can I say about CN Winters? Well, I make my home in Southeastern Michigan with
my hubby, daughter and menagerie of pets. I began writing at age 10 after listening to stories
my grandmother told about her journey to America from England. With an Associates degree in psychology and journalism
I now have a full time career writing copywriting. When not writing,
I enjoy an array of music, movies and painting. I also
do fan-ish, bad quality fan art too like the one
pictured on the right. In addition to this site, there
are other locations that I've played a part in over the
years you might like to explore...
Ultimate Fan Fiction Directory is house to one
of the largest fan fiction directories in the Xenaverse,
if not fandoms in general. Founded in Feb. 1999, and
going strong, the UFFD as it's been nicknamed, is run by
Heartbrkn Bard and a pack of 'reporters' (with me acting
as achiever). Each day the site brings updates to new
and continuing stories across the Xenaverse.
The Virtual Series - Willow, Giles, Faith, Kennedy, Robin and Andrew set up
shop in Cleveland along with fellow watcher Rowena
Allister. Later they are joined by Xander and take
on the Big Bad of the year over five seasons. Each
episode written in prose form, features pictures and
sounds (which have prompted people to ask if this was a
real show that would be airing online or TV). Sadly,
it's just a figment of our imaginations but many Buffy
fans seemed to have been entertained by it.