Coming Out of the Bedroom
CN Winters
Willow Tara fanfiction, Buffy fanfiction, Willow
fanfiction, Buffy slash
Disclaimer: The story is ours…the characters aren’t. We wanted to have a little fun with
'em, so we’re borrowing ‘em from Joss, just for a little
Spoilers: Everything up to the end of Season 5.
Pairing: Willow/Tara
Rating: NC-17
Synopsis: Tara decides her love life with Willow needs spicing up...smut ensues.
Author's note: Thanks to Chris Cook for the yummy graphic

Tara was sitting on
the bed in her chemise, leafing through a magick book
when Willow walked into the bedroom they’d moved into
after Buffy had died. The past month had been difficult
for all of them – for Dawn especially, with losing her
sister and her mother just months before – and Willow
had taken it upon herself to play nursemaid. Not just
for Dawn’s sake though – for all of them. It was as
if Willow felt like she had to take over for Buffy...put
all the weight onto her shoulders...make sure the vamps
got slain...the demons got vanquished...and that life on
the Hellmouth remained as normal as possible – well,
at least as normal as life could be on the mouth of
However, all this had
started to take its toll on the young witch, and Tara
was beginning to get a little worried about her. She
couldn’t even remember the last time they’d gone out
to dinner together...and their sex life...well...that
could definitely use some ‘spicing up’…Tara felt
like the spontaneity had gone out of their love life.
She could remember ‘once upon a time’ when all
they’d had to do was look at one another, and they’d
be rushing towards the nearest enclosed space just so
they could ‘release their tension.’ Lately she felt
as if she couldn’t even turn Willow’s head and if
she did any desire would be postponed until more
important issues were taken care of first.
Where had those days
of reckless abandon gone? Why did their coupling only
take place in the bedroom on those rare nights...and why
did they usually make love right before they went to
sleep? It’s almost as if they’d developed a routine
or something...fallen into a rut...and Tara was becoming
more and more frustrated with each passing day. She and
Willow definitely needed to do something about their
relationship...something that would get them back on
track. Maybe a vacation...somewhere away from the
Scoobies...away from Dawn...a place where they could be
alone...make love to one another whenever they felt like
it...all day...all night...just like when they’d first
discovered one another.
Tara was reluctant to
bring this up with Willow though – she knew how
sensitive the young woman could be...and she didn’t
want her to feel as if she wasn’t satisfied. She still
enjoyed her Willowhand...her Willowtongue...she just
wanted more of it...and not just at night. She wanted it
whenever the need placed itself...whenever she felt like
it. What was wrong with a little impulsiveness?
However, she knew that
asking for more would lead Willow to question herself,
and she didn’t want to add more stress into her
already hectic existence. This is why she continued to
contemplate her vacation idea. Taking Willow out of town
for a week...renting a hotel room...well...there was
nothing really wrong with that. Lots of couples went
away occasionally...and there would be nothing that
could offend Willow about that suggestion. However, the
problem would lie in convincing Willow that life on the
Hellmouth wouldn’t collapse without her.
wrong?" Willow asked her girlfriend, walking
towards their bed. "You’re all frowny." She
placed a soft kiss to the blonde’s cheek as she took a
seat on the bed. "Is something upsetting you
nothing," Tara smiled, pressing a soft kiss against
Willow’s lips. "I was just thinking about
"Thinking of me
made you all frowny?"
Tara could hear the
concern in Willow’s question and she lifted her hand,
lovingly stroking Willow’s cheek.
"I’m just
worried about you Will. You’ve been so busy
lately...taking care of Dawn...patrolling...maintaining
the Bot. I just...I...I miss you...that’s all."
A part of Tara
didn’t want to have this talk. She knew it would upset
her redhead but she just couldn’t lie. She knew if
things were going to improve then they had to speak
openly and honestly with each other about everything. If
Willow asked her a question, then she simply had to
respond to it truthfully. It’s what made their
relationship stronger than most.
"You miss
me?" Willow asked in surprise. "I see you
everyday...and I’m right here now."
Tara chuckled in
response, pressing another kiss to her girlfriend’s
lips. She was truly precious at times.
"I mean I miss
how we used to be," Tara said huskily, allowing her
lips to brush against Willow’s as she spoke. "I
miss how it was at the dorms...remember? You...me...Willowhand...Willowtongue…"
Willow felt a stirring
between her legs at her girlfriend’s words – the
sexy way she whispered them...the feel of those plush
lips lightly dancing against hers.
"You still have
Willowhand," she replied, moving her fingertips
gently across Tara’s naked thigh, "it’s right
here Baby," she continued, sliding upwards,
dragging the material of Tara’s night shirt higher
along with it. "In fact...if I recall...you had a
great big helping of both Willowhand and Willowtongue
just the other night…"
She emphasized her
point by purposefully pressing her palm against her
girlfriend’s soaking-wet panties. "But if you
like...I’m more than willing to give you another
Tara moaned as
Willow’s hands slid up and her fingertips pressed
against her clit – teasing her through the material as
their lips found each other’s.
"I like...I
like..." Tara sighed as Willow suddenly began to
move her fingers in a circular motion – teasing her
lover through the silk barrier.
"So what’s the
problem?" Willow asked. She smiled at the way
Tara’s head had suddenly arched back, the way her
mouth had opened slightly, and the way her breathing had
started to become shallow. She loved watching her
girlfriend respond – she was just so sexy...and hers
– she was all hers. Willow knew she was the only one
who could make Tara react like this...getting lost in
the sensation of touch...and she wouldn’t have it any
other way. Willow’s lips snared Tara’s exposed neck
and the blonde moaned in response.
"I want
more," Tara sighed – referring to her previous
thoughts. However, Willow misinterpreted her words and
reached inside her panties – thrusting two of her
fingers roughly into her center. Tara fell back on the
bed then, the sudden sensation of fullness causing her
to feel a little light-headed. The conversation she
wanted to engage in lost precedence in light of letting
her girlfriend take her.
Willow," she pleaded breathlessly, longing for the
freedom of the cumbersome material. Although the words
were strained Willow understood the command.
She grinned as she
reached her free hand to Tara’s panties and dragged
them roughly down her legs – her fingers remaining in
place inside her core. She was in control here – she
knew it...and yet she was also at her lover’s command.
She would do anything for her Baby...and if Tara said
‘take ‘em off’ – they were history.
What’s more, she was
rewarded for her compliance with one of the most
intoxicating sights of her life – something she would
never get tired of. Her girlfriend’s nightshirt was
now bunched up around her hips, her legs were spread as
wide as they could go – and her
moist...wet...succulent pussy was just begging for her.
Willow knew the pearl at Tara’s center was aching to
feel her and the thought of it caused a throbbing in the
redhead as well.
Deciding to take what
was being offered Willow continued to thrust her fingers
against Tara’s sweet spot as she moved to kneel in
between her girlfriend’s legs. Steadying herself by
placing her free hand on the bed, Willow leaned forward
and placed a soft kiss against the top of Tara’s
mound. The ragged moan Tara released from her
expectations of what was to come created a wetness in
Willow. She could feel the pool growing between her legs
Subconsciously Willow
licked her lips in anticipation of tasting the Goddess
before her. Nothing tasted as wonderful as Tara. Even
her own essence she’d flavored on Tara’s lips paled
in comparison to her lover in her mind.
Willow then kissed her
again, moving her lips lower...and lower...until she
reached the area she was searching for.
Tentatively, she
extended her tongue between her girlfriend’s folds –
tasting her sweet nectar, lapping her juices up as if
she’d been living in a drought-stricken country all
her life. All the while, she continued to thrust her
fingers deep into Tara’s body, knowing exactly how she
liked to be stimulated. When she’d lapped up all the
cream she could find, Willow finally extended her tongue
towards the nub she knew her girlfriend was anxious for
her to taste.
Knowing her
girlfriend’s body as expertly as she did, Willow could
tell how frustrated Tara was getting...she was anxious
for release into the ether...As she pressed her tongue
against her girlfriend’s clit, Willow knew exactly how
to give Tara what she wanted and was rewarded with
gentle praise.
"Oh Goddess,
The sound of Tara’s
sigh made Willow hum in approval against her
girlfriend’s sex.
Willow knew when to
press softly...or roughly...or quickly. And she
understood when to simply press hard and not move at
all, letting Tara ‘steer the ship.’
In fact, she knew
Tara’s body so well she understood when to start
increasing the speed of her finger thrusts. Tara was so
close to the edge...she could feel it in every nerve
ending. Her muscles were clenching tighter and tighter
against her fingers with every thrust. She could feel
her energy around her...her urgency...her need...her
Suddenly, Willow felt
her lover’s hand tangle in her hair, pushing her
firmly against her. The redhead knew Tara wanted control
and she was more than willing to give it. She stopped
her movements and watched as Tara’s hips gyrated
against her mouth, straining for satisfaction. The
grunts and moans, although unintelligible, told Willow
all she need to know.
When Tara finally
cried out her name in ecstasy, Willow felt a warm rush
of emotion seep into her body. She loved Tara so much
that causing her girlfriend happiness, brought her
ecstasy as well. Although, the bliss she was feeling
right now was not of the orgasmic kind, it was more the
soulful kind...the kind of joy that came with knowing
that the woman you loved was content.
As Tara began to come
down from her high, Willow travelled up to her side to
lie beside her. She let her fingers stroke the blonde
locks, enjoying the silky smoothness.
"How was
that?" Willow asked. "Feeling better?"
was…nice," Tara grinned.
Tara could hear the
disappointment in Willow’s voice. Did she make up for
it and exaggerate or did she have the discussion she
considered while in her frowny state, as Willow had put
"It was
nice," Tara repeated with a bit of hesitation.
Willow could feel the
nervousness radiating off her lover but she didn’t
know what it could be. Maybe she’d hurt her someway or
maybe she didn’t really…
"Did you just
fake it?" Willow asked.
"No! No, Will.
It’s just…I love you t-tremendously…but…"
"But! You love me
‘but’?’ Why is there a ‘but’ in there?"
Willow said as she moved off the bed.
"This isn’t
going the way I expected," Tara sighed.
Now you’ve done it,
the blonde thought silently. "Willow, listen to me,
okay? Promise me you won’t freak?"
"You have
something to say that’s gonna make me freak? Are you
leaving me? Did you meet someone? Tara, tell me…"
"I’m trying to
tell you," the Wiccan retorted more forcefully.
When Willow didn’t say anything she continued,
"Would you give me a chance Baby? Please let me
Willow was scared now.
Tara loved her but…but what? Plus she had something to
tell her that might make her freak. It took all the will
power she had but Willow didn’t make a sound. She
watched Tara come off the bed and close the distance
between them. She could feel herself shaking as Tara
took her hands in hers.
Tara felt the tremors
Will," she told her giving the hands in hers a
squeeze. "I love you. I haven’t met anyone and I
don’t want anyone but you. That’s the problem
actually. I want you…but…we’ve fallen into a rut,
True to her word
Willow didn’t say anything and kept quiet waiting for
Tara to continue.
"Like I was
saying before I got distracted earlier," she said
with a sexy smirk. "I miss how we used to be.
Making love between classes. Fooling around in the Magic
Box while Anya closed out for the night. Stuff like
that. And lately it’s like…we’re lucky to be
Willow looked as if
she was about to give an argument but Tara shook her
head cutting her off before she continued.
"I know you’ve
got pressures Willow. You do so much…so much for
everyone and I don’t want to add to that but… like I
said, I love you but I miss you Will. And I'm ashamed to
admit it but I'm a little jealous of the Buffybot,"
she chuckled. "She gets more Willowhand than
Willow’s eyes went
wide and her mouth opened but Tara put a finger across
her lips.
"I know it’s
for mechanical reasons only, okay? But still…it’s
killing us Will. Sex isn’t the only reason I’m with
you but it is one of them. I gotta tell you
honestly…you’re an incredible lover. I just wish I
had that part of you in my life more often – like I
used to. That’s all. Does that make any sense?"
"Too much
sense," Willow said, a worried look in her eyes.
"Tara, I’m sorry that I’m such a
disappointment…a-and that I’ve failed you…failed
our relationship."
so not what I mean. You’re the best lover and the best
partner anyone could have. You’re so much for so many
people…that’s part of the problem – you’re
spread so thin. I’m just feeling a little
selfish…for both of us. I want you…the way we used
to be. I want to be your plaything every once in a
while. The only one you pay attention to."
"But Baby, what
about Dawn? And the Scoobies? And the slaying?"
"We can balance
all that with our private life like we used to,"
Tara moved closer to Willow and put her arms around the
trembling redhead. She felt bad for causing her precious
Willow pain, but she was afraid they would continue to
grow farther apart until their relationship was
irrevocably damaged. She needed to do this now before it
was too late.
"Remember when
the Watchers showed up?" Tara continued. She moved
her arms around Willow’s waist, pulling their bodies
closer. "And while Giles and the gang questioned
Travers about Glory, you and I snuck down to the
basement? Do you remember that, Will?"
Willow nodded,
tightening her grip around the blonde.
Tara moved them closer
to the bed. "Remember that lame excuse?"
Tara’s heart soared as Willow’s mouth finally
cracked into a smirk.
Willow chuckled. "You said we needed to find the
Mendenhauser manuscript, as if there was even such a
thing. I don’t think anyone knew what was going on,
especially those stuffy Watchers."
"Well," Tara
conceded as she let go of Willow to slowly remove the
redhead’s blouse button by button as she spoke.
"I think Anya did. And m-maybe Mr. Giles. Despite
his appearance, he’s not like one of those
stuffy Watchers."
Giles…Ripper," Willow mumbled absently. She
looked down at Tara’s hands, which were busy
unfastening her jeans. "Tara? What are you
you," the blonde whispered, pushing the cloth down
Willow’s slender legs.
"Oh," Willow
said as she fell back on the bed with a gentle push.
Tara smirked down at
her lover before pulling the chemise up and over her
head giving her lover a full view of her naked body.
Tossing it to the floor with the rest of their clothing,
Tara gently laid her ardent, naked body on top of
Willow’s. The blonde grinned when she felt Willow’s
body beneath her shivering from the contact.
"Remember how we
found that pile of furniture mats in the corner behind
the shelves?" Tara asked, as she slid her body
against Willow building a slow, agonizing rhythm.
"They made a perfect bed…not that you or I needed
a bed…I would have taken you on the floor or against
the wall or with you sitting on the table."
Willow groaned as Tara
pushed her crotch more forcefully against her own,
accenting her point.
The red head was left
speechless as her lover continued to tease her senses.
"I was so ready
for you, Willow…I could feel myself soaking my panties
and I was afraid I would soak through my jeans. And you
were so wet for me, weren’t you Willow? My lesbian,
gay-type lover?" Tara asked with a teasing grin as
she eased a hand between their bodies and ran her long
fingers over Willow's damp slit.
"Oh yes,"
Willow breathed as Tara moved her hand through her
"You were,"
Tara agreed. "And I couldn’t wait to get you out
of that dress – I almost tore the zipper pulling it
down. But not your boots…oh gods, not those boots.
Those I left on and when you wrapped your legs around
me…and I felt them against my naked back, I nearly
came right then. Do you remember, Willow?"
Willow watched as Tara
closed her eyes and licked her lips as if she was
savoring the memory. And she wondered for whose benefit
this walk down memory lane was for because it was
obvious that Tara was enjoying it. In the end, Willow
knew it didn’t matter. Happy Tara meant Happy Willow
and she ached for the blonde to continue.
"Yes, oh
yes," Willow managed to gasp out. "Tara,
"And when I took
off my shirt you moaned my name and said you loved my
breasts," Tara said. "Do you still love my
breasts, Willow?"
"Always, Baby.
I’ll always love them. I’ll always love you."
"I know,"
Tara slowly moved her body down Willow’s…sensuously
sliding her breasts along the way. "And when you
said you loved them, I wanted you to feel them. Do you
remember what I did then, Willow?"
"Oh gods,
yes!" Willow cried, her body arching off the bed at
Tara’s movements. "Do it again, baby. Please! Do
it now!"
The blonde smiled. She
could feel the firestorm she’d recreated inside her
lover just waiting for escape. Tara continued to move
down until her breasts ran along the length of
Willow’s pussy. She placed a soft kiss on the top of
Willow’s mound and then, pressing harder, slid upwards
so that the erect nipple of her right breast moved
sensuously up, gathering Willow’s moisture,
lubricating itself.
Willow cried as her lover’s erect nipple finally came
in contact with her aroused clit.
"Oh yes,
baby!" Tara said, the pleasure of Willow’s heat
and moisture filling her being as she continued to move
up and down her lover. "I love you so much, Willow.
I always want you…in the bedroom, in the shower, in
public, even in a cemetery for Gaia’s sake."
Tara continued to let
her nipple work its magic against Willow’s clit and
was rewarded with the sight of Willow pumping her hips
upward to meet her. Tara loved this…could see how it
affected her lover…remembered how much she always
enjoyed this manner of lovemaking
Recalling what she’d
done on that day…Tara lifted her hand up and cupped
her own breast, pushing her nipple harder against
Willow’s pearl. She formed a firmer peak by placing
her fingertips around her own aureole and pinching the
flesh softly - allowing her to pleasure her lover more
intensely – with more control.
As the speed of
Willow’s hip thrusts began to increase, Tara could
tell her Baby was close…but she wasn’t ready to
release her just yet. Ignoring Willow’s soft moan of
protest, she gently removed her breast from between her
legs, and made her way slowly up against her lover’s
"Taste it
Baby," she said softly, lifting her breast up with
her hand – holding it just above Willow’s succulent
lips. "Taste your need for me…your desire,"
she slowly leaned in closer, brushing her nipple against
Willow’s bottom lip for a split second, teasing her
with her own taste before pulling away slightly.
With a stifled moan,
Willow found herself unable to resist her girlfriend’s
offering. She lifted her head up and with a soft growl
latched her mouth heatedly around the proffered nipple.
Her own taste never pleased her as much as
Tara’s—but the girl had a point. She wasn’t just
tasting herself—she was tasting her need…her love
for Tara. This was how much her body ached for her
Baby…longed for her touch…yearned for her—and
tasting this love was almost enough to bring her over
the edge emotionally.
"Oh yes
Baby," Tara encouraged, suddenly needing more.
"Taste how much you love
Not one to refuse such
a plea, Willow pressed her tongue to the tip of Tara’s
nipple as she increased the pressure of her mouth. She
sucked on her girlfriend’s flesh as hard as she
could…aching to give her pleasure…
After a while, Tara
eventually pulled away—unable to restrain herself any
longer. Her other breast ached for the same
treatment…but she couldn’t let her Baby taste it
without dressing…
"Time for a
refill," Tara explained huskily as Willow moaned in
protest. She moved her hand to her other breast and
gently pinched her nipple. "This one wants to offer
you a taste as well," she continued, leaning down
to press her nipple against Willow’s flesh. Moving her
fingers down to her areole, she stiffened her peak as
she began to draw a sensuous line down her lover’s
When she reached her
mound, Tara made a point of running her nipple
sensuously through her girlfriend’s soft hair, before
finally allowing it to meet her pearl. Willow arched her
hips at the contact and Tara increased her pressure in
With her hand, she
expertly guided her breast against Willow’s
sex…knowing exactly what her lover wanted…needed.
When her baby was once again nearing her descent, Tara
repeated her previous action and made her way back up
against her body.
"It’s time for
another taste Baby," she whispered
huskily—dangling her nipple enticingly in front of her
girlfriend’s mouth.
Without a word, Willow
reached up and accepted the offering—her mind now too
far gone to think of doing anything else. As she sucked
on her girlfriend’s nipple—tasting herself in the
process—Willow felt reality gradually slipping away
from her. The smell…the need…the desire…it was all
one to her now. Nothing else existed but her own need
and her girlfriend’s nipple. It was
However, the taste was
gone all too soon for Willow, but before she could
protest, Tara’s nipple was once again pressing against
her clit…effectively silencing any thoughts she’d
"Oh gods!
Yes!!!" Willow screamed. The unexpected return of
pressure was enough to finally send her over the edge.
Her orgasm began to wash over her with slight
convulsions deep inside that were growing stronger by
the seconds as Tara’s breast pleased her.
At Willow’s response
Tara thrust two fingers into Willow’s opening, her
fingers curling upwards as her mouth dove hungrily to
suck Willow’s clit. She made sure to provide as much
pressure as her lover needed…enjoying her
responses…loving the feel of her heated flesh inside
her mouth…against her tongue.
Tasting Willow was
something Tara would never get tired of; another was
feeling her muscles clench around her fingers. She knew
her girlfriend’s body so well by now…knew what it
meant when she felt the pressure of her muscles…loved
the fact that she was the one causing this. Like
she always did, Tara responded by increasing the speed
of her thrusts…increasing the pressure of her lips.
Willow screamed again
as the second orgasm broke over her, clenching her
buttocks and lifting her hips up—pressing herself
firmly against her lover. Tara continued to stroke and
suck, relishing the feel of Willow’s rippled muscles
tightening around her fingers. When she could feel her
convulsions coming to a stop, Willow tried to sit up,
but commandingly Tara’s free hand pushed her back to
the bed. She wasn’t finished with her lover. Not yet.
Realizing she
couldn’t deny Tara, Willow relented and laid back
down, soaking up the attention, her hips keeping time
with Tara’s thrusting. It was only a matter of minutes
as Willow came a final time.
Tara gently slowed her
movements as Willow’s body continued to quiver with
aftershocks. She took that time to lap up all evidence
of her girlfriend’s need—moving her tongue slowly
around her girlfriend’s outer folds, before reaching
inside to join her fingers. Finally, when Willow
stilled, she gently removed her fingers and pressed them
to her lover’s lips. Willow happily took each digit
into her mouth—sucking her need away as she gradually
slipped back into reality. It was then that Tara
lovingly gathered the redhead into her arms and curled
herself around her.
"You see,
Willow," she said, gently caressing her spent
lover’s sweaty body. "Even in the middle of all
that madness, we managed to find time for each other –
to come out of the bedroom. I want that again…I need
that again. We need it. We can’t let ourselves be like
other couples and let the spark die. I’m afraid that
will happen if we don’t fix it now."
Willow said, her breath finally returning. "I’ll
work on it Baby. I’ll get right on it…find a way to
come out of the bedroom more…."
Tara smiled, "Not
now, Sweetie. I think you’ve earned your sleep
Willow said, the exhaustion overtaking her.
"Goodnight, my
Love," Tara said, extinguishing the lights with a
soft incantation. "I love you, Willow."
"Love you,
too," Willow said as she drifted off to sleep.