
Xena again, do so and make it forever... The choice is yours
Gabrielle. You’ll do what’s right when the time comes. So
will they."
Gabrielle looked up to speak
to Artemis but she had vanished. Gabrielle had her answer –
useless as it was – she still had her answer. She headed
back to the village. She needed to speak to Ephiny to tell her
about Xena’s plans for departure.
Perhaps Artemis is right,
Gabrielle told herself. Perhaps I’ll let the fates
When Gabrielle arrived at
the village square she found a circle of amazons and loud
shouting. Quickly, she scanned the area for Ephiny. When she
didn’t find her, she pushed her way through the crowd. She
froze when she spotted the source of the conflict.
"You’re challenging
me!" Ephiny yelled.
"That’s right! What
part of that didn’t you understand?!"
"You’re crazy Xena!
Absolutely crazy! I will tear you limb from limb before I let
you drag Gabrielle away from me again."
"I’ll take that as a
yes then?!" the warrior princess pushed.
"You bet! Today when
the sun is high meet me on the practice field and we’ll let
Hades decide who gets Gabrielle’s hand!"
Xena stormed off with a
group of amazons – her supporters, Gabrielle assumed. In a
few heartbeats, Gabrielle’s racing mind gained enough
control to walk to Ephiny. The warrior began to shake her head
as Gabrielle approached.
"Don’t say it!"
she shouted. "I’m not about to let her take you
"It’s my decision of
whether I stay or go," Gabrielle replied. "This
stupid challenge isn’t going to do anything except get
someone I love killed... perhaps both."
"It’s too late,"
Solari interrupted. "The challenge has been made and
accepted. They must settle this today."
"Am I STILL the
queen?" Gabrielle insisted. "Do I NOT have a say in
what happens in this village?"
"Yes, you are the
queen," Ephiny answered. "And no, you don’t have a
say. One way or another, it ends today!"
Gabrielle was helpless to
make any head way and she watched as Ephiny walked away,
readying herself for battle.
"I thought you had
decided to leave!" Gabrielle roared as she marched inside
Xena’s hut. The warrior sat calmly, sharpening her sword.
"I changed my
mind," the warrior replied casually.
"You changed your
mind!?" Gabrielle asked. "What do you mean you
changed your mind?"
"Like I said,"
Xena replied, stopping briefly before starting her stokes
"Why?" Gabrielle
provoked. "Ephiny is your friend and you repay that
friendship with a fight to the death."
"I’ve never walked
away from a fight in my life," Xena answered. "If
it’s a fight she wants, it’s a fight she’ll get!"
Gabrielle couldn’t believe
what was happening. Fates or no fates, she couldn’t just sit
by and let the two most important women in her life try to
destroy each other, especially over her. But she realized
that’s exactly what was happening, and according to amazon
custom, there wasn’t anything she could do – queen or no
Gabrielle whispered. She walked over and stroked Xena’s
cheek to get her full attention. "I love you both.
Don’t do this."
"I have to do
this," Xena answered. She tried her best to look
unaffected by the young woman’s touch.
"Why? Because of some
stupid custom? Some ignorant warrior’s code?"
"No," Xena replied
softly. "Because I can’t live without you. If I lose
this contest then I lose my life. And that’s just fine with
me... It’s been a long time coming actually. I couldn’t
think of dying for a nobler cause."
"Oh, Xena."
Gabrielle took the sword from the warrior and replacing her
body in the location that the blade set moments before. She
rested her cheek on Xena’s shoulder feeling the warmth
escaping the warrior’s body.
"Do you love me
Gabrielle?" the warrior asked leery of the bard's answer.
"The way you love Ephiny?"
Gabrielle hadn’t
considered her feelings. She didn’t have time.
When she woke up she was
suddenly explaining her relationship with Ephiny to Xena. Then
she was dealing with the warrior princess’ confession of
love. Now she had to face a mortal combat that would take
someone she loved to Elysian Fields and out of her life... DID
she love Xena the way she loved Ephiny? She didn’t have time
to analyze now – she could only react.
"No," she
whispered. "I love you both deeply, but for different
reasons... And I don’t want to lose either one of you."
reasons?" Xena asked.
"Yes," Gabrielle
replied. "You make me feel safe, protected... Ephiny
makes me feel... aroused."
"So you never...
desired me?" Xena asked.
Gabrielle blushed and
refused to look up. "I didn't say that," she
Xena smiled and pulled
Gabrielle far enough away so she could look at her, but close
enough that she could feel the bards' labored breath tickle
her cleavage.
"I’m sure I could
arouse you if you give me the chance," Xena teased
Without waiting for a
response, Xena pulled Gabrielle’s lips to hers. All of her
want, all of her desire flamed in the delicate kiss she placed
on the bard. Xena’s hands gently captured Gabrielle’s head
bringing her closer, taking them deeper into the kiss.
Gabrielle’s hands found a
life of their own and caressed the warriors’ muscular thighs
causing both women to sigh at the contact. Their lips broke
free and Xena proceeded to nibble on Gabrielle’s exposed
neck. The bard’s mind drifted further away with each
sweeping move of the warrior’s tongue.
"I could take you to
heights of pleasure you’ve never known. After all I
"Many skills,"
Gabrielle whispered, finishing her sentence.
"See how well you know
me," Xena observed as she began to suck on the bards
earlobe. "Better than I know myself at times."
The delicious sensations the
bard felt came to a stand still at the warriors words. That’s
true, the bard reflected. She slowly pulled away and met
Xena’s eyes.
"You’re right. I do
know you... And I know you can’t kill Ephiny." She
grinned. "You may think it’s the only way out, but
it’s not. When the time comes Xena, do you really think you
could be responsible for spilling her blood?"
Xena had to look away. She
rose and re-sheathed her sword. "I’ll do what I have to
do," she whispered.
"As will I,"
Gabrielle replied before making her way to the straw door.
"See you on the practice field."
Xena watched as Gabrielle
left without another word. The grin that played on the
queen’s face wasn’t what she expected but she tried not to
think about it. She had a foe to face and she’d be damned
she’d let that young woman play tricks with her mind.
Ephiny stood proud on top of
the hill as Solari continued to try talking the regent out of
the competition.
"Just listen to
reason," Solari pushed.
"You’re not giving me
a good reason," Ephiny countered. "You don’t know
what it’s like to love like this and constantly have it
taken away. Gabrielle will never leave this village as long as
I breathe. And if she does, it will be over my dead
"I don’t know what
it’s like to love like this?!" Solari countered.
"Yes," Ephiny
replied. "Really."
"Let me ask you a
question, Ephiny. Do you know why I stayed on duty for three
days and nights straight while you nursed that fever this
winter? Do you know why I see that the land between the
village and your son’s people is so protected? Do you know
why I let you cry on my shoulder every time Gabrielle comes
and goes out of your life?... Because I know what it’s like
to love like this... I live it every day of my life...
However, unlike your Gabrielle, you never leave. You continue
to be a part of this village. So close to me and so far, far
Ephiny was speechless. She
never would have guessed that Solari felt so strong – so
much love – for her. She had always admired Solari since she
came to the village, but Gabrielle had stolen that attention.
"I never knew," Ephiny confessed in a whisper.
"I know," Solari
said remorsefully. "And I understand your pain more than
you realize."
Solari began to walk away as
Xena made her way up the hill.
"Let’s get this show
on the road," the warrior princess taunted. "Unless,
of course, you’re not up for it."
Ephiny got her barring as
she watched Solari take her place next to Gabrielle. She
watched as the two women began to talk with each other.
Suddenly, she heard Xena shouting.
"What?" Ephiny
asked as she turned around.
"I said are we out here
to settle this or are we just working on our tans?"
"Of course,"
Ephiny said pulling her sword and taking a defensive stance.
Xena’s menacing grin
appeared. "Well, then ... "
Xena’s first blow was
tremendous. She was strong. A lot stronger than any of the
sparring the two friends engaged in. She knew Xena was out to
win this competition and for as much as Ephiny believed she
loved Gabrielle, she wondered if it was really worth it. She
looked over and saw the pain in Solari’s eyes as the battle
became more heated.
Xena was impressed. Ephiny
was a strong opponent and much more difficult than she had
imagined. So far she saw two advantages in the battle, but she
didn’t press either one of them. Her heart was playing
tricks on her mind – maybe Gabrielle was right. She
couldn’t kill Ephiny, even though she convinced herself it
was the ‘only’ thing to do.
They both pulled back and
swung fiercely, knocking the swords from each others hands. On
mere instinct, they reached for their breast daggers and clung
to each other. Each warrior’s weapon poised at the others
throats. The entire village sighed, knowing the simplest of
swipes would leave the other defeated, the life force oozing
from their neck. Seconds turned into minutes as each woman
waited for the other to strike. Gabrielle and Solari both took
shallow breaths waiting for the inevitable.
Ephiny watched as Xena’s
dagger cascaded from her fingertips.
"Do it," Xena
ordered softly. "I can’t be without her and I’ll
never be with her if I take your life. She’d never forgive
me... and I’d never forgive myself."
Ephiny pushed the warrior
slightly away and raised her arm to strike the death blow. As
swiftly as she raised her weapon, she dropped it, pulling the
warrior into a tight embrace. A feeling of relieve and
understanding washing over her.
It took Xena a few seconds,
but she realized she wasn’t going to die. Ephiny wasn’t
going to hurt her. In fact, she was hugging her and Xena
returned the gesture. Both women could hear the happy sighs
Solari and Gabrielle both emitted. Xena pulled back and
started to make her departure from the village.
"Where do you think
you’re going?" Ephiny asked.
"I’m leaving."
Xena grinned, strictly for show. "You’ve won."
"Xena, please
stay," Ephiny pleaded. "I think we need to
Xena grinned. "What is
it with women?" she asked. "All you ever wanna do is
talk, talk, talk."
Ephiny returned the grin.
"Yeah. But I think you’ll like this conversation,"
she added as she waved Xena toward her.
Solari and Gabrielle watched
as the two female warriors walked down the hill, their arms
wrapped tightly around each others' waist in comradery.
"Didn’t they just try
to kill each other?" Gabrielle asked, slightly confused
at the friendly gesture transpiring before her eyes.
"Yeah," Solari
replied with a smile. "It’s a warrior thing Gabrielle.
Don’t try to understand it or analyze it. Just let it
"Can I come in?"
Gabrielle asked, peeking her head into Xena’s hut.
"You’re the
queen," Xena teased. "You can go anywhere in this
village you want to go."
Gabrielle smiled.
"That’s true, but I’d never go anywhere that I’m
"Believe me," Xena
smiled. "You’ll always be wanted here... Have a
Cautiously, she took a seat
next to Xena on the bed. "Ephiny told me about the
conversation the two of you had... She was concerned about how
I was taking all this."
"Sounds like Ephiny...
She’s a very touchy, feely type of amazon... Those kinds of
warriors are hard to come by... I think she and Solari will
make a beautiful couple."
A silence flooded the room
until both women spoke the same words at the same time.
"I’m sorry," they admitted in harmony, bringing a
smile to their faces.
"You first,"
Gabrielle insisted.
Xena took a deep breath.
"Okay," she nodded. "I’m sorry for
challenging Ephiny. I’m sorry for putting you through that.
And I’m sorry I didn’t get word to you sooner about where
I was during the mission... Oh yeah and I’m sorry I didn’t
tell you sooner how I really felt."
Gabrielle grinned. "Is
that it? Please don’t stop. You’re on an uncharacteristic
roll. Four whole sentences and more than four words each...
I’m impressed."
"Wel, usually I can’t
get a word in edge wise." Xena smirked. "Give me the
chance, and you might find I could do a lot of talking."
"I’ll keep that in
mind," Gabrielle playfully replied. "But I’m not
going to make any promises."
Another silence filled the
room again until Xena prodded. "And you?" she
muttered, cueing the bard.
"I’m sorry that I
didn’t consider your feelings more before I became involved
with Ephiny. I mean I didn’t know your true feelings, but I
should have given it more thought regardless. I’m sorry I
didn’t realize just how much you cared, but I honestly never
had a frame of reference... You know what I mean? . . Until
Ephiny showed me it was possible to love another woman I never
gave it much thought."
When Gabrielle didn’t
continue Xena interjected. "Don’t be sorry for
knowledge you didn’t have and please promise that, in the
future, we’ll work out our problems together. I know
happiness doesn’t last forever - there will be difficult
times - but relationships can survive as long as there’s
trust. You’ve taught me that."
Gabrielle placed her hand
over Xena’s in an unspoken promise and soon after they
locked fingers sealing the bond.
"I do love you
Xena," the bard whispered. "I feel safe, protected
and now... without a doubt... aroused... when you’re
"So you liked that
kiss, huh?" Xena teased.
"Oh yeah,"
Gabrielle replied breathlessly, making the warrior’s heart
skip a beat. Since when did she sound so sensual.
So Ephiny gave her some
knowledge, the warrior considered inwardly. Guess
it’s up to me to finish the education. Xena’s
fingertips traced Gabrielle’s cheekbones and the warrior
found herself helpless to resist the sight of the young beauty
before her. Gabrielle closed her eyes savoring the feel of
Xena’s flesh touch hers so innocently, yet so seductively.
It wasn’t overtly sexual, but Gabrielle could feel the light
caresses rocking her to her core.
Xena thought her heart was
about to explode. She loved Gabrielle deeply, more than even
she realized. Being able to caress her and hold her in the
flesh was greater than any fantasy her mind created.
"Gods, how I’ve
loved you," the warrior whispered.
Gabrielle melted into the
words. The sparks Ephiny created in her was nothing compared
to the effect Xena was having on her at this moment. She loved
the way her skin tingled from the warriors' touch. And aside
from the physical pleasure, her heart felt complete as well.
Gabrielle loved Ephiny, and always would, but with Xena she
had the feeling of ‘home’ – safety, contentment, peace.
Ephiny brought out Gabrielle’s passion, but Xena ...
Xena gave her a sense of unity. Unity in her heart; in the
world around her. And with the way the warriors' tongue
tickled her shoulder blade, unity in her passion as well.
Gabrielle found her hands
clutching the back of Xena’s head, silently begging for more
stimulation from those skillful lips. Xena heard the moans and
it took all her will power to get a grip. She didn’t want to
rush things. Although they didn’t lead a ‘normal’ life
by any standards, she wanted Gabrielle to feel ‘courted’.
Lovingly; gently she placed a delicate kiss on the bards ruby
lips. Reluctantly, she pulled away to meet the bards’
desire-filled yet questioning eyes.
"I think we should take
things slow. If we keep this up, I can’t guarantee that I
will stop." Xena grinned mischievously.
"Who said I want you to
stop?" Gabrielle replied, pulling Xena’s lips to hers
once more.
Xena again pulled back,
holding the bard by her upper arms. "I’m serious,"
Xena whispered.
"So am I,"
Gabrielle replied.
Before she had a chance to
react, Gabrielle had Xena pinned to the bed – all of her
weight forced down upon the warrior. Xena put up a
half-hearted refusal of about three seconds before letting the
bard claim her lips, her body. Gabrielle could feel Xena’s
gorgeous body through the light cotton shift. Slowly, she
stroked Xena’s peaks and valleys through the thin material.
Emitting a small moan in
anticipation, Gabrielle’s lips seized Xena’s nipple,
soaking the fiber until felt non-existent. Knowing she was
still dressed yet feeling totally naked excited the warrior to
no end. Gabrielle’s ears rejoiced at the sound of the
warrior’s strained cries of building satisfaction.
"That’s it,"
Gabrielle said straddling Xena’s hips, her fingers playing
with the wet nipple. "You’re lovin’ this aren’t
cha’?" she teased seductively. "Your want for me
is overflowing, isn’t it?"
By the gods, Xena’s
mind raced. She’s going kill me. That voice. Those lips.
These fingers. Oh yes... I know where to put these fingers.
Without further, hesitation
Xena gripped Gabrielle’s hand driving it toward and finally
into her sex. She whimpered as the bard withdrew and she
opened her eyes. Suddenly, she felt Gabrielle return, high and
deep forcing her eyes shut again. Soon, Gabrielle had a steady
rhythm building and quickening.
The bard felt herself moving
faster and faster, matching the warrior’s hips thrusts.
Xena’s body was still somewhat of a mystery and Gabrielle
wanted to see all of her. Xena groaned as Gabrielle pulled out
before the task was finished.
"I need to see your
body move. I’ve watched those muscles working in the heat of
battle so many times, Xena. I need to see them in the heat of
passion." As Gabrielle reached for the shift Xena helped,
pulling it off in one fluid movement. Staring at Xena’s
nakedness, Gabrielle couldn’t hide her arousal, "Gods
you truly are beautiful."
Gabrielle gently pushed Xena
back to the bed as the warrior reached to pull Gabrielle’s
clothing off as well. "No," Gabrielle ordered in a
whisper. "I want you to see this amazon loving you. I
want you totally vulnerable, totally exposed. In due time, I
promise I’ll join you but... for now... you WILL give
yourself to me."
Xena shuttered - not in
fear, but in desire. The idea of letting go, giving Gabrielle
total control, was foreign to her, but she loved the feelings
it invoked – trust, commitment perhaps on some level, even a
tinge of uncertainty. She knew that Gabrielle would never hurt
her intentionally, but the knowledge of the unexpected had its
amorous side effects.
Gabrielle’s hands were so
soft; so gentle in their caresses. Xena ached as Gabrielle
continued to tickle and kneed her flesh. Up her sides; over
her breast; down her legs. Xena simply closed her eyes,
letting the sensations wash over her skin, imbedding them into
her soul. Gabrielle soon replaced her hands and fingertips
with her lips and tongue. When the amazon queen brushed her
mouth over the warriors' clit, the warriors hips thrust up
uncontrollably, searching for the mouth again.
"You liked that?"
Gabrielle asked seductively, not the least bit shy.
Xena’s reply was raw and
husky. "Yes."
Without further torture of
words or teasing, Gabrielle offered her mouth again. This time
she let her tongue bat at the nub of nerves with quick
feathery strokes. Xena’s moans deepened as her hips set a
rhythm with the bards tongue. Gabrielle loved the feel of
being in control, the passionate aggressor.
She lapped greedily, which
brought an even greater wetness in the warrior. ‘All the
more to feast on’, the bard thought merrily. And feast, she
would. She loved the taste of the warrior. Being a women who
loved to delight her palette, this was Elysia for Gabrielle.
She had never had anything so tasty on her lips. She found her
tongue searching deep inside the warrior, striving for more of
the delectable treat.
The bard’s greed to get at
her juices was driving Xena mad with desire. And the noises
the woman made from between her legs – the ‘umms’ of
satisfaction – pushed Xena closer to the pinnacle. The
warrior felt the building and building. She gripped Gabrielle
by the back of the head, driving the young amazon forceful
against her as her orgasm claimed her body.
"Oh gods, Gabrielle ...
There was so much she wanted
to tell the bard; to share with her. But her vocal cords
wouldn’t allow it. Her cry of pleasure was already so
strangled it was barely understandable. The bard, however,
understood it. She rode with Xena until the waves began to
calm. Finally, when Xena stilled the bard only then removed
her mouth to speak.
"Well, my warrior
The bard didn’t have the
chance to finish. Xena gripped her by the forearms. In one
swift pull, the bard was lying on top of the warrior face to
face. A second later, she was on her back as the warrior
ripped her skirt free. The sound of fabric tearing and the
determined look of her warrior created a river between the
bard’s legs.
Suddenly, the warrior pulled
back, trying to steady her breathing.
"I’m sorry. I
should take things slow and gentle."
Gabrielle grinned and pulled
Xena’s lips to hers, the force bruised their lips. The bards
fingers buried and tugged harshly on the warriors’ long dark
tresses. "Don’t be sorry," Gabrielle reassured.
"I’m not."
Xena could literally feel
her jaw drop as Gabrielle tore the armor away from her amazon
queen tunic. She threw it across the room, knocking down a
wicker chair.
"Rip it off,"
Gabrielle whispered to Xena, as she offered the material to
her. "Take me."
Xena was bound to do her
queen’s bidding. In one easy heave and tug, the garment
split down the middle, exposing Gabrielle’s firm breasts.
The bard sighed passionately once she was free of her
clothing. Xena let a lazy hand work it’s way over
Gabrielle’s side. The bard, however, had immediate needs.
Authoritatively, she grabbed Xena’s hand and forced the
warriors' fingers deep inside her. She groaned long and hard
at the feel of Xena filling her. With her free hand, she
gripped the back of Xena’s head, ordering the warrior’s
mouth to take her nipples. Xena complied completely and
without question.
The warrior could feel her
arousal begin all over again – with her drenched fingers
buried deep in her bard, her mouth nipping and pulling on the
now rock hard nipple – all she could do was moan her joy of
the situation. As if these sensations weren’t enough, Xena
soon had to contend with the bard’s voice as well.
"Yes. Faster,"
Gabrielle coached. "Harder. Do it harder, Xena."
Xena couldn’t stand it any
longer. She needed Gabrielle to stroke her. She shifted her
body so she could still administer to Gabrielle’s wishes,
yet close enough to fulfill her own need. She pushed the
bards' fingers deep inside her own throbbing sex.
"Oh yes," they
said in unison at the contact.
Both bodies bucked and
arched in time. Both sets of fingers striving for the ultimate
pleasure of the other partner. In time, they moved, like
perfect dance partners, knowing which way the other would turn
or sway. They rocked and hit a fever pitch, sweat pouring from
both of them, their muscles glisten in physical satisfaction.
But soon muscles contracted and both women could feel the
other tighten and release; tighten and release. Both of their
names hit the air at the same time, until finally both heads
collapsed on the pillow at the same time.
Eyes met for long moments,
but neither woman said a word nor moved, except for strong
hands lightly caressing wet skin. Finally, Xena offered her
arms which the bard eagerly took. She snuggled into the
warrior’s shoulder without comment, feeling the large arm
muscle securing her back as they settled into sleep. Only the
morning sun shinning through the tiny cracks in the straw hut
woke them.
The following morning the
amazons said goodbye to their queen once again. Ephiny and
Solari watched arm-in-arm until Xena and Gabrielle were out of
sight. The regent walked back to her village with her would-be
consort on her arm. She ruled for many moons with occasional
visits from Gabrielle and Xena.
Years later, the duo finally
returned for good. Cyrene had died two years prior and Xena no
longer felt bonded to Amphipolis. Her once raven hair was now
salt and pepper and all the years of battle had taken their
toll on her joints and muscles. Mounting Argo was even
becoming a chore.
It wasn’t until a conflict
with raiders in a back-woods town that the bard convinced Xena
they should leave the dangers of the road. It was only three
men Xena faced, but the warrior almost lost her life to her
own chakram. If it wasn’t for the bards' quick timing in
catching the disc, the warrior would have been decapitated by
her own weapon. Xena could finally see the bards' concern with
her loss of concentration and reflexes.
So for Gabrielle, her
Gabrielle, they decided to go ‘home’ to the amazons for
good. They were welcome with open arms. Gabrielle worked
happily documenting all their journeys and Xena felt an inner
peace training the young amazons the finer points in combat
(with the rule of course that they couldn’t beat up the
instructor – Regent Ephiny’s orders). The aged warrior
felt that passing down what she learned would preserve her
‘family’ as well as keep the world safe long after she was
And the day did come when
she was gone. The winter before though, Gabrielle caught a
fever and didn’t lose it. Xena stayed up day and night
trying to make the bard as comfortable as possible. One
evening, as the bard was sweating, she asked Xena to come to
bed and hold her. She fell asleep in Xena’s arms that night...
She never woke up again.
For months after
Gabrielle’s death, Xena would remember the bards' last
words. As Xena held her that dreadful night she whispered,
‘You kept your promise’. It wasn’t until weeks later
that the warrior knew what it meant. She promised Gabrielle
she would never die on her again... And the warrior kept her
Some amazons said Xena
caught the lingering illness Gabrielle had. Others say the
warrior was poisoned by an old enemy one night. But, in any
case, the warrior died two seasons later - in the summer.
Ephiny, however, knew the real reason.
Although Xena’s heart
continued to beat and her blood flowed through her veins, she
died that night too in Gabrielle’s arms. It just took her
body longer to catch up to her heart and her soul. She
wondered if Xena found her place in Elysia. She didn’t know
what the warrior’s fate was, but she prayed every night to
Hades that he had made the ‘right’ decision. She prayed
that her friends would never be parted again.
The End